//>>built require({cache:{ 'url:dojox/atom/widget/templates/FeedEntryViewer.html':"
\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\t\t\n\t\t\n \n \n \n \n
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\n", 'url:dojox/atom/widget/templates/EntryHeader.html':"\n"}}); define("dojox/atom/widget/FeedEntryViewer", [ "dojo/_base/kernel", "dojo/_base/connect", "dojo/_base/declare", "dojo/_base/fx", "dojo/_base/array", "dojo/dom-style", "dojo/dom-construct", "dijit/_Widget", "dijit/_Templated", "dijit/_Container", "dijit/layout/ContentPane", "../io/Connection", "dojo/text!./templates/FeedEntryViewer.html", "dojo/text!./templates/EntryHeader.html", "dojo/i18n!./nls/FeedEntryViewer" ], function (dojo, connect, declare, fx, arrayUtil, domStyle, domConstruct, _Widget, _Templated, _Container, ContentPane, Connection, template, headerTemplate, i18nViewer) { dojo.experimental("dojox.atom.widget.FeedEntryViewer"); var widget = dojo.getObject("dojox.atom.widget", true); widget.FeedEntryViewer = dojo.declare(/*===== "dojox.atom.widget.FeedEntryViewer", =====*/ [_Widget, _Templated, _Container],{ // summary: // An ATOM feed entry editor for publishing updated ATOM entries, or viewing non-editable entries. // description: // An ATOM feed entry editor for publishing updated ATOM entries, or viewing non-editable entries. entrySelectionTopic: "", //The topic to listen on for entries to edit. _validEntryFields: {}, //The entry fields that were present on the entry and are being displayed. //This works in conjuntion with what is selected to be displayed. displayEntrySections: "", //What current sections of the entries to display as a comma separated list. _displayEntrySections: null, //Control options for the display options menu. enableMenu: false, enableMenuFade: false, _optionButtonDisplayed: true, //Templates for the HTML rendering. Need to figure these out better, admittedly. templateString: template, _entry: null, //The entry that is being viewed/edited. _feed: null, //The feed the entry came from. _editMode: false, //Flag denoting the state of the widget, in edit mode or not. postCreate: function(){ if(this.entrySelectionTopic !== ""){ this._subscriptions = [dojo.subscribe(this.entrySelectionTopic, this, "_handleEvent")]; } var _nlsResources = i18nViewer; this.displayOptions.innerHTML = _nlsResources.displayOptions; this.feedEntryCheckBoxLabelTitle.innerHTML = _nlsResources.title; this.feedEntryCheckBoxLabelAuthors.innerHTML = _nlsResources.authors; this.feedEntryCheckBoxLabelContributors.innerHTML = _nlsResources.contributors; this.feedEntryCheckBoxLabelId.innerHTML = _nlsResources.id; this.close.innerHTML = _nlsResources.close; this.feedEntryCheckBoxLabelUpdated.innerHTML = _nlsResources.updated; this.feedEntryCheckBoxLabelSummary.innerHTML = _nlsResources.summary; this.feedEntryCheckBoxLabelContent.innerHTML = _nlsResources.content; }, startup: function(){ if(this.displayEntrySections === ""){ this._displayEntrySections = ["title","authors","contributors","summary","content","id","updated"]; }else{ this._displayEntrySections = this.displayEntrySections.split(","); } this._setDisplaySectionsCheckboxes(); if(this.enableMenu){ domStyle.set(this.feedEntryViewerMenu, 'display', ''); if(this.entryCheckBoxRow && this.entryCheckBoxRow2){ if(this.enableMenuFade){ fx.fadeOut({node: this.entryCheckBoxRow,duration: 250}).play(); fx.fadeOut({node: this.entryCheckBoxRow2,duration: 250}).play(); } } } }, clear: function(){ // summary: // Function to clear the state of the widget. // description: // Function to clear the state of the widget. this.destroyDescendants(); this._entry=null; this._feed=null; this.clearNodes(); }, clearNodes: function(){ // summary: // Function to clear all the display nodes for the ATOM entry from the viewer. // description: // Function to clear all the display nodes for the ATOM entry from the viewer. arrayUtil.forEach([ "entryTitleRow", "entryAuthorRow", "entryContributorRow", "entrySummaryRow", "entryContentRow", "entryIdRow", "entryUpdatedRow" ], function(node){ domStyle.set(this[node], "display", "none"); }, this); arrayUtil.forEach([ "entryTitleNode", "entryTitleHeader", "entryAuthorHeader", "entryContributorHeader", "entryContributorNode", "entrySummaryHeader", "entrySummaryNode", "entryContentHeader", "entryContentNode", "entryIdNode", "entryIdHeader", "entryUpdatedHeader", "entryUpdatedNode" ], function(part){ while(this[part].firstChild){ domConstruct.destroy(this[part].firstChild); } } ,this); }, setEntry: function(/*object*/entry, /*object*/feed, /*boolean*/leaveMenuState){ // summary: // Function to set the current entry that is being edited. // description: // Function to set the current entry that is being edited. // // entry: // Instance of dojox.atom.io.model.Entry to display for reading/editing. this.clear(); this._validEntryFields = {}; this._entry = entry; this._feed = feed; if(entry !