171 lines
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171 lines
5.3 KiB
define("dojox/fx/ext-dojo/complex", ["dojo/_base/kernel", "dojo/_base/lang", "dojo/_base/array","dojo/_base/declare", "dojo/_base/connect",
"dojo/_base/Color", "dojo/_base/fx", "dojo/fx"],
function(dojo, lang, arrayUtil, declare, connectUtil, Color, baseFx, coreFx){
lang.getObject("dojox.fx.ext-dojo.complex", true);
var da = baseFx.animateProperty;
dojo.animateProperty = baseFx.animateProperty = function(options){
// summary:
// An extension of dojo.animateProperty which adds functionality
// that animates a "complex property". The primary example is the
// clip style: rect(10px 30px 10px 50px).
// Note this can also be used with (and is actually intended for)
// CSS3 properties, such as transform:
// transform: rotate(10deg) translateX(0px)
// description:
// The standard animation doesn't know what to do with something like
// rect(...). This class identifies complex properties by they being a
// string and having parenthesis. If so, that property is made into a
// dojox.fx._Complex object and the getValue() is obtained from
// there.
// example:
// | var ani = dojo.animateProperty({
// | node:dojo.byId("myDiv"),
// | duration:600,
// | properties:{
// | clip:{start:'rect(0px 50px 50px 0px)', end:'rect(10px 30px 30px 10px)'}
// | }
// | }).play();
var d = dojo;
var ani = da(options);
connectUtil.connect(ani, "beforeBegin", function(){
// dojo.Animate original still invokes and still
// works. We're appending this functionality to
// modify targeted properties.
ani.curve.getValue = function(r){
// Overwriting dojo.Animate's curve.getValue
// This is mostly duplicate code, except it looks
// for an instance of dojox.fx._Complex.
var ret = {};
for(var p in this._properties){
var prop = this._properties[p],
start = prop.start;
if(start instanceof d.Color){
ret[p] = d.blendColors(start, prop.end, r, prop.tempColor).toCss();
}else if(start instanceof dojox.fx._Complex){
ret[p] = start.getValue(r);
}else if(!d.isArray(start)){
ret[p] = ((prop.end - start) * r) + start + (p != "opacity" ? prop.units || "px" : 0);
return ret;
// this.properties has already been set, as has this.curve._properties.
// We're fixing the props in curve which will have NaN attributes from
// our string property.
var pm = {};
for(var p in this.properties){
var o = this.properties[p];
if(typeof(o.start) == "string" && /\(/.test(o.start)){
this.curve._properties[p].start = new dojox.fx._Complex(o);
return ani; // dojo.Animation
return declare("dojox.fx._Complex", null, {
// summary:
// A class that takes a complex property such as
// clip style: rect(10px 30px 10px 50px), and breaks it
// into seperate animatable units. The object has a getValue()
// that will return a string with the modified units.
PROP: /\([\w|,|+|\-|#|\.|\s]*\)/g,
constructor: function(options){
var beg = options.start.match(this.PROP);
var end = options.end.match(this.PROP);
var begProps = arrayUtil.map(beg, this.getProps, this);
var endProps = arrayUtil.map(end, this.getProps, this);
this._properties = {};
this.strProp = options.start;
arrayUtil.forEach(begProps, function(prop, i){
arrayUtil.forEach(prop, function(p, j){
this.strProp = this.strProp.replace(p, "PROP_"+i+""+j);
this._properties["PROP_"+i+""+j] = this.makePropObject(p, endProps[i][j])
getValue: function(/*Float*/r){
// summary:
// Returns a string with teh same integrity as the
// original star and end, but with the modified units.
var str = this.strProp, u;
for(var nm in this._properties){
var v, o = this._properties[nm];
if(o.units == "isColor"){
v = Color.blendColors(o.beg, o.end, r).toCss(false);
u = "";
v = ((o.end - o.beg) * r) + o.beg;
u = o.units;
str = str.replace(nm, v + u);
return str; // String
makePropObject: function(/* String */beg, /* String */end){
// summary:
// Returns an object that stores the numeric value and
// units of the beggining and ending properties.
var b = this.getNumAndUnits(beg);
var e = this.getNumAndUnits(end);
return {
}; // Object
getProps: function(/* String */str){
// summary:
// Helper function that splits a stringified set of properties
// into individual units.
str = str.substring(1, str.length-1);
var s;
str = str.replace(/\s/g, "");
s = str.split(",");
str = str.replace(/\s{2,}/g, " ");
s = str.split(" ");
return s; // String
getNumAndUnits: function(prop){
// summary:
// Helper function that returns the numeric verion of the string
// property (or dojo.Color object) and the unit in which it was
// defined.
if(!prop){ return {}; }
return {
num: new Color(prop),
}; // Object
var o = {
o.units = /[a-z]{1,}/.exec(prop);//.join("");
o.units = o.units && o.units.length ? o.units.join("") : "";
return o; // Object