569 lines
13 KiB
569 lines
13 KiB
define("dojox/gauges/GlossyHorizontalGauge", ["dojo/_base/declare","dojo/_base/connect","dojo/_base/lang","dojo/_base/Color","dojox/gfx","./BarGauge","./BarCircleIndicator","./GlossyHorizontalGaugeMarker"],
function(declare, connect, lang, Color, gfx, BarGauge, BarCircleIndicator, GlossyHorizontalGaugeMarker) {
var NumberUtils
BarGauge = dojox.gauges.BarGauge;
return declare("dojox.gauges.GlossyHorizontalGauge", [BarGauge], {
// summary:
// Represents an horizontal bar gauge with a glossy appearance.
// example:
// | <div dojoType="dojox.gauges.GlossyHorizontalGauge"
// | id="testGauge"
// | width="500"
// | height="100"
// | min="0"
// | max="100"
// | value="0"
// | majorTicksInterval="10"
// | majorTicksColor="#c4c4c4"
// | minorTicksInterval="5"
// | minorTicksColor="#c4c4c4"
// | color="black"
// | markerColor="#c4c4c4"
// | font="normal normal normal 10pt sans-serif"
// | noChange="true"
// | title="title"
// | scalePrecision="0"
// | >
// | </div>
// the type of default indicator to create
_defaultIndicator: BarCircleIndicator,
// color: String
// The main color of the gauge.
color: 'black',
// needleColor: Color
// The main color of the needle.
markerColor: 'black',
// majorTicksInterval: Number
// Interval between major ticks
majorTicksInterval: 10,
// _majorTicksLength: Number
// Major tick size, at design
_majorTicksLength: 10,
// majorTicksColor: Color
// Color of major tick marks
majorTicksColor: '#c4c4c4',
// minorTicksInterval: Number
// Interval between minor ticks
minorTicksInterval: 5,
// _minorTicksLength: Number
// Minor tick size, at design
_minorTicksLength: 6,
// minorTicksColor: Color
// Color of minor tick marks
minorTicksColor: '#c4c4c4',
// value: Number
// The value of the gauge.
value: 0,
// noChange: Boolean
// Indicates if the gauge reacts to touch events
noChange: false,
// title: String
// The title displayed in the needle's tooltip
title: "",
// font: Object
// The font of the gauge
font: "normal normal normal 10pt serif",
// scalePrecision: Number
// The precision for the formatting of numbers in the scale (default is 0)
scalePrecision: 0,
_font: null,
_margin: 2,
_minBorderWidth: 2,
_maxBorderWidth: 6,
_tickLabelOffset: 5,
_designHeight: 100,
constructor: function(){
this.min = 0;
this.max = 100;
startup: function(){
if (this._gaugeStarted) return;
this._gaugeStarted = true;
var scale = this.height / this._designHeight;
this._minorTicksLength = this._minorTicksLength * scale;
this._majorTicksLength = this._majorTicksLength * scale;
var font = this._font;
// computing scale height
var th = gfx.normalizedLength(font.size);
var scaleHeight = th + this._tickLabelOffset + Math.max(this._majorTicksLength, this._minorTicksLength);
// indicator in the middle of the gauge
var yOffset = Math.max(0, (this.height - scaleHeight) / 2);
low: this.min ? this.min : 0,
high: this.max ? this.max : 100,
color: [0, 0, 0, 0]
fixedPrecision: true,
precision: this.scalePrecision,
font: font,
labelPlacement: 'inside',
offset: yOffset - this._majorTicksLength / 2,
interval: this.majorTicksInterval,
length: this._majorTicksLength,
color: this.majorTicksColor
labelPlacement: 'inside',
offset: yOffset - this._minorTicksLength / 2,
interval: this.minorTicksInterval,
length: this._minorTicksLength,
color: this.minorTicksColor
this._needle = new GlossyHorizontalGaugeMarker({
hideValue: true,
title: this.title,
noChange: this.noChange,
offset: yOffset,
color: this.markerColor,
value: this.value
connect.connect(this._needle, "valueChanged", lang.hitch(this, function(){
this.value = this._needle.value;
_layoutGauge: function(){
// summary:
// Layout the gauge elements depending on the various parameters (size, font, tick length..)