== null){ // Handle the title. if(this.entryTitleHeader){ this.setTitleHeader(this.entryTitleHeader, entry); } if(this.entryTitleNode){ this.setTitle(this.entryTitleNode, this._editMode, entry); } if(this.entryAuthorHeader){ this.setAuthorsHeader(this.entryAuthorHeader, entry); } if(this.entryAuthorNode){ this.setAuthors(this.entryAuthorNode, this._editMode, entry); } if(this.entryContributorHeader){ this.setContributorsHeader(this.entryContributorHeader, entry); } if(this.entryContributorNode){ this.setContributors(this.entryContributorNode, this._editMode, entry); } if(this.entryIdHeader){ this.setIdHeader(this.entryIdHeader, entry); } if(this.entryIdNode){ this.setId(this.entryIdNode, this._editMode, entry); } if(this.entryUpdatedHeader){ this.setUpdatedHeader(this.entryUpdatedHeader, entry); } if(this.entryUpdatedNode){ this.setUpdated(this.entryUpdatedNode, this._editMode, entry); } if(this.entrySummaryHeader){ this.setSummaryHeader(this.entrySummaryHeader, entry); } if(this.entrySummaryNode){ this.setSummary(this.entrySummaryNode, this._editMode, entry); } if(this.entryContentHeader){ this.setContentHeader(this.entryContentHeader, entry); } if(this.entryContentNode){ this.setContent(this.entryContentNode, this._editMode, entry); } } this._displaySections(); }, setTitleHeader: function(/*DOM node*/titleHeaderNode, /*object*/entry){ // summary: // Function to set the contents of the title header node in the template to some value. // description: // Function to set the contents of the title header node in the template to some value. // This exists specifically so users can over-ride how the title data is filled out from an entry. // // titleAchorNode: // The DOM node to attach the title data to. // editMode: // Boolean to indicate if the display should be in edit mode or not. // entry: // The Feed Entry to work with. // if(entry.title && entry.title.value && entry.title.value !== null){ var _nlsResources = i18nViewer; var titleHeader = new widget.EntryHeader({title: _nlsResources.title}); titleHeaderNode.appendChild(titleHeader.domNode); } }, setTitle: function(titleAnchorNode, editMode, entry){ // summary: // Function to set the contents of the title node in the template to some value from the entry. // description: // Function to set the contents of the title node in the template to some value from the entry. // This exists specifically so users can over-ride how the title data is filled out from an entry. // // titleAchorNode: // The DOM node to attach the title data to. // editMode: // Boolean to indicate if the display should be in edit mode or not. // entry: // The Feed Entry to work with. if(entry.title && entry.title.value && entry.title.value !== null){ if(entry.title.type == "text"){ var titleNode = document.createTextNode(entry.title.value); titleAnchorNode.appendChild(titleNode); }else{ var titleViewNode = document.createElement("span"); var titleView = new ContentPane({refreshOnShow: true, executeScripts: false}, titleViewNode); titleView.attr('content', entry.title.value); titleAnchorNode.appendChild(titleView.domNode); } this.setFieldValidity("title", true); } }, setAuthorsHeader: function(/*DOM node*/authorHeaderNode, /*object*/entry){ // summary: // Function to set the title format for the authors section of the author row in the template to some value from the entry. // description: // Function to set the title format for the authors section of the author row in the template to some value from the entry. // This exists specifically so users can over-ride how the author data is filled out from an entry. // // authorHeaderNode: // The DOM node to attach the author section header data to. // entry: // The Feed Entry to work with. if(entry.authors && entry.authors.length > 0){ var _nlsResources = i18nViewer; var authorHeader = new widget.EntryHeader({title: _nlsResources.authors}); authorHeaderNode.appendChild(authorHeader.domNode); } }, setAuthors: function(/*DOM node*/authorsAnchorNode, /*boolean*/editMode, /*object*/entry){ // summary: // Function to set the contents of the author node in the template to some value from the entry. // description: // Function to set the contents of the author node in the template to some value from the entry. // This exists specifically so users can over-ride how the title data is filled out from an entry. // // authorsAchorNode: // The DOM node to attach the author data to. // editMode: // Boolean to indicate if the display should be in edit mode or not. // entry: // The Feed Entry to work with. authorsAnchorNode.innerHTML = ""; if(entry.authors && entry.authors.length > 0){ for(var i in entry.authors){ if(entry.authors[i].name){ var anchor = authorsAnchorNode; if(entry.authors[i].uri){ var link = document.createElement("a"); anchor.appendChild(link); link.href = entry.authors[i].uri; anchor = link; } var name = entry.authors[i].name; if(entry.authors[i].email){ name = name + " (" + entry.authors[i].email + ")"; } var authorNode = document.createTextNode(name); anchor.appendChild(authorNode); var breakNode = document.createElement("br"); authorsAnchorNode.appendChild(breakNode); this.setFieldValidity("authors", true); } } } }, setContributorsHeader: function(/*DOM node*/contributorsHeaderNode, /*object*/entry){ // summary: // Function to set the contents of the contributor header node in the template to some value from the entry. // description: // Function to set the contents of the contributor header node in the template to some value from the entry. // This exists specifically so users can over-ride how the title data is filled out from an entry. // // contributorsHeaderNode: // The DOM node to attach the contributor title to. // entry: // The Feed Entry to work with. if(entry.contributors && entry.contributors.length > 0){ var _nlsResources = i18nViewer; var contributorHeader = new widget.EntryHeader({title: _nlsResources.contributors}); contributorsHeaderNode.appendChild(contributorHeader.domNode); } }, setContributors: function(/*DOM node*/contributorsAnchorNode, /*boolean*/editMode, /*object*/entry){ // summary: // Function to set the contents of the contributor node in the template to some value from the entry. // description: // Function to set the contents of the contributor node in the template to some value from the entry. // This exists specifically so users can over-ride how the title data is filled out from an entry. // // contributorsAnchorNode: // The DOM node to attach the contributor data to. // editMode: // Boolean to indicate if the display should be in edit mode or not. // entry: // The Feed Entry to work with. if(entry.contributors && entry.contributors.length > 0){ for(var i in entry.contributors){ var contributorNode = document.createTextNode(entry.contributors[i].name); contributorsAnchorNode.appendChild(contributorNode); var breakNode = document.createElement("br"); contributorsAnchorNode.appendChild(breakNode); this.setFieldValidity("contributors", true); } } }, setIdHeader: function(/*DOM node*/idHeaderNode, /*object*/entry){ // summary: // Function to set the contents of the ID node in the template to some value from the entry. // description: // Function to set the contents of the ID node in the template to some value from the entry. // This exists specifically so users can over-ride how the title data is filled out from an entry. // // idAnchorNode: // The DOM node to attach the ID data to. // entry: // The Feed Entry to work with. if(entry.id && entry.id !== null){ var _nlsResources = i18nViewer; var idHeader = new widget.EntryHeader({title: _nlsResources.id}); idHeaderNode.appendChild(idHeader.domNode); } }, setId: function(/*DOM node*/idAnchorNode, /*boolean*/editMode, /*object*/entry){ // summary: // Function to set the contents of the ID node in the template to some value from the entry. // description: // Function to set the contents of the ID node in the template to some value from the entry. // This exists specifically so users can over-ride how the title data is filled out from an entry. // // idAnchorNode: // The DOM node to attach the ID data to. // editMode: // Boolean to indicate if the display should be in edit mode or not. // entry: // The Feed Entry to work with. if(entry.id && entry.id !== null){ var idNode = document.createTextNode(entry.id); idAnchorNode.appendChild(idNode); this.setFieldValidity("id", true); } }, setUpdatedHeader: function(/*DOM node*/updatedHeaderNode, /*object*/entry){ // summary: // Function to set the contents of the updated header node in the template to some value from the entry. // description: // Function to set the contents of the updated header node in the template to some value from the entry. // This exists specifically so users can over-ride how the title data is filled out from an entry. // // updatedHeaderNode: // The DOM node to attach the updated header data to. // entry: // The Feed Entry to work with. if(entry.updated && entry.updated !