//>>built require({cache:{ 'url:dojox/atom/widget/templates/FeedEntryEditor.html':"
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\n", 'url:dojox/atom/widget/templates/PeopleEditor.html':"
"}}); define("dojox/atom/widget/FeedEntryEditor", [ "dojo/_base/kernel", "dojo/_base/lang", "dojo/_base/connect", "dojo/_base/fx", "dojo/_base/sniff", "dojo/dom", "dojo/dom-style", "dojo/dom-construct", "dijit/_Widget", "dijit/_Templated", "dijit/_Container", "dijit/Editor", "dijit/form/TextBox", "dijit/form/SimpleTextarea", "./FeedEntryViewer", "../io/model", "dojo/text!./templates/FeedEntryEditor.html", "dojo/text!./templates/PeopleEditor.html", "dojo/i18n!./nls/FeedEntryViewer", "dojo/i18n!./nls/FeedEntryEditor", "dojo/i18n!./nls/PeopleEditor", "dojo/_base/declare" ], function (dojo, lang, connect, fx, has, domUtil, domStyle, domConstruct, _Widget, _Templated, _Container, Editor, TextBox, SimpleTextarea, FeedEntryViewer, model, template, peopleEditorTemplate, i18nViewer, i18nEditor, i18nPeople) { dojo.experimental("dojox.atom.widget.FeedEntryEditor"); var widget = dojo.getObject("dojox.atom.widget", true); widget.FeedEntryEditor = dojo.declare(/*===== "dojox.atom.widget.FeedEntryEditor", =====*/ FeedEntryViewer,{ // summary: // An ATOM feed entry editor that allows viewing of the individual attributes of an entry. // description: // An ATOM feed entry editor that allows viewing of the individual attributes of an entry. _contentEditor: null, _oldContent: null, _setObject: null, enableEdit: false, _contentEditorCreator: null, _editors: {}, entryNewButton: null, _editable: false, //Flag denoting if the current entry is editable or not. //Templates for the HTML rendering. Need to figure these out better, admittedly. templateString: template, postCreate: function(){ if(this.entrySelectionTopic !== ""){ this._subscriptions = [dojo.subscribe(this.entrySelectionTopic, this, "_handleEvent")]; } var _nlsResources = i18nViewer; this.displayOptions.innerHTML = _nlsResources.displayOptions; this.feedEntryCheckBoxLabelTitle.innerHTML = _nlsResources.title; this.feedEntryCheckBoxLabelAuthors.innerHTML = _nlsResources.authors; this.feedEntryCheckBoxLabelContributors.innerHTML = _nlsResources.contributors; this.feedEntryCheckBoxLabelId.innerHTML = _nlsResources.id; this.close.innerHTML = _nlsResources.close; this.feedEntryCheckBoxLabelUpdated.innerHTML = _nlsResources.updated; this.feedEntryCheckBoxLabelSummary.innerHTML = _nlsResources.summary; this.feedEntryCheckBoxLabelContent.innerHTML = _nlsResources.content; _nlsResources = i18nEditor; this.doNew.innerHTML = _nlsResources.doNew; this.edit.innerHTML = _nlsResources.edit; this.save.innerHTML = _nlsResources.save; this.cancel.innerHTML = _nlsResources.cancel; }, setEntry: function(/*object*/entry, /*object*/feed, /*boolean*/leaveMenuState){ // summary: // Function to set the current entry that is being edited. // description: // Function to set the current entry that is being edited. // // entry: // Instance of dojox.atom.io.model.Entry to display for reading/editing. if(this._entry !== entry){ //If we swap entries, we don't want to keep the menu states and modes. this._editMode=false; leaveMenuState=false; }else{ leaveMenuState = true; } widget.FeedEntryEditor.superclass.setEntry.call(this, entry, feed); this._editable = this._isEditable(entry); if(!leaveMenuState && !this._editable){ domStyle.set(this.entryEditButton, 'display', 'none'); domStyle.set(this.entrySaveCancelButtons, 'display', 'none'); } if(this._editable && this.enableEdit){ if(!leaveMenuState){ domStyle.set(this.entryEditButton, 'display', ''); //TODO double check this &&... if(this.enableMenuFade && this.entrySaveCancelButton){ fx.fadeOut({node: this.entrySaveCancelButton,duration: 250}).play(); } } } }, _toggleEdit: function(){ // summary: // Internal function for toggling/enabling the display of edit mode // description: // Internal function for toggling/enabling the display of edit mode // // returns: // Nothing. if(this._editable && this.enableEdit){ domStyle.set(this.entryEditButton, 'display', 'none'); domStyle.set(this.entrySaveCancelButtons, 'display', ''); this._editMode = true; //Rebuild the view using the same entry and feed. this.setEntry(this._entry, this._feed, true); } }, _handleEvent: function(/*object*/entrySelectionEvent){ // summary: // Internal