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define("dojox/io/scriptFrame", ["dojo/main", "dojo/io/script", "dojo/io/iframe"], function(dojo, ioScript, iframe){
dojo.deprecated("dojox.io.scriptFrame", "dojo.io.script now supports parallel requests without dojox.io.scriptFrame", "2.0");
dojo.getObject("io.scriptFrame", true, dojox);
//This module extends dojo.io.script to use an iframe for the dojo.io.script.attach calls
//if the frameDoc argument is passed to dojo.io.script.get(), and if frameDoc is a string (representing
//the DOM ID of an iframe that should be used for the connection. If frameDoc is not a string, then
//it is probably a document object, and dojox.io.scriptFrame should not get involved with the request.
//This is useful in some long-polling comet situations in Firefox and Opera. Those browsers execute scripts
//in DOM order, not network-receive order, so a long-polling script will block other
//dynamically appended scripts from running until it completes. By using an iframe
//for the dojo.io.script requests, this issue can be avoided.
//WARNING: the url argument to dojo.io.script MUST BE relative to the iframe document's location,
//NOT the parent page location. This iframe document's URL will be (dojo.moduleUrl("dojo", "resources/blank.html")
//or djConfig.dojoBlankHtmlUrl (for xdomain loading).
dojox.io.scriptFrame = {
_waiters: {},
_loadedIds: {},
_getWaiters: function(/*String*/frameId){
return this._waiters[frameId] || (this._waiters[frameId] = []);
_fixAttachUrl: function(/*String*/url){
//summary: fixes the URL so that
_loaded: function(/*String*/frameId){
//summary: callback used when waiting for a frame to load (related to the usage of
//the frameId argument to dojo.io.script.get().
var waiters = this._getWaiters(frameId);
this._loadedIds[frameId] = true;
this._waiters[frameId] = null;
for(var i = 0; i < waiters.length; i++){
var ioArgs = waiters[i];
ioArgs.frameDoc = iframe.doc(dojo.byId(frameId));
ioScript.attach(ioArgs.id, ioArgs.url, ioArgs.frameDoc);
//Hold on to the old _canAttach function.
var oldCanAttach = ioScript._canAttach;
var scriptFrame = dojox.io.scriptFrame;
//Define frame-aware _canAttach method on dojo.io.script
ioScript._canAttach = function(/*Object*/ioArgs){
//summary: provides an override of dojo.io.script._canAttach to check for
//the existence of a the args.frameDoc property. If it is there, and it is a string,
//not a document, then create the iframe with an ID of frameDoc, and use that for the calls.
//If frameDoc is a document, then dojox.io.scriptFrame should not get involved.
var fId = ioArgs.args.frameDoc;
if(fId && dojo.isString(fId)){
var frame = dojo.byId(fId);
var waiters = scriptFrame._getWaiters(fId);
//Need to create frame, but the frame document, which *must* be
//on the same domain as the page (set djConfig.dojoBlankHtmlUrl
//if using xdomain loading). Loading of the frame document is asynchronous,
//so we need to do callback stuff.
iframe.create(fId, dojox._scopeName + ".io.scriptFrame._loaded('" + fId + "');");
//Frame loading could still be happening. Only call attach if the frame has loaded.
ioArgs.frameDoc = iframe.doc(frame);
this.attach(ioArgs.id, ioArgs.url, ioArgs.frameDoc);
return false;
return oldCanAttach.apply(this, arguments);
return dojox.io.scriptFrame;