== null){ var _nlsResources = i18nViewer; var updatedHeader = new widget.EntryHeader({title: _nlsResources.updated}); updatedHeaderNode.appendChild(updatedHeader.domNode); } }, setUpdated: function(/*DOM node*/updatedAnchorNode, /*boolean*/editMode, /*object*/entry){ // summary: // Function to set the contents of the updated node in the template to some value from the entry. // description: // Function to set the contents of the updated node in the template to some value from the entry. // This exists specifically so users can over-ride how the title data is filled out from an entry. // // updatedAnchorNode: // The DOM node to attach the udpated data to. // editMode: // Boolean to indicate if the display should be in edit mode or not. // entry: // The Feed Entry to work with. if(entry.updated && entry.updated !== null){ var updatedNode = document.createTextNode(entry.updated); updatedAnchorNode.appendChild(updatedNode); this.setFieldValidity("updated", true); } }, setSummaryHeader: function(/*DOM node*/summaryHeaderNode, /*object*/entry){ // summary: // Function to set the contents of the summary node in the template to some value from the entry. // description: // Function to set the contents of the summary node in the template to some value from the entry. // This exists specifically so users can over-ride how the title data is filled out from an entry. // // summaryHeaderNode: // The DOM node to attach the summary title to. // entry: // The Feed Entry to work with. if(entry.summary && entry.summary.value && entry.summary.value !== null){ var _nlsResources = i18nViewer; var summaryHeader = new widget.EntryHeader({title: _nlsResources.summary}); summaryHeaderNode.appendChild(summaryHeader.domNode); } }, setSummary: function(/*DOM node*/summaryAnchorNode, /*boolean*/editMode, /*object*/entry){ // summary: // Function to set the contents of the summary node in the template to some value from the entry. // description: // Function to set the contents of the summary node in the template to some value from the entry. // This exists specifically so users can over-ride how the title data is filled out from an entry. // // summaryAnchorNode: // The DOM node to attach the summary data to. // editMode: // Boolean to indicate if the display should be in edit mode or not. // entry: // The Feed Entry to work with. if(entry.summary && entry.summary.value && entry.summary.value !== null){ var summaryViewNode = document.createElement("span"); var summaryView = new ContentPane({refreshOnShow: true, executeScripts: false}, summaryViewNode); summaryView.attr('content', entry.summary.value); summaryAnchorNode.appendChild(summaryView.domNode); this.setFieldValidity("summary", true); } }, setContentHeader: function(/*DOM node*/contentHeaderNode, /*object*/entry){ // summary: // Function to set the contents of the content node in the template to some value from the entry. // description: // Function to set the contents of the content node in the template to some value from the entry. // This exists specifically so users can over-ride how the title data is filled out from an entry. // // contentHeaderNode: // The DOM node to attach the content data to. // entry: // The Feed Entry to work with. if(entry.content && entry.content.value && entry.content.value !== null){ var _nlsResources = i18nViewer; var contentHeader = new widget.EntryHeader({title: _nlsResources.content}); contentHeaderNode.appendChild(contentHeader.domNode); } }, setContent: function(/*DOM node*/contentAnchorNode, /*boolean*/editMode, /*object*/entry){ // summary: // Function to set the contents of the content node in the template to some value from the entry. // description: // Function to set the contents of the content node in the template to some value from the entry. // This exists specifically so users can over-ride how the title data is filled out from an entry. // // contentAnchorNode: // The DOM node to attach the content data to. // editMode: // Boolean to indicate if the display should be in edit mode or not. // entry: // The Feed Entry to work with. if(entry.content && entry.content.value && entry.content.value !