var draw = function(canvas, chunks, fillStyle) { chunks = chunks || []; if (!canvas.getContext) { console.log('use chunk bar on an canvas implementation!'); return; } var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); ctx.fillStyle = fillStyle || "#149BDF"; ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); var x = 0, width = canvas.width, height = canvas.height; chunks.forEach(function(c) { var dx = c.ratio * width; if ( ctx.fillRect(x, 0, dx, height); x += dx; }); }; // put chunkbar and bitfield attributes in a canvas element // to use the directive, draw is optional and canvas is // only drawn when it is true if given angular .module('webui.directives.chunkbar', ['']) .directive('chunkbar', ['$utils', function(utils) { return function(scope, elem, attrs) { var bitfield = "", pieces = 0, canDraw = true; var update = function() { if (canDraw) draw(elem[0], utils.getChunksFromHex(bitfield, pieces), attrs.fillStyle); }; scope.$watch(attrs.bitfield, function(bf) { bitfield = bf; update(); }); scope.$watch(attrs.pieces, function(p) { pieces = p; update(); }); if (attrs.draw) { scope.$watch(attrs.draw, function(val) { canDraw = val; }); } update(); }; }]);