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Raw Normal View History

define("dojox/gfx/utils", ["dojo/_base/kernel","dojo/_base/lang","./_base", "dojo/_base/html","dojo/_base/array", "dojo/_base/window", "dojo/_base/json",
"dojo/_base/Deferred", "dojo/_base/sniff", "require","dojo/_base/config"],
function(kernel, lang, g, html, arr, win, jsonLib, Deferred, has, require, config){
var gu = g.utils = {};
/*===== g= dojox.gfx; gu = dojox.gfx.utils; =====*/
lang.mixin(gu, {
forEach: function(
/*dojox.gfx.Surface|dojox.gfx.Shape*/ object,
/*Function|String|Array*/ f, /*Object?*/ o
// summary:
// Takes a shape or a surface and applies a function "f" to in the context of "o"
// (or global, if missing). If "shape" was a surface or a group, it applies the same
// function to all children recursively effectively visiting all shapes of the underlying scene graph.
// object : The gfx container to iterate.
// f : The function to apply.
// o : The scope.
o = o || win.global;
f.call(o, object);
if(object instanceof g.Surface || object instanceof g.Group){
arr.forEach(object.children, function(shape){
gu.forEach(shape, f, o);
serialize: function(
/* dojox.gfx.Surface|dojox.gfx.Shape */ object
// summary:
// Takes a shape or a surface and returns a DOM object, which describes underlying shapes.
var t = {}, v, isSurface = object instanceof g.Surface;
if(isSurface || object instanceof g.Group){
t.children = arr.map(object.children, gu.serialize);
return t.children; // Array
t.shape = object.getShape();
v = object.getTransform();
if(v){ t.transform = v; }
v = object.getStroke();
if(v){ t.stroke = v; }
v = object.getFill();
if(v){ t.fill = v; }
v = object.getFont();
if(v){ t.font = v; }
return t; // Object
toJson: function(
/* dojox.gfx.Surface|dojox.gfx.Shape */ object,
/* Boolean? */ prettyPrint
// summary:
// Works just like serialize() but returns a JSON string. If prettyPrint is true, the string is pretty-printed to make it more human-readable.
return jsonLib.toJson(gu.serialize(object), prettyPrint); // String
deserialize: function(
/* dojox.gfx.Surface|dojox.gfx.Shape */ parent,
/* dojox.gfx.Shape|Array */ object
// summary:
// Takes a surface or a shape and populates it with an object produced by serialize().
if(object instanceof Array){
return arr.map(object, lang.hitch(null, gu.deserialize, parent)); // Array
var shape = ("shape" in object) ? parent.createShape(object.shape) : parent.createGroup();
if("transform" in object){
if("stroke" in object){
if("fill" in object){
if("font" in object){
if("children" in object){
arr.forEach(object.children, lang.hitch(null, gu.deserialize, shape));
return shape; // dojox.gfx.Shape
fromJson: function(
/* dojox.gfx.Surface|dojox.gfx.Shape */ parent,
/* String */ json){
// summary:
// Works just like deserialize() but takes a JSON representation of the object.
return gu.deserialize(parent, jsonLib.fromJson(json)); // Array || dojox.gfx.Shape
toSvg: function(/*GFX object*/surface){
// summary:
// Function to serialize a GFX surface to SVG text.
// description:
// Function to serialize a GFX surface to SVG text. The value of this output
// is that there are numerous serverside parser libraries that can render
// SVG into images in various formats. This provides a way that GFX objects
// can be captured in a known format and sent serverside for serialization
// into an image.
// surface:
// The GFX surface to serialize.
// returns:
// Deferred object that will be called when SVG serialization is complete.
//Since the init and even surface creation can be async, we need to
//return a deferred that will be called when content has serialized.
var deferred = new Deferred();
if(g.renderer === "svg"){
//If we're already in SVG mode, this is easy and quick.
var svg = gu._cleanSvg(gu._innerXML(surface.rawNode));
//Okay, now we have to get creative with hidden iframes and the like to
//serialize SVG.
if (!gu._initSvgSerializerDeferred) {
var jsonForm = gu.toJson(surface);
var serializer = function(){
var sDim = surface.getDimensions();
var width = sDim.width;
var height = sDim.height;
//Create an attach point in the iframe for the contents.
var node = gu._gfxSvgProxy.document.createElement("div");
//Set the node scaling.
