/* Copyright (c) 2004-2011, The Dojo Foundation All Rights Reserved. Available via Academic Free License >= 2.1 OR the modified BSD license. see: http://dojotoolkit.org/license for details */ //>>built define("dojo/_base/array",["./kernel","../has","./lang"],function(_1,_2,_3){ var _4={},u,_5; function _6(){ _4={}; }; function _7(fn){ return _4[fn]=new Function("item","index","array",fn); }; function _8(_9){ var _a=!_9; return function(a,fn,o){ var i=0,l=a&&a.length||0,_b; if(l&&typeof a=="string"){ a=a.split(""); } if(typeof fn=="string"){ fn=_4[fn]||_7(fn); } if(o){ for(;i0){ return _5.lastIndexOf(a,x,_10); } var l=a&&a.length||0,end=up?l+_f:_e,i; if(_10===u){ i=up?_e:l+_f; }else{ if(_10<0){ i=l+_10; if(i<0){ i=_e; } }else{ i=_10>=l?l+_f:_10; } } if(l&&typeof a=="string"){ a=a.split(""); } for(;i!=end;i+=_d){ if(a[i]==x){ return i; } } return -1; }; }; function _12(a,fn,o){ var i=0,l=a&&a.length||0; if(l&&typeof a=="string"){ a=a.split(""); } if(typeof fn=="string"){ fn=_4[fn]||_7(fn); } if(o){ for(;i