444 lines
13 KiB
444 lines
13 KiB
// wrapped by build app
define("dojox/widget/FeedPortlet", ["dijit","dojo","dojox","dojo/require!dojox/widget/Portlet,dijit/Tooltip,dijit/form/TextBox,dijit/form/Button,dojox/data/GoogleFeedStore"], function(dijit,dojo,dojox){
dojo.declare("dojox.widget.FeedPortlet", dojox.widget.Portlet, {
// summary:
// A Portlet that loads a XML feed.
// description: The feed is displayed as
// an unordered list of links. When a link is hovered over
// by the mouse, it displays a summary in a tooltip.
// local: Boolean
// Specifies whether the feed is to be loaded from the same domain as the
// page, or a remote domain. If local is true, then the feed must be an
// Atom feed. If it is false, it can be an Atom or RSS feed.
local: false,
// maxResults: Number
// The number of results to display from the feed.
maxResults: 5,
// url: String
// The URL of the feed to load. If this is different to the domain
// of the HTML page, local should be set to false.
url: "",
// openNew: Boolean
// If true, when a link is clicked it will open in a new window.
// If false, it will not.
openNew: true,
// useFeedTitle: Boolean
// If true, the title of the loaded feed is displayed in the title bar of the portlet.
// If false, the title remains unchanged.
showFeedTitle: true,
postCreate: function(){
if(this.local && !dojox.data.AtomReadStore){
throw Error(this.declaredClass + ": To use local feeds, you must include dojox.data.AtomReadStore on the page.");
onFeedError: function(){
// summary:
// Called when a feed fails to load successfully.
this.containerNode.innerHTML = "Error accessing the feed."
addChild: function(child){
var url = child.attr("feedPortletUrl");
this.set("url", url);
_getTitle: function(item){
// summary:
// Gets the title of a feed item.
var t = this.store.getValue(item, "title");
return this.local ? t.text : t;
_getLink: function(item){
// summary:
// Gets the href link of a feed item.
var l = this.store.getValue(item, "link");
return this.local ? l.href : l;
_getContent: function(item){
// summary:
// Gets the summary of a feed item.
var c = this.store.getValue(item, "summary");
return null;
c = c.text;
// Filter out any sneaky scripts in the code
c = c.split("<script").join("<!--").split("</script>").join("-->");
c = c.split("<iframe").join("<!--").split("</iframe>").join("-->");
return c;
_setUrlAttr: function(url){
// summary:
// Sets the URL to load.
this.url = url;
startup: function(){
// summary:
// Loads the widget.
if(this.started || this._started){return;}
if(!this.url || this.url == ""){
throw new Error(this.id + ": A URL must be specified for the feed portlet");
if(this.url && this.url != ""){
load: function(){
// summary:
// Loads the feed.
var store, query;
// If the feed is on the same domain, use the AtomReadStore,
// as we cannot be guaranteed that it will be available to
// Google services.
store = new dojox.data.AtomReadStore({
url: this.url
query = {};
store = new dojox.data.GoogleFeedStore();
query = {url: this.url};
var request = {
query: query,
count: this.maxResults,
onComplete: dojo.hitch(this, function(items){
if (this.showFeedTitle && store.getFeedValue) {
var title = this.store.getFeedValue("title");
this.set("title", title.text ? title.text : title);
onError: dojo.hitch(this, "onFeedError")
this.store = store;
generateResults: function (items){
// summary:
// Generates a list of hyperlinks and displays a tooltip
// containing a summary when the mouse hovers over them.
var store = this.store;
var timer;
var ul = (this._resultList =
dojo.create("ul", {"class" : "dojoxFeedPortletList"}, this.containerNode));
dojo.forEach(items, dojo.hitch(this, function(item){
var li = dojo.create("li", {
innerHTML: '<a href="'
+ this._getLink(item)
+ '"'
+ (this.openNew ? ' target="_blank"' : '')
+ this._getTitle(item) + '</a>'
dojo.connect(li, "onmouseover", dojo.hitch(this, function(evt){
// Show the tooltip after the mouse has been hovering
// for a short time.
timer = setTimeout(dojo.hitch(this, function(){
timer = null;
var summary = this._getContent(item);
var content = '<div class="dojoxFeedPortletPreview">'
+ summary + '</div>'
dojo.query("li", ul).forEach(function(item){
if(item != evt.target){
// Hover the tooltip over the anchor tag
dijit.showTooltip(content, li.firstChild, !this.isLeftToRight());
}), 500);
// Hide the tooltip when the mouse leaves a list item.
dojo.connect(li, "onmouseout", function(){
timer = null;
dojo.declare("dojox.widget.ExpandableFeedPortlet", dojox.widget.FeedPortlet, {
// summary:
// A FeedPortlet that uses an list of expandable links to display
// a feed. An icon is placed to the left of each item
// which, when clicked, toggles the visible state
// of the item summary.