win.withDoc(gu._gfxSvgProxy.document, function() {
html.style(node, "width", width);
html.style(node, "height", height);
}, this);
//Create temp surface to render object to and render.
var ts = gu._gfxSvgProxy[dojox._scopeName].gfx.createSurface(node, width, height);
//It's apparently possible that a suface creation is async, so we need to use
//the whenLoaded function. Probably not needed for SVG, but making it common
var draw = function(surface) {
gu._gfxSvgProxy[dojox._scopeName].gfx.utils.fromJson(surface, jsonForm);
//Get contents and remove temp surface.
var svg = gu._cleanSvg(node.innerHTML);
}catch (ex) {
//See if we can call it directly or pass it to the deferred to be
//called on initialization.
if(gu._initSvgSerializerDeferred.fired > 0){
return deferred; //dojo.Deferred that will be called when serialization finishes.
//iFrame document used for handling SVG serialization.
_gfxSvgProxy: null,
//Serializer loaded.
_initSvgSerializerDeferred: null,
_svgSerializerInitialized: function() {
// summary:
// Internal function to call when the serializer init completed.
// tags:
// private
_initSvgSerializer: function(){
// summary:
// Internal function to initialize the hidden iframe where SVG rendering
// will occur.
// tags:
// private
gu._initSvgSerializerDeferred = new Deferred();
var f = win.doc.createElement("iframe");
html.style(f, {
display: "none",
position: "absolute",
width: "1em",
height: "1em",
top: "-10000px"
var intv;
f.onreadystatechange = function(){
if(f.contentWindow.document.readyState == "complete"){
f.onreadystatechange = function() {};
intv = setInterval(function() {
if(f.contentWindow[kernel.scopeMap["dojo"][1]._scopeName] &&
f.contentWindow[kernel.scopeMap["dojox"][1]._scopeName].gfx &&
f.contentWindow.parent[kernel.scopeMap["dojox"][1]._scopeName].gfx.utils._gfxSvgProxy = f.contentWindow;
}, 50);
f.onload = function(){
f.onload = function() {};
intv = setInterval(function() {
if(f.contentWindow[kernel.scopeMap["dojo"][1]._scopeName] &&
f.contentWindow[kernel.scopeMap["dojox"][1]._scopeName].gfx &&
f.contentWindow.parent[kernel.scopeMap["dojox"][1]._scopeName].gfx.utils._gfxSvgProxy = f.contentWindow;
}, 50);
//We have to load the GFX SVG proxy frame. Default is to use the one packaged in dojox.
var uri = (config["dojoxGfxSvgProxyFrameUrl"]||require.toUrl("dojox/gfx/resources/gfxSvgProxyFrame.html"));
f.setAttribute("src", uri.toString());
_innerXML: function(/*Node*/node){
// summary:
// Implementation of MS's innerXML function, borrowed from dojox.xml.parser.
// node:
// The node from which to generate the XML text representation.
// tags:
// private
return node.innerXML; //String
}else if(node.xml){
return node.xml; //String
}else if(typeof XMLSerializer != "undefined"){
return (new XMLSerializer()).serializeToString(node); //String
return null;
_cleanSvg: function(svg) {
// summary:
// Internal function that cleans up artifacts in extracted SVG content.
// tags:
// private
//Make sure the namespace is set.
if(svg.indexOf("xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\"") == -1){
svg = svg.substring(4, svg.length);
svg = "<svg xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\"" + svg;
//Same for xmlns:xlink (missing in Chrome and Safari)
if(svg.indexOf("xmlns:xlink=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink\"") == -1){
svg = svg.substring(4, svg.length);
svg = "<svg xmlns:xlink=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink\"" + svg;
//and add namespace to href attribute if not done yet
//(FF 5+ adds xlink:href but not the xmlns def)
if(svg.indexOf("xlink:href") === -1){
svg = svg.replace(/href\s*=/g, "xlink:href=");
//Do some other cleanup, like stripping out the
//dojoGfx attributes and quoting ids.
svg = svg.replace(/\bdojoGfx\w*\s*=\s*(['"])\w*\1/g, "");
svg = svg.replace(/\b__gfxObject__\s*=\s*(['"])\w*\1/g, "");
svg = svg.replace(/[=]([^"']+?)(\s|>)/g,'="$1"$2');
return svg; //Cleaned SVG text.
return gu;