function for listening to a topic that will handle entry notification. // description: // Internal function for listening to a topic that will handle entry notification. // // entrySelectionEvent: // The topic message containing the entry that was selected for view. // // returns: // Nothing. if(entrySelectionEvent.source != this && entrySelectionEvent.action == "delete" && entrySelectionEvent.entry && entrySelectionEvent.entry == this._entry){ domStyle.set(this.entryEditButton, 'display', 'none'); } widget.FeedEntryEditor.superclass._handleEvent.call(this, entrySelectionEvent); }, _isEditable: function(/*object*/entry){ // summary: // Internal function for determining of a particular entry is editable. // description: // Internal function for determining of a particular entry is editable. // This is used for determining if the delete action should be displayed or not. // // entry: // The dojox.atom.io.model.Entry object to examine // // returns: // Boolean denoting if the entry seems editable or not.. var retVal = false; if(entry && entry !== null && entry.links && entry.links !== null){ for(var x in entry.links){ if(entry.links[x].rel && entry.links[x].rel == "edit"){ retVal = true; break; } } } return retVal; }, // The following set functions override the corresponding functions in FeedEntryViewer. These handle // the editMode flag by inserting appropriate editor widgets inside of just splashing the content in the page. setTitle: function(/*DOM node*/titleAnchorNode, /*boolean*/editMode, /*object*/entry){ // summary: // Function to set the contents of the title node in the template to some value from the entry. // description: // Function to set the contents of the title node in the template to some value from the entry. // This exists specifically so users can over-ride how the title data is filled out from an entry. // // titleAnchorNode: // The DOM node to attach the title data to. // editMode: // Boolean to indicate if the display should be in edit mode or not. // entry: // The Feed Entry to work with. // if(!editMode){ widget.FeedEntryEditor.superclass.setTitle.call(this, titleAnchorNode, editMode, entry); if(entry.title && entry.title.value && entry.title.value !== null){ this.setFieldValidity("title", true); } }else{ if(entry.title && entry.title.value && entry.title.value !== null){ if(!this._toLoad){ this._toLoad = []; } this.entryTitleSelect.value = entry.title.type; var editor = this._createEditor(titleAnchorNode, entry.title, true, entry.title.type === "html" || entry.title.type === "xhtml"); editor.name = "title"; this._toLoad.push(editor); this.setFieldValidity("titleedit",true); this.setFieldValidity("title",true); } } }, setAuthors: function(/*DOM node*/authorsAnchorNode, /*boolean*/editMode, /*object*/entry){ // summary: // Function to set the contents of the author node in the template to some value from the entry. // description: // Function to set the contents of the author node in the template to some value from the entry. // This exists specifically so users can over-ride how the title data is filled out from an entry. // // authorsAnchorNode: // The DOM node to attach the author data to. // editMode: // Boolean to indicate if the display should be in edit mode or not. // entry: // The Feed Entry to work with. if(!editMode){ widget.FeedEntryEditor.superclass.setAuthors.call(this, authorsAnchorNode, editMode, entry); if(entry.authors && entry.authors.length > 0){ this.setFieldValidity("authors", true); } }else{ if(entry.authors && entry.authors.length > 0){ this._editors.authors = this._createPeopleEditor(this.entryAuthorNode, {data: entry.authors, name: "Author"}); this.setFieldValidity("authors", true); } } }, setContributors: function(/*DOM node*/contributorsAnchorNode, /*boolean*/editMode, /*object*/entry){ // summary: // Function to set the contents of the contributor node in the template to some value from the entry. // description: // Function to set the contents of the contributor node in the template to some value from the entry. // This exists specifically so users can over-ride how the title data is filled out from an entry. // // contributorsAnchorNode: // The DOM node to attach the contributor data to. // editMode: // Boolean to indicate if the display should be in edit mode or not. // entry: // The Feed Entry to work