var parseFiles = function(files, cb) { var cnt = 0; var txts = []; var onload = function(res) { var txt =; txts.push(txt.split(',')[1]); cnt--; if (!cnt) { cb(txts); } }; _.each(files, function(file) { cnt++; console.log('starting file reader'); var reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = onload; reader.onerror = function(err) { // return error // TODO: find a better way to propogate error upstream console.log('got back error', err); cb([]); }; reader.readAsDataURL(file); }); }; angular .module('webui.ctrls.modal', [ "ui.bootstrap", '', '', '' ]) .controller('ModalCtrl', [ '$_', '$scope', '$modal', "$modals", '$rpc','$fileSettings', function(_, scope, $modal, modals, rpc, fsettings) { scope.getUris = { open: function(cb) { var self = this; this.uris = ""; this.settings = {}; this.cb = cb; this.inst = ${ templateUrl: "getUris.html", scope: scope }); this.inst.result.then(function() { delete self.inst; if (self.cb) { var settings = {}; for (var i in self.settings) { settings[i] = self.settings[i].val; } console.log('sending settings:', settings); self.cb(self.parse(), settings); } }, function() { delete self.inst; }); }, advance_opts: function() { var self = this; modals.invoke( 'settings', _.cloneDeep(fsettings), 'Advance Download Options', 'Add', function(settings) { for (var i in settings) { if (fsettings[i].val != settings[i].val) self.settings[i] = settings[i] }; console.log('got back new settings:', self.settings); }); }, parse: function() { return _ .chain(this.uris.trim().split(/\n\r?/g)) .map(function(d) { return d.trim().split(/\s+/g) }) .filter(function(d) { return d.length }) .value(); } }; scope.settings = { open: function(settings, title, actionText, cb) { var self = this; this.settings = settings; this.title = title; this.actionText = actionText; this.inst = ${ templateUrl: "settings.html", scope: scope }); this.inst.result.then(function() { delete self.inst; if (cb) { cb(self.settings); } }, function() { delete self.inst; }); } }; scope.connection = { open: function(defaults, cb) { var self = this; // XXX We need to actually clone this! this.conf = rpc.getConfiguration(); this.inst = ${ templateUrl: "connection.html", scope: scope }); this.inst.result.then(function() { delete self.inst; if (cb) { cb(self.conf); } }, function() { delete self.inst; }); } }; _.each(['getTorrents', 'getMetalinks'], function(name) { scope[name] = { open: function(cb) { var self = this; this.files = []; this.settings = {}; this.inst = ${ templateUrl: name + ".html", scope: scope }); this.inst.result.then(function() { delete self.inst; if (cb) { parseFiles(self.files, function(txts) { var settings = {}; for (var i in self.settings) { settings[i] = self.settings[i].val; } console.log('sending settings:', settings); cb(txts, settings); }); } }, function() { delete self.inst; }); }, advance_opts: function() { var self = this; modals.invoke( 'settings', _.cloneDeep(fsettings), 'Advance Download Options', 'Add', function(settings) { for (var i in settings) { if (fsettings[i].val != settings[i].val) self.settings[i] = settings[i] }; console.log('got back new settings:', self.settings); }); } }; }); _.each(["about", "server_info"], function(name) { scope[name] = { open: function() { var self = this; this.inst = ${ templateUrl: name + ".html", scope: scope }); this.inst.result.then(function() { delete self.inst; }, function() { delete self.inst; }); } }; }); rpc.once('getVersion', [], function(data) { scope.miscellaneous = data[0]; }); _.each([ 'getUris', 'getTorrents', 'getMetalinks', 'settings', 'connection', 'server_info', 'about' ], function(name) { modals.register(name, function() { if (scope[name].inst) { // Already open. return; } var args =, 0); scope[name].open.apply(scope[name], args); }); }); }]);