// onlyOpenOne: Boolean
// If true, only a single item can be expanded at any given time.
onlyOpenOne: false,
generateResults: function(items){
// summary:
// Generates a list of items, and places an icon beside them that
// can be used to show or hide a summary of that item.
var store = this.store;
var iconCls = "dojoxPortletToggleIcon";
var collapsedCls = "dojoxPortletItemCollapsed";
var expandedCls = "dojoxPortletItemOpen";
var timer;
var ul = (this._resultList = dojo.create("ul", {
"class": "dojoxFeedPortletExpandableList"
}, this.containerNode));
// Create the LI elements. Each LI has two DIV elements, the
// top DIV contains the toggle icon and title, and the bottom
// div contains the extended summary.
dojo.forEach(items, dojo.hitch(this, dojo.hitch(this, function(item){
var li = dojo.create("li", {"class": collapsedCls}, ul);
var upper = dojo.create("div", {style: "width: 100%;"}, li);
var lower = dojo.create("div", {"class": "dojoxPortletItemSummary", innerHTML: this._getContent(item)}, li);
dojo.create("span", {
"class": iconCls,
innerHTML: "<img src='" + dojo.config.baseUrl + "/resources/blank.gif'>"}, upper);
var a = dojo.create("a", {href: this._getLink(item), innerHTML: this._getTitle(item) }, upper);
dojo.attr(a, "target", "_blank");
// Catch all clicks on the list. If a toggle icon is clicked,
// toggle the visible state of the summary DIV.
dojo.connect(ul, "onclick", dojo.hitch(this, function(evt){
if(dojo.hasClass(evt.target, iconCls) || dojo.hasClass(evt.target.parentNode, iconCls)){
var li = evt.target.parentNode;
while(li.tagName != "LI"){
li = li.parentNode;
dojo.query("li", ul).filter(function(item){
return item != li;
var isExpanded = dojo.hasClass(li, expandedCls);
dojo.toggleClass(li, expandedCls, !isExpanded);
dojo.toggleClass(li, collapsedCls, isExpanded);
dojox.widget.PortletSettings, {
// summary:
// A Settings widget designed to be used with a dojox.widget.FeedPortlet
// description:
// It provides form items that the user can use to change the URL
// for a feed to load into the FeedPortlet.
// There are two forms that it can take. <br>
// The first is to display a text field, with Load and Cancel buttons,
// which is prepopulated with the enclosing FeedPortlet's URL.
// If a <select> DOM node is used as the source node for this widget,
// it displays a list of predefined URLs that the user can select from
// to load into the enclosing FeedPortlet.
// example:
// <div dojoType="dojox.widget.PortletFeedSettings"></div>
// example:
// <select dojoType="dojox.widget.PortletFeedSettings">
// <option>http://www.dojotoolkit.org/aggregator/rss</option>
// <option>http://dojocampus.org/content/category/podcast/feed/</option>
// </select>
"class" : "dojoxPortletFeedSettings",
// urls: Array
// An array of JSON object specifying URLs to display in the
// PortletFeedSettings object. Each object contains a 'url' and 'label'
// attribute, e.g.
// [{url:'http:google.com', label:'Google'}, {url:'http://dojotoolkit.org', label: 'Dojo'}]
urls: null,
// selectedIndex: Number
// The selected URL. Defaults to zero.
selectedIndex: 0,
buildRendering: function(){
// If JSON URLs have been specified, create a SELECT DOM node,
// and insert the required OPTION elements.
var s;
if(this.urls && this.urls.length > 0){
console.log(this.id + " -> creating select with urls ", this.urls)
s = dojo.create("select");
dojo.place(s, this.srcNodeRef, "before");
this.srcNodeRef = s;
dojo.forEach(this.urls, function(url){
dojo.create("option", {value: url.url || url, innerHTML: url.label || url}, s);
// If the srcNodeRef is a SELECT node, then replace it with a DIV, and insert
// the SELECT node into that div.
if(this.srcNodeRef.tagName == "SELECT"){
this.text = this.srcNodeRef;
var div = dojo.create("div", {}, this.srcNodeRef, "before");
this.srcNodeRef = div;
dojo.query("option", this.text).filter("return !item.value;").forEach("item.value = item.innerHTML");
if(this.content && this.text.options.length == 0){
dojo.attr(s || this.text, "value", this.text.options[this.selectedIndex].value);
_setContentAttr: function(){
postCreate: function(){
console.log(this.id + " -> postCreate");
// If a select node is not being used, create a new TextBox to
// edit the URL.
var text = this.text = new dijit.form.TextBox({});
dojo.create("span", {
innerHTML: "Choose Url: "
}, this.domNode);
// Add a LOAD button
this.addChild(new dijit.form.Button({
label: "Load",
onClick: dojo.hitch(this, function(){
// Set the URL of the containing Portlet with the selected URL.
(this.text.tagName == "SELECT") ? this.text.value : this.text.attr('value'));
if(this.text.tagName == "SELECT"){
// Set the selected index on the Select node.
dojo.some(this.text.options, dojo.hitch(this, function(opt, idx){
this.set("selectedIndex", idx);
return true;
return false;
// Hide the widget.
// Add a CANCEL button, which hides this widget
this.addChild(new dijit.form.Button({
label: "Cancel",
onClick: dojo.hitch(this, "toggle")
startup: function(){
// summary:
// Sets the portlet associated with this PortletSettings object.
console.log(this.id + " -> startup");
throw Error(this.declaredClass + ": A PortletFeedSettings widget cannot exist without a Portlet.");
if(this.text.tagName == "SELECT"){
// Set the initial selected option.
dojo.forEach(this.text.options, dojo.hitch(this, function(opt, index){
dojo.attr(opt, "selected", index == this.selectedIndex);
var url = this.portlet.attr("url");
// If a SELECT node is used to choose a URL, ensure that the Portlet's URL
// is one of the options.
if(this.text.tagName == "SELECT"){
if(!this.urls && dojo.query("option[value='" + url + "']", this.text).length < 1){
dojo.place(dojo.create("option", {
value: url,
innerHTML: url,
selected: "true"
}), this.text, "first");
this.text.attr("value", url);
this.portlet.attr("url", this.get("feedPortletUrl"));
_getFeedPortletUrlAttr: function(){
return this.text.value;