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define("dojox/editor/plugins/Preview", [
], function(dojo, dijit, dojox) {
// summary:
// This plugin provides Preview cabability to the editor. When
// clicked, the document in the editor frame will displayed in a separate
// window/tab
// useDefaultCommand [protected]
// Over-ride indicating that the command processing is done all by this plugin.
useDefaultCommand: false,
// styles: [public] String
// A string of CSS styles to apply to the previewed content, if any.
styles: "",
// stylesheets: [public] Array
// An array of stylesheets to import into the preview, if any.
stylesheets: null,
// iconClassPrefix: [const] String
// The CSS class name for the button node icon.
iconClassPrefix: "dijitAdditionalEditorIcon",
_initButton: function(){
// summary:
// Over-ride for creation of the preview button.
this._nlsResources = dojo.i18n.getLocalization("dojox.editor.plugins", "Preview");
this.button = new dijit.form.Button({
label: this._nlsResources["preview"],
showLabel: false,
iconClass: this.iconClassPrefix + " " + this.iconClassPrefix + "Preview",
tabIndex: "-1",
onClick: dojo.hitch(this, "_preview")
setEditor: function(editor){
// summary:
// Over-ride for the setting of the editor.
// editor: Object
// The editor to configure for this plugin to use.
this.editor = editor;
updateState: function(){
// summary:
// Over-ride for button state control for disabled to work.
this.button.set("disabled", this.get("disabled"));
_preview: function(){
// summary:
// Function to trigger previewing of the editor document
// tags:
// private
var content = this.editor.get("value");
var head = "\t\t<meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=UTF-8'>\n";
var i;
// Apply the stylesheets, then apply the styles.
for(i = 0; i < this.stylesheets.length; i++){
head += "\t\t<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='" + this.stylesheets[i] + "'>\n";
head += ("\t\t<style>" + this.styles + "</style>\n");
content = "<html>\n\t<head>\n" + head + "\t</head>\n\t<body>\n" + content + "\n\t</body>\n</html>";
var win = window.open("javascript: ''", this._nlsResources["preview"], "status=1,menubar=0,location=0,toolbar=0");
// Register this plugin.
dojo.subscribe(dijit._scopeName + ".Editor.getPlugin",null,function(o){
if(o.plugin){ return; }
var name = o.args.name.toLowerCase();
if(name === "preview"){
o.plugin = new dojox.editor.plugins.Preview({
styles: ("styles" in o.args)?o.args.styles:"",
stylesheets: ("stylesheets" in o.args)? o.args.stylesheets:null
return dojox.editor.plugins.Preview;