with. if(!editMode){ widget.FeedEntryEditor.superclass.setContributors.call(this, contributorsAnchorNode, editMode, entry); if(entry.contributors && entry.contributors.length > 0){ this.setFieldValidity("contributors", true); } }else{ if(entry.contributors && entry.contributors.length > 0){ this._editors.contributors = this._createPeopleEditor(this.entryContributorNode, {data: entry.contributors, name: "Contributor"}); this.setFieldValidity("contributors", true); } } }, setId: function(/*DOM node*/idAnchorNode, /*boolean*/editMode, /*object*/entry){ // summary: // Function to set the contents of the ID node in the template to some value from the entry. // description: // Function to set the contents of the ID node in the template to some value from the entry. // This exists specifically so users can over-ride how the title data is filled out from an entry. // // idAnchorNode: // The DOM node to attach the ID data to. // editMode: // Boolean to indicate if the display should be in edit mode or not. // entry: // The Feed Entry to work with. if(!editMode){ widget.FeedEntryEditor.superclass.setId.call(this, idAnchorNode, editMode, entry); if(entry.id && entry.id !== null){ this.setFieldValidity("id", true); } }else{ if(entry.id && entry.id !== null){ this._editors.id = this._createEditor(idAnchorNode, entry.id); this.setFieldValidity("id",true); } } }, setUpdated: function(/*DOM node*/updatedAnchorNode, /*boolean*/editMode, /*object*/entry){ // summary: // Function to set the contents of the updated node in the template to some value from the entry. // description: // Function to set the contents of the updated node in the template to some value from the entry. // This exists specifically so users can over-ride how the title data is filled out from an entry. // // updatedAnchorNode: // The DOM node to attach the udpated data to. // editMode: // Boolean to indicate if the display should be in edit mode or not. // entry: // The Feed Entry to work with. if(!editMode){ widget.FeedEntryEditor.superclass.setUpdated.call(this, updatedAnchorNode, editMode, entry); if(entry.updated && entry.updated !== null){ this.setFieldValidity("updated", true); } }else{ if(entry.updated && entry.updated !== null){ this._editors.updated = this._createEditor(updatedAnchorNode, entry.updated); this.setFieldValidity("updated",true); } } }, setSummary: function(/*DOM node*/summaryAnchorNode, /*boolean*/editMode, /*object*/entry){ // summary: // Function to set the contents of the summary node in the template to some value from the entry. // description: // Function to set the contents of the summary node in the template to some value from the entry. // This exists specifically so users can over-ride how the title data is filled out from an entry. // // summaryAnchorNode: // The DOM node to attach the summary data to. // editMode: // Boolean to indicate if the display should be in edit mode or not. // entry: // The Feed Entry to work with. if(!editMode){ widget.FeedEntryEditor.superclass.setSummary.call(this, summaryAnchorNode, editMode, entry); if(entry.summary && entry.summary.value && entry.summary.value !== null){ this.setFieldValidity("summary", true); } }else{ if(entry.summary && entry.summary.value && entry.summary.value !== null){ if(!this._toLoad){ this._toLoad = []; } this.entrySummarySelect.value = entry.summary.type; var editor = this._createEditor(summaryAnchorNode, entry.summary, true, entry.summary.type === "html" || entry.summary.type === "xhtml"); editor.name = "summary"; this._toLoad.push(editor); this.setFieldValidity("summaryedit",true); this.setFieldValidity("summary",true); } } }, setContent: function(/*DOM node*/contentAnchorNode, /*boolean*/editMode, /*object*/entry){ // summary: // Function to set the contents of the content node in the template to some value from the entry. // description: // Function to set the contents of the content node in the template to some value from the entry. // This exists specifically so users can over-ride how the title data is filled out from an entry. // // summaryAnchorNode: // The DOM node to attach the content data to. // editMode: // Boolean to indicate if the display should be in edit mode or not. // entry: // The Feed Entry to work with. if(!editMode){ widget.FeedEntryEditor.superclass.setContent.call(this, contentAnchorNode, editMode, entry); if(entry.content && entry.content.value && entry.content.value !