//>>built define("dojox/app/main", ["dojo/_base/kernel", "dojo/_base/lang", "dojo/_base/declare", "dojo/_base/Deferred", "dojo/_base/connect", "dojo/ready", "dojo/_base/window", "dojo/dom-construct", "./scene"], function(dojo, lang, declare, deferred, connect, ready, baseWindow, dom, sceneCtor){ dojo.experimental("dojox.app"); var Application = declare([sceneCtor], { constructor: function(params){ this.scenes={}; if(params.stores){ //create stores in the configuration. for (var item in params.stores){ if(item.charAt(0)!=="_"){//skip the private properties var type = params.stores[item].type? params.stores[item].type : "dojo.store.Memory"; var config = {}; if(params.stores[item].params){ dojo.mixin(config, params.stores[item].params); } var storeCtor = dojo.getObject(type); if(config.data && lang.isString(config.data)){ //get the object specified by string value of data property //cannot assign object literal or reference to data property //because json.ref will generate __parent to point to its parent //and will cause infinitive loop when creating StatefulModel. config.data = dojo.getObject(config.data); } params.stores[item].store = new storeCtor(config); } } } }, // load default view and startup the default view start: function(applicaton){ var child = this.loadChild(); deferred.when(child, dojo.hitch(this, function(){ this.startup(); //set application status to STARTED this.setStatus(this.lifecycle.STARTED); })); }, templateString: "
", selectedChild: null, baseClass: "application mblView", defaultViewType: sceneCtor, buildRendering: function(){ if (this.srcNodeRef===baseWindow.body()){ this.srcNodeRef = dom.create("DIV",{},baseWindow.body()); } this.inherited(arguments); } }); function generateApp(config,node,appSchema,validate){ //console.log("config.modules: ", config.modules); var modules = config.modules.concat(config.dependencies); if (config.template){ //console.log("config.template: ", config.template); modules.push("dojo/text!" + "app/" + config.template); } //console.log("modules: ", modules); require(modules, function(){ var modules=[Application]; for(var i=0;i