//>>built define("dijit/_DialogMixin", [ "dojo/_base/declare", // declare "./a11y" // _getTabNavigable ], function(declare, a11y){ // module: // dijit/_DialogMixin // summary: // _DialogMixin provides functions useful to Dialog and TooltipDialog return declare("dijit._DialogMixin", null, { // summary: // This provides functions useful to Dialog and TooltipDialog execute: function(/*Object*/ /*===== formContents =====*/){ // summary: // Callback when the user hits the submit button. // Override this method to handle Dialog execution. // description: // After the user has pressed the submit button, the Dialog // first calls onExecute() to notify the container to hide the // dialog and restore focus to wherever it used to be. // // *Then* this method is called. // type: // callback }, onCancel: function(){ // summary: // Called when user has pressed the Dialog's cancel button, to notify container. // description: // Developer shouldn't override or connect to this method; // it's a private communication device between the TooltipDialog // and the thing that opened it (ex: `dijit.form.DropDownButton`) // type: // protected }, onExecute: function(){ // summary: // Called when user has pressed the dialog's OK button, to notify container. // description: // Developer shouldn't override or connect to this method; // it's a private communication device between the TooltipDialog // and the thing that opened it (ex: `dijit.form.DropDownButton`) // type: // protected }, _onSubmit: function(){ // summary: // Callback when user hits submit button // type: // protected this.onExecute(); // notify container that we are about to execute this.execute(this.get('value')); }, _getFocusItems: function(){ // summary: // Finds focusable items in dialog, // and sets this._firstFocusItem and this._lastFocusItem // tags: // protected var elems = a11y._getTabNavigable(this.containerNode); this._firstFocusItem = elems.lowest || elems.first || this.closeButtonNode || this.domNode; this._lastFocusItem = elems.last || elems.highest || this._firstFocusItem; } }); });