if (!this._gaugeStarted)
var font = this._font;
var th = gfx.normalizedLength(font.size);
var scaleHeight = th + this._tickLabelOffset + Math.max(this._majorTicksLength, this._minorTicksLength);
// indicator in the middle of the gauge
var yOffset = Math.max(0, (this.height - scaleHeight) / 2);
fixedPrecision: true,
precision: this.scalePrecision,
font: font,
offset: yOffset - this._majorTicksLength / 2,
interval: this.majorTicksInterval,
length: this._majorTicksLength
offset: yOffset - this._minorTicksLength / 2,
interval: this.minorTicksInterval,
length: this._minorTicksLength
this._needle.offset = yOffset;
_formatNumber: function(val){
var NumberUtils = this._getNumberModule();
if(NumberUtils){ // use internationalization if loaded
return NumberUtils.format(val, {
places: this.scalePrecision
return val.toFixed(this.scalePrecision);
_computeDataRectangle: function(){
// summary:
// Computes the rectangle that defines the data area of the gauge.
if (!this._gaugeStarted)
var font = this._font;
var leftTextMargin = this._getTextWidth(this._formatNumber(this.min), font) / 2;
var rightTextMargin = this._getTextWidth(this._formatNumber(this.max), font) / 2;
var textMargin = Math.max(leftTextMargin, rightTextMargin);
var margin = this._getBorderWidth() + Math.max(this._majorTicksLength, this._majorTicksLength) / 2 + textMargin;
this.dataHeight = this.height;
this.dataY = 0;
this.dataX = margin + this._margin;
this.dataWidth = Math.max(0, this.width - 2 * this.dataX);
_getTextWidth: function(s, font){
return gfx._base._getTextBox(s, {
font: gfx.makeFontString(gfx.makeParameters(gfx.defaultFont, font))
}).w ||
_getBorderWidth: function(){
// summary:
// Computes the width of the border surrounding the gauge
return Math.max(this._minBorderWidth, Math.min(this._maxBorderWidth, this._maxBorderWidth * this.height / this._designHeight));
drawBackground: function(group){
// summary:
// Draws the background of the gauge
// group: dojox.gfx.Group
// The GFX group where the background must be drawn
if (this._gaugeBackground){
var lighterColor = Color.blendColors(new Color(this.color), new Color('white'), 0.4);
this._gaugeBackground = group.createGroup();
var borderWidth = this._getBorderWidth();
var margin = this._margin;
var w = this.width;
var h = this.height;
var radius = Math.min(h / 4, 23);
x: margin,
y: margin,
width: Math.max(0, w - 2 * margin),
height: Math.max(0, h - 2 * margin),
r: radius
var left = margin + borderWidth;
var right = w - borderWidth - margin;
var top = margin + borderWidth;
var w2 = w - 2 * borderWidth - 2 * margin;
var h2 = h - 2 * borderWidth - 2 * margin;
if (w2 <= 0 || h2 <= 0)
radius = Math.min(radius, w2 / 2);
radius = Math.min(radius, h2 / 2);
x: left,
y: top,
width: w2,
height: h2,
r: radius
type: "linear",
x1: left,
y1: 0,
x2: left,
y2: h - borderWidth - margin,
colors: [{
offset: 0,
color: lighterColor
}, {
offset: .2,
color: this.color
}, {
offset: .8,
color: this.color
}, {
offset: 1,
color: lighterColor
var f = 4 * (Math.sqrt(2) - 1) / 3 * radius;
path: 'M' + left + ' ' + (top + radius) +
'C' +
left +
' ' +
(top + radius - f) +
' ' +
(left + radius - f) +
' ' +
top +
' ' +
(left + radius) +
' ' +
top +
'L' +
(right - radius) +
' ' +
top +
'C' +
(right - radius + f) +
' ' +
top +
' ' +
right +
' ' +
(top + radius - f) +
' ' +
right +
' ' +
(top + radius) +
'L' +
right +
' ' +
(top + h / 2) +
'L' +
left +
' ' +
(top + h / 3) +
type: "linear",
x1: left,
y1: top,
x2: left,
y2: top + this.height / 2,
colors: [{
offset: 0,
color: lighterColor
}, {
offset: 1,
color: Color.blendColors(new Color(this.color), new Color('white'), 0.2)
onValueChanged: function(){
// summary:
// Callback when the value of the gauge has changed.