== null){ this.setFieldValidity("content",true); } }else{ if(entry.content && entry.content.value && entry.content.value !== null){ if(!this._toLoad){ this._toLoad = []; } this.entryContentSelect.value = entry.content.type; var editor = this._createEditor(contentAnchorNode, entry.content, true, entry.content.type === "html" || entry.content.type === "xhtml"); editor.name = "content"; this._toLoad.push(editor); this.setFieldValidity("contentedit",true); this.setFieldValidity("content",true); } } }, _createEditor: function(/*DOM node*/anchorNode, /*DOM node*/node, /*boolean*/multiline, /*object*/rte){ // summary: // Function to create an appropriate text editor widget based on the given parameters. // description: // Function to create an appropriate text editor widget based on the given parameters. // // anchorNode: // The DOM node to attach the editor widget to. // node: // An object containing the value to be put into the editor. This ranges from an anonymous object // with a value parameter to a dojox.atom.io.model.Content object. // multiline: // A boolean indicating whether the content should be multiline (such as a textarea) instead of a // single line (such as a textbox). // rte: // A boolean indicating whether the content should be a rich text editor widget. // // returns: // Either a widget (for textarea or textbox widgets) or an anonymous object to be used to create a // rich text area widget. var viewNode; var box; if(!node){ if(rte){ // Returns an anonymous object which would then be loaded later, after the containing element // exists on the page. return {anchorNode: anchorNode, entryValue: "", editor: null, generateEditor: function(){ // The only way I found I could get the editor to behave consistently was to // create the content on a span, and allow the content editor to replace it. // This gets around the dynamic/delayed way in which content editors get created. var node = document.createElement("div"); node.innerHTML = this.entryValue; this.anchorNode.appendChild(node); var _editor = new Editor({}, node); this.editor = _editor; return _editor; } }; } if(multiline){ // If multiline, create a textarea viewNode = document.createElement("textarea"); anchorNode.appendChild(viewNode); domStyle.set(viewNode, 'width', '90%'); box = new SimpleTextarea({},viewNode); }else{ // If single line, create a textbox. viewNode = document.createElement("input"); anchorNode.appendChild(viewNode); domStyle.set(viewNode, 'width', '95%'); box = new TextBox({},viewNode); } box.attr('value', ''); return box; } // Check through the node parameter to get the value to be used. var value; if(node.value !== undefined){ value = node.value; }else if(node.attr){ value = node.attr('value'); }else{ value = node; } if(rte){ // Returns an anonymous object which would then be loaded later, after the containing element // exists on the page. if(value.indexOf("<") != -1){ value = value.replace(/') !== 0){ value = '
' + value + '
'; } } entry.title = new model.Content("title", value, null, this.entryTitleSelect.value); modifiedEntry = true; } if(this._editors.id.attr('value') != entry.id){ entry.id = this._editors.id.attr('value'); modifiedEntry = true; } if(this._editors.summary && (this._editors.summary.attr('value') != entry.summary.value || this.entrySummarySelect.value != entry.summary.type)){ value = this._editors.summary.attr('value'); if(this.entrySummarySelect.value === "xhtml"){ value = this._enforceXhtml(value); if(value.indexOf('
') !== 0){ value = '
' + value + '
'; } } entry.summary = new model.Content("summary", value, null, this.entrySummarySelect.value); modifiedEntry = true; } if(this._editors.content && (this._editors.content.attr('value') != entry.content.value || this.entryContentSelect.value != entry.content.type)){ value = this._editors.content.attr('value'); if(this.entryContentSelect.value === "xhtml"){ value = this._enforceXhtml(value); if(value.indexOf('
') !== 0){ value = '
' + value + '