== null){ var contentViewNode = document.createElement("span"); var contentView = new ContentPane({refreshOnShow: true, executeScripts: false},contentViewNode); contentView.attr('content', entry.content.value); contentAnchorNode.appendChild(contentView.domNode); this.setFieldValidity("content", true); } }, _displaySections: function(){ // summary: // Internal function for determining which sections of the view to actually display. // description: // Internal function for determining which sections of the view to actually display. // // returns: // Nothing. domStyle.set(this.entryTitleRow, 'display', 'none'); domStyle.set(this.entryAuthorRow, 'display', 'none'); domStyle.set(this.entryContributorRow, 'display', 'none'); domStyle.set(this.entrySummaryRow, 'display', 'none'); domStyle.set(this.entryContentRow, 'display', 'none'); domStyle.set(this.entryIdRow, 'display', 'none'); domStyle.set(this.entryUpdatedRow, 'display', 'none'); for(var i in this._displayEntrySections){ var section = this._displayEntrySections[i].toLowerCase(); if(section === "title" && this.isFieldValid("title")){ domStyle.set(this.entryTitleRow, 'display', ''); } if(section === "authors" && this.isFieldValid("authors")){ domStyle.set(this.entryAuthorRow, 'display', ''); } if(section === "contributors" && this.isFieldValid("contributors")){ domStyle.set(this.entryContributorRow, 'display', ''); } if(section === "summary" && this.isFieldValid("summary")){ domStyle.set(this.entrySummaryRow, 'display', ''); } if(section === "content" && this.isFieldValid("content")){ domStyle.set(this.entryContentRow, 'display', ''); } if(section === "id" && this.isFieldValid("id")){ domStyle.set(this.entryIdRow, 'display', ''); } if(section === "updated" && this.isFieldValid("updated")){ domStyle.set(this.entryUpdatedRow, 'display', ''); } } }, setDisplaySections: function(/*array*/sectionsArray){ // summary: // Function for setting which sections of the entry should be displayed. // description: // Function for setting which sections of the entry should be displayed. // // sectionsArray: // Array of string names that indicate which sections to display. // // returns: // Nothing. if(sectionsArray !== null){ this._displayEntrySections = sectionsArray; this._displaySections(); }else{ this._displayEntrySections = ["title","authors","contributors","summary","content","id","updated"]; } }, _setDisplaySectionsCheckboxes: function(){ // summary: // Internal function for setting which checkboxes on the display are selected. // description: // Internal function for setting which checkboxes on the display are selected. // // returns: // Nothing. var items = ["title","authors","contributors","summary","content","id","updated"]; for(var i in items){ if(arrayUtil.indexOf(this._displayEntrySections, items[i]) == -1){ domStyle.set(this["feedEntryCell"+items[i]], 'display', 'none'); }else{ this["feedEntryCheckBox"+items[i].substring(0,1).toUpperCase()+items[i].substring(1)].checked=true; } } }, _readDisplaySections: function(){ // summary: // Internal function for reading what is currently checked for display and generating the display list from it. // description: // Internal function for reading what is currently checked for display and generating the display list from it. // // returns: // Nothing. var checkedList = []; if(this.feedEntryCheckBoxTitle.checked){ checkedList.push("title"); } if(this.feedEntryCheckBoxAuthors.checked){ checkedList.push("authors"); } if(this.feedEntryCheckBoxContributors.checked){ checkedList.push("contributors"); } if(this.feedEntryCheckBoxSummary.checked){ checkedList.push("summary"); } if(this.feedEntryCheckBoxContent.checked){ checkedList.push("content"); } if(this.feedEntryCheckBoxId.checked){ checkedList.push("id"); } if(this.feedEntryCheckBoxUpdated.checked){ checkedList.push("updated"); } this._displayEntrySections = checkedList; }, _toggleCheckbox: function(/*object*/checkBox){ // summary: // Internal function for determining of a particular entry is editable. // description: // Internal function for determining of a particular entry is editable. // This is used for determining if the delete action should be displayed or not. // // checkBox: // The checkbox object to toggle the selection on. // // returns: // Nothing if(checkBox.checked){ checkBox.checked=false; }else{ checkBox.checked=true; } this._readDisplaySections(); this._displaySections(); }, _toggleOptions: function(/*object*/checkBox){ // summary: // Internal function for determining of a particular entry is editable. // description: // Internal function for determining of a particular entry is