//* Property getters and setters
_setColorAttr: function(color){
// summary:
// Sets the main color of the gauge
// color: String
// The color
this.color = color ? color : 'black';
if (this._gaugeBackground && this._gaugeBackground.parent)
this._gaugeBackground = null;
_setMarkerColorAttr: function(color){
// summary:
// Sets the main color of the marker
// color: String
// The color
this.markerColor = color;
if (this._needle){
this._needle.color = color;
this._needle.shape = null;
_setMajorTicksIntervalAttr: function(interval){
// summary:
// Sets the interval between major ticks
this.majorTicksInterval = interval;
'interval': this.majorTicksInterval
setMajorTicksLength: function(length){
// summary:
// Sets the size of the major ticks.
this._majorTicksLength = length;
return this;
getMajorTicksLength: function(){
// summary:
// Returns the size of the major ticks.
return this._majorTicksLength;
_setMajorTicksColorAttr: function(color){
// summary:
// Sets the color of the major ticks.
this.majorTicksColor = color;
'color': this.majorTicksColor
_setMajorTicksProperty: function(prop){
if (this.majorTicks == null){
lang.mixin(this.majorTicks, prop);
_setMinorTicksIntervalAttr: function(interval){
// summary:
// Sets the interval between minor ticks
this.minorTicksInterval = interval;
'interval': this.minorTicksInterval
setMinorTicksLength: function(length){
// summary:
// Sets the size of the minor ticks.
this._minorTicksLength = length;
return this;
getMinorTicksLength: function(){
// summary:
// Gets the size of the minor ticks.
return this._minorTicksLength;
_setMinorTicksColorAttr: function(color){
// summary:
// Sets the color of the minor ticks.
this.minorTicksColor = color;
'color': this.minorTicksColor
_setMinorTicksProperty: function(prop){
if (this.minorTicks == null){
lang.mixin(this.minorTicks, prop);
_setMinAttr: function(min){
this.min = min;
if (this.majorTicks != null)
if (this.minorTicks != null)
_setMaxAttr: function(max){
this.max = max;
if (this.majorTicks != null)
if (this.minorTicks != null)
_setValueAttr: function(value){
// summary:
// Changes the value of the gauge
// value: Number
// The new value for the gauge.
value = Math.min(this.max, value);
value = Math.max(this.min, value);
this.value = value;
if (this._needle){
// update will not work if noChange is true.
var noChange = this._needle.noChange;
this._needle.noChange = false;
this._needle.noChange = noChange;
_setScalePrecisionAttr: function(value){
// summary:
// Changes precision of the numbers in the scale of the gauge
// value: Number
// The new value
this.scalePrecision = value;
_setNoChangeAttr: function(value){
// summary:
// Indicates if the value of the gauge can be changed or not
// value: boolean
// true indicates that the gauge's value cannot be changed
this.noChange = value;
if (this._needle)
this._needle.noChange = this.noChange;
_setTitleAttr: function(value){
// summary:
// Sets the title displayed by the needle's tooltip .
// value: String
// the title
this.title = value;
if (this._needle){
this._needle.title = this.title;
_setFontAttr: function(font){
// summary:
// Sets the font of the gauge
// summary:
// Sets the font of the gauge
// font: String
// An string representing the font such as 'normal normal normal 10pt Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif'
this.font = font;
this._font = gfx.splitFontString(font);