'; } } entry.content = new model.Content("content", value, null, this.entryContentSelect.value); modifiedEntry = true; } if(this._editors.authors){ if(modifiedEntry){ entry.authors = []; authors = this._editors.authors.getValues(); for(i in authors){ if(authors[i].name || authors[i].email || authors[i].uri){ entry.addAuthor(authors[i].name, authors[i].email, authors[i].uri); } } }else{ var currentAuthors = entry.authors; var searchAuthors = function(name, email, uri){ for(i in currentAuthors){ if(currentAuthors[i].name === name && currentAuthors[i].email === email && currentAuthors[i].uri === uri){ return true; } } return false; }; authors = this._editors.authors.getValues(); changed = false; for(i in authors){ if(!searchAuthors(authors[i].name, authors[i].email, authors[i].uri)){ changed = true; break; } } if(changed){ entry.authors = []; for(i in authors){ if(authors[i].name || authors[i].email || authors[i].uri){ entry.addAuthor(authors[i].name, authors[i].email, authors[i].uri); } } modifiedEntry = true; } } } if(this._editors.contributors){ if(modifiedEntry){ entry.contributors = []; contributors = this._editors.contributors.getValues(); for(i in contributors){ if(contributors[i].name || contributors[i].email || contributors[i].uri){ entry.addAuthor(contributors[i].name, contributors[i].email, contributors[i].uri); } } }else{ var currentContributors = entry.contributors; var searchContributors = function(name, email, uri){ for(i in currentContributors){ if(currentContributors[i].name === name && currentContributors[i].email === email && currentContributors[i].uri === uri){ return true; } } return false; }; contributors = this._editors.contributors.getValues(); changed = false; for(i in contributors){ if(searchContributors(contributors[i].name, contributors[i].email, contributors[i].uri)){ changed = true; break; } } if(changed){ entry.contributors = []; for(i in contributors){ if(contributors[i].name || contributors[i].email || contributors[i].uri){ entry.addContributor(contributors[i].name, contributors[i].email, contributors[i].uri); } } modifiedEntry = true; } } } if(modifiedEntry){ dojo.publish(this.entrySelectionTopic, [{action: "update", source: this, entry: entry, callback: this._handleSave }]); //TODO: REMOVE BELOW //var atomIO = new dojox.atom.io.Connection(); //atomIO.updateEntry(entry, dojo.hitch(this,this._handleSave)); //WARNING: Use above when testing with SimpleProxy (or any other servlet which // doesn't actually create a new entry and return it properly) //atomIO.updateEntry(entry, dojo.hitch(this,this._handleSave), true); } }else{ this._new = false; entry = new model.Entry(); value = this._editors.title.attr('value'); if(this.entryTitleSelect.value === "xhtml"){ value = this._enforceXhtml(value); value = '
' + value + '
'; } entry.setTitle(value, this.entryTitleSelect.value); entry.id = this._editors.id.attr('value'); authors = this._editors.authors.getValues(); for(i in authors){ if(authors[i].name || authors[i].email || authors[i].uri){ entry.addAuthor(authors[i].name, authors[i].email, authors[i].uri); } } contributors = this._editors.contributors.getValues(); for(i in contributors){ if(contributors[i].name || contributors[i].email || contributors[i].uri){ entry.addContributor(contributors[i].name, contributors[i].email, contributors[i].uri); } } value = this._editors.summary.attr('value'); if(this.entrySummarySelect.value === "xhtml"){ value = this._enforceXhtml(value); value = '
' + value + '
'; } entry.summary = new model.Content("summary", value, null, this.entrySummarySelect.value); value = this._editors.content.attr('value'); if(this.entryContentSelect.value === "xhtml"){ value = this._enforceXhtml(value); value = '
' + value + '
'; } entry.content = new model.Content("content", value, null, this.entryContentSelect.value); domStyle.set(this.entryNewButton, 'display', ''); dojo.publish(this.entrySelectionTopic, [{action: "post", source: this, entry: entry }]); } this._editMode = false; //Rebuild the view using the same entry and feed. this.setEntry(entry, this._feed, true); }, _handleSave: function(/*object*/entry, /*string*/location){ // summary: // Function for handling the save of an entry, cleaning up the display after the edit is completed. // description: // Function for handling the save of an entry, cleaning up the display after the edit is completed. // // entry: dojox.atom.io.model.Entry object // The entry that was saved. // Location: String // A URL to be used, not used here, but part of the call back from the AtomIO // returns: // Nothing. //Close the editor and revert out. this._editMode = false; //Rebuild the