editable. // This is used for determining if the delete action should be displayed or not. // // checkBox: // The checkbox object to toggle the selection on. // // returns: // Nothing if(this.enableMenu){ var fade = null; var anim; var anim2; if(this._optionButtonDisplayed){ if(this.enableMenuFade){ anim = fx.fadeOut({node: this.entryCheckBoxDisplayOptions,duration: 250}); connect.connect(anim, "onEnd", this, function(){ domStyle.set(this.entryCheckBoxDisplayOptions, 'display', 'none'); domStyle.set(this.entryCheckBoxRow, 'display', ''); domStyle.set(this.entryCheckBoxRow2, 'display', ''); fx.fadeIn({node: this.entryCheckBoxRow, duration: 250}).play(); fx.fadeIn({node: this.entryCheckBoxRow2, duration: 250}).play(); }); anim.play(); }else{ domStyle.set(this.entryCheckBoxDisplayOptions, 'display', 'none'); domStyle.set(this.entryCheckBoxRow, 'display', ''); domStyle.set(this.entryCheckBoxRow2, 'display', ''); } this._optionButtonDisplayed=false; }else{ if(this.enableMenuFade){ anim = fx.fadeOut({node: this.entryCheckBoxRow,duration: 250}); anim2 = fx.fadeOut({node: this.entryCheckBoxRow2,duration: 250}); connect.connect(anim, "onEnd", this, function(){ domStyle.set(this.entryCheckBoxRow, 'display', 'none'); domStyle.set(this.entryCheckBoxRow2, 'display', 'none'); domStyle.set(this.entryCheckBoxDisplayOptions, 'display', ''); fx.fadeIn({node: this.entryCheckBoxDisplayOptions, duration: 250}).play(); }); anim.play(); anim2.play(); }else{ domStyle.set(this.entryCheckBoxRow, 'display', 'none'); domStyle.set(this.entryCheckBoxRow2, 'display', 'none'); domStyle.set(this.entryCheckBoxDisplayOptions, 'display', ''); } this._optionButtonDisplayed=true; } } }, _handleEvent: function(/*object*/entrySelectionEvent){ // summary: // Internal function for listening to a topic that will handle entry notification. // description: // Internal function for listening to a topic that will handle entry notification. // // entrySelectionEvent: // The topic message containing the entry that was selected for view. // // returns: // Nothing. if(entrySelectionEvent.source != this){ if(entrySelectionEvent.action == "set" && entrySelectionEvent.entry){ this.setEntry(entrySelectionEvent.entry, entrySelectionEvent.feed); }else if(entrySelectionEvent.action == "delete" && entrySelectionEvent.entry && entrySelectionEvent.entry == this._entry){ this.clear(); } } }, setFieldValidity: function(/*string*/field, /*boolean*/isValid){ // summary: // Function to set whether a field in the view is valid and displayable. // description: // Function to set whether a field in the view is valid and displayable. // This is needed for over-riding of the set* functions and customization of how data is displayed in the attach point. // So if custom implementations use their own display logic, they can still enable the field. // // field: // The field name to set the valid parameter on. Such as 'content', 'id', etc. // isValid: // Flag denoting if the field is valid or not. // // returns: // Nothing. if(field){ var lowerField = field.toLowerCase(); this._validEntryFields[field] = isValid; } }, isFieldValid: function(/*string*/field){ // summary: // Function to return if a displayable field is valid or not // description: // Function to return if a displayable field is valid or not // // field: // The field name to get the valid parameter of. Such as 'content', 'id', etc. // // returns: // boolean denoting if the field is valid and set. return this._validEntryFields[field.toLowerCase()]; }, getEntry: function(){ return this._entry; }, getFeed: function(){ return this._feed; }, destroy: function(){ this.clear(); arrayUtil.forEach(this._subscriptions, dojo.unsubscribe); } }); widget.EntryHeader = dojo.declare(/*===== "dojox.atom.widget.EntryHeader", =====*/ [_Widget, _Templated, _Container],{ // summary: // Widget representing a header in a FeedEntryViewer/Editor // description: // Widget representing a header in a FeedEntryViewer/Editor title: "", templateString: headerTemplate, postCreate: function(){ this.setListHeader(); }, setListHeader: function(/*string*/title){ this.clear(); if(title){ this.title = title; } var textNode = document.createTextNode(this.title); this.entryHeaderNode.appendChild(textNode); }, clear: function(){ this.destroyDescendants(); if(this.entryHeaderNode){ for(var i = 0; i < this.entryHeaderNode.childNodes.length; i++){ this.entryHeaderNode.removeChild(this.entryHeaderNode.childNodes[i]); } } }, destroy: function(){ this.clear(); } }); return widget.FeedEntryViewer; });