view using the same entry and feed. this.clear(); this.setEntry(entry, this.getFeed(), true); }, cancelEdits: function(){ // summary: // Cancels edits and reverts the editor to its previous state (display mode) // description: // Cancels edits and reverts the editor to its previous state (display mode) // // returns: // Nothing. this._new = false; domStyle.set(this.entrySaveCancelButtons, 'display', 'none'); if(this._editable){ domStyle.set(this.entryEditButton, 'display', ''); } domStyle.set(this.entryNewButton, 'display', ''); this._editMode = false; //Rebuild the view using the same entry and feed. this.clearEditors(); this.setEntry(this.getEntry(), this.getFeed(), true); }, clear: function(){ // summary: // Clears the editor, destorys all editors, leaving the editor completely clear // description: // Clears the editor, destorys all editors, leaving the editor completely clear this._editable=false; this.clearEditors(); widget.FeedEntryEditor.superclass.clear.apply(this); if(this._contentEditor){ // Note that the superclass clear destroys the widget since it's in the child widget list, // so this is just ref clearing. this._contentEditor = this._setObject = this._oldContent = this._contentEditorCreator = null; this._editors = {}; } }, clearEditors: function(){ for(var key in this._editors){ if(this._editors[key].isInstanceOf(Editor)){ this._editors[key].close(false, true); } this._editors[key].destroy(); } this._editors = {}; }, _enforceXhtml: function(/*string*/html){ // summary: // Function for cleaning up/enforcing the XHTML standard in HTML returned from the editor2 widget. // description: // Function for cleaning up/enforcing the XHTML standard in HTML returned from the editor2 widget. // // html: // HTML string to be enforced as xhtml. // // returns: // string of cleaned up HTML. var xhtml = null; if(html){ //Handle
var brRegExp = /
/g; xhtml = html.replace(brRegExp, "
"); //Handle
xhtml = this._closeTag(xhtml, "hr"); //Handle xhtml = this._closeTag(xhtml, "img"); } return xhtml; }, _closeTag: function(/*string*/xhtml, /*string*/tag){ // summary: // Function for closing tags in a text of HTML/XHTML // description: // Function for closing tags in a text of HTML/XHTML // // xhtml: String // XHTML string which needs the closing tag. // tag: // The tag to close. // // returns: string of cleaned up HTML. // // NOTE: Probably should redo this function in a more efficient way. This could get expensive. var tagStart = "<" + tag; var tagIndex = xhtml.indexOf(tagStart); if(tagIndex !== -1){ while (tagIndex !== -1){ var tempString = ""; var foundTagEnd = false; for (var i = 0; i < xhtml.length; i++){ var c = xhtml.charAt(i); if(i <= tagIndex ||foundTagEnd){ tempString += c; } else { if(c === '>'){ tempString += "/"; foundTagEnd = true; } tempString +=c; } } xhtml = tempString; tagIndex = xhtml.indexOf(tagStart, tagIndex + 1); } } return xhtml; }, _toggleNew: function(){ // summary: // Function to put the editor into a state to create a new entry. // description: // Function to put the editor into a state to create a new entry. // Hide the edit/new buttons and show the save/cancel buttons. domStyle.set(this.entryNewButton, 'display', 'none'); domStyle.set(this.entryEditButton, 'display', 'none'); domStyle.set(this.entrySaveCancelButtons, 'display', ''); // Reset the type select boxes to text. this.entrySummarySelect.value = "text"; this.entryContentSelect.value = "text"; this.entryTitleSelect.value = "text"; // Clear all nodes. this.clearNodes(); this._new = true; var _nlsResources = i18nViewer; // Create all headers and editors. var titleHeader = new widget.EntryHeader({title: _nlsResources.title}); this.entryTitleHeader.appendChild(titleHeader.domNode); this._editors.title = this._createEditor(this.entryTitleNode, null); this.setFieldValidity("title",true); var authorHeader = new widget.EntryHeader({title: _nlsResources.authors}); this.entryAuthorHeader.appendChild(authorHeader.domNode); this._editors.authors = this._createPeopleEditor(this.entryAuthorNode, {name: "Author"}); this.setFieldValidity("authors", true); var contributorHeader = new widget.EntryHeader({title: _nlsResources.contributors}); this.entryContributorHeader.appendChild(contributorHeader.domNode); this._editors.contributors = this._createPeopleEditor(this.entryContributorNode, {name: "Contributor"}); this.setFieldValidity("contributors", true); var idHeader = new widget.EntryHeader({title: _nlsResources.id}); this.entryIdHeader.appendChild(idHeader.domNode); this._editors.id = this._createEditor(this.entryIdNode, null); this.setFieldValidity("id",true); var updatedHeader = new widget.EntryHeader({title: _nlsResources.updated}); this.entryUpdatedHeader.appendChild(updatedHeader.domNode); this._editors.updated = this._createEditor(this.entryUpdatedNode, null); this.setFieldValidity("updated",true); var summaryHeader = new widget.EntryHeader({title: _nlsResources.summary}); this.entrySummaryHeader.appendChild(summaryHeader.domNode); this._editors.summary = this._createEditor(this.entrySummaryNode, null, true); this.setFieldValidity("summaryedit",true); this.setFieldValidity("summary",true); var contentHeader = new widget.EntryHeader({title: _nlsResources.content}); this.entryContentHeader.appendChild(contentHeader.domNode); this._editors.content = this._createEditor(this.entryContentNode, null, true); this.setFieldValidity("contentedit",true); this.setFieldValidity("content",true); // Show the sections. this._displaySections(); }, _displaySections: function(){ // summary: Function to display the appropriate sections based on validity. // description: Function to display the appropriate sections based on validity. // Hide select boxes. domStyle.set(this.entrySummarySelect, 'display', 'none'); domStyle.set(this.entryContentSelect, 'display', 'none'); domStyle.set(this.entryTitleSelect, 'display', 'none'); // Show select boxes if the flags are set. if(this.isFieldValid("contentedit")){ domStyle.set(this.entryContentSelect, 'display', ''); } if(this.isFieldValid("summaryedit")){ domStyle.set(this.entrySummarySelect, 'display', ''); } if(this.isFieldValid("titleedit")){ domStyle.set(this.entryTitleSelect, 'display', ''); } // Call super's _displaySections. widget.FeedEntryEditor.superclass._displaySections.apply(this); // If we have editors to load after the nodes are created on the page, execute those now. if(this._toLoad){ for(var i in this._toLoad){ var editor; if(this._toLoad[i].generateEditor){ editor = lang.hitch(this._toLoad[i], this._toLoad[i].generateEditor)(); }else{ editor = this._toLoad[i]; } this._editors[this._toLoad[i].name] = editor; this._toLoad[i] = null; } this._toLoad = null; } } }); widget.PeopleEditor = dojo.declare(/*===== "dojox.atom.widget.PeopleEditor", =====*/ [_Widget, _Templated, _Container],{ // summary: // An editor for dojox.atom.io.model.Person objects. // description: // An editor for dojox.atom.io.model.Person objects. Displays multiple rows for the respective arrays // of people. Can add/remove rows on the fly. templateString: peopleEditorTemplate, _rows: [], _editors: [], _index: 0, _numRows: 0, postCreate: function(){ // Initializer function for the PeopleEditor widget. var _nlsResources = i18nPeople; if(this.name){ if(this.name == "Author"){ this.peopleEditorButton.appendChild(document.createTextNode("["+_nlsResources.addAuthor+"]")); }else if(this.name == "Contributor"){ this.peopleEditorButton.appendChild(document.createTextNode("["+_nlsResources.addContributor+"]")); } }else{ this.peopleEditorButton.appendChild(document.createTextNode("["+_nlsResources.add+"]")); } this._editors = []; if(!this.data || this.data.length===0){ this._createEditors(null, null, null, 0, this.name); this._index = 1; }else{ for(var i in this.data){ this._createEditors(this.data[i].name, this.data[i].email, this.data[i].uri, i); this._index++; this._numRows++; } } }, destroy: function(){ for(var key in this._editors){ for(var key2 in this._editors[key]){ this._editors[key][key2].destroy(); } } this._editors = []; }, _createEditors: function(/*string*/name, /*string*/email, /*string*/uri, /*int*/index, /*string*/widgetName){ // summary: // creates editor boxes (textbox widgets) for the individual values of a Person. // description: // creates editor boxes (textbox widgets) for the individual values of a Person. // // name: // The name of this Person. // email: // The email of this Person. // uri: // The Person's URI. // index: // The row index to use for this Person. var row = document.createElement("tr"); this.peopleEditorEditors.appendChild(row); row.id = "removeRow"+index; var node = document.createElement("td"); node.setAttribute('align', 'right'); row.appendChild(node); node.colSpan = 2; if(this._numRows>0){ var hr = document.createElement("hr"); node.appendChild(hr); hr.id = "hr"+index; } row = document.createElement("span"); node.appendChild(row); row.className = "peopleEditorButton"; domStyle.set(row, 'font-size', 'x-small'); connect.connect(row, "onclick", this, "_removeEditor"); row.id = "remove"+index; node = document.createTextNode("[X]"); row.appendChild(node); row = document.createElement("tr"); this.peopleEditorEditors.appendChild(row); row.id = "editorsRow"+index; var labelNode = document.createElement("td"); row.appendChild(labelNode); domStyle.set(labelNode, 'width', '20%'); node = document.createElement("td"); row.appendChild(node); row = document.createElement("table"); labelNode.appendChild(row); domStyle.set(row, 'width', '100%'); labelNode = document.createElement("tbody"); row.appendChild(labelNode); row = document.createElement("table"); node.appendChild(row); domStyle.set(row, 'width', '100%'); node = document.createElement("tbody"); row.appendChild(node); this._editors[index] = []; this._editors[index].push(this._createEditor(name, widgetName+'name'+index, 'Name:', labelNode, node)); this._editors[index].push(this._createEditor(email, widgetName+'email'+index, 'Email:', labelNode, node)); this._editors[index].push(this._createEditor(uri, widgetName+'uri'+index, 'URI:', labelNode, node)); }, _createEditor: function(/*string*/value, /*string*/id, /*string*/name, /*DOM node*/labelNode, /*DOM node*/node){ // summary: // Creates an individual editor widget (textbox) for a value. // description: // Creates an individual editor widget (textbox) for a value. // // value: // The initial value of the textbox // id: // The id the textbox should have. // name: // The text to put in the label element for this textbox. // labelNode: // The node to attach the label to. // node: // The node to attach the editor rows to. // // returns: // Editor widget. var row = document.createElement("tr"); labelNode.appendChild(row); var label = document.createElement("label"); label.setAttribute('for', id); label.appendChild(document.createTextNode(name)); labelNode = document.createElement("td"); labelNode.appendChild(label); row.appendChild(labelNode); row = document.createElement("tr"); node.appendChild(row); node = document.createElement("td"); row.appendChild(node); var viewNode = document.createElement("input"); viewNode.setAttribute('id', id); node.appendChild(viewNode); domStyle.set(viewNode, 'width', '95%'); var box = new TextBox({},viewNode); box.attr('value', value); return box; }, _removeEditor: function(/*object*/event){ // summary: // Removes a Person from our list of editors. // description: // Removes a Person from our list of editors by removing the block of editors that // make up that Person. // // event: // The event generated when the remove button is pressed on the page. var target = null; if(has("ie")){ target = event.srcElement; }else{ target = event.target; } var id = target.id; id = id.substring(6); for(var key in this._editors[id]){ this._editors[id][key].destroy(); } var node = domUtil.byId("editorsRow"+id); var parent = node.parentNode; parent.removeChild(node); node = domUtil.byId("removeRow"+id); parent = node.parentNode; parent.removeChild(node); this._numRows--; if(this._numRows === 1 && parent.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild.tagName.toLowerCase() === "hr"){ node = parent.firstChild.firstChild; node.removeChild(node.firstChild); } this._editors[id] = null; }, _add: function(){ // summary: // Adds a new block of blank editors to represent a Person. // description: // Adds a new block of blank editors to represent a Person. this._createEditors(null, null, null, this._index); this._index++; this._numRows++; }, getValues: function(){ // summary: // Gets the values of this editor in an array. // description: // Gets the values of this editor in an array, with each Person as an object within the array. // // returns: // An array of anonymous objects representing dojox.atom.io.model.Persons. var values = []; for(var i in this._editors){ if(this._editors[i]){ values.push({name: this._editors[i][0].attr('value'), email: this._editors[i][1].attr('value'), uri: this._editors[i][2].attr('value')}); } } return values; } }); return widget.FeedEntryEditor; });