883 lines
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883 lines
25 KiB
define("dojox/editor/plugins/NormalizeIndentOutdent", [
], function(dojo, dijit, dojox) {
// summary:
// This plugin provides improved indent and outdent handling to
// the editor. It tries to generate valid HTML, as well as be
// consistent about how it indents and outdents lists and blocks/elements.
// indentBy: [public] number
// The amount to indent by. Valid values are 1+. This is combined with
// the indentUnits parameter to determine how much to indent or outdent
// by for regular text. It does not affect lists.
indentBy: 40,
// indentUnits: [public] String
// The units to apply to the indent amount. Usually 'px', but can also
// be em.
indentUnits: "px",
setEditor: function(editor){
// summary:
// Over-ride for the setting of the editor.
// editor: Object
// The editor to configure for this plugin to use.
this.editor = editor;
// Register out indent handler via the builtin over-ride mechanism.
editor._indentImpl = dojo.hitch(this, this._indentImpl);
editor._outdentImpl = dojo.hitch(this, this._outdentImpl);
// Take over the query command enabled function, we want to prevent
// indent of first items in a list, etc.
editor._indentoutdent_queryCommandEnabled = editor.queryCommandEnabled;
editor.queryCommandEnabled = dojo.hitch(this, this._queryCommandEnabled);
// We need the custom undo code since we manipulate the dom
// outside of the browser natives and only customUndo really handles
// that. It will incur a performance hit, but should hopefully be
// relatively small.
editor.customUndo = true;
_queryCommandEnabled: function(command){
// summary:
// An over-ride for the editor's query command enabled,
// so that we can prevent indents, etc, on bad elements
// or positions (like first element in a list).
// command:
// The command passed in to check enablement.
// tags:
// private
var c = command.toLowerCase();
var ed, sel, range, node, tag, prevNode;
var style = "marginLeft";
style = "marginRight";
if(c === "indent"){
ed = this.editor;
sel = dijit.range.getSelection(ed.window);
if(sel && sel.rangeCount > 0){
range = sel.getRangeAt(0);
node = range.startContainer;
// Check for li nodes first, we handle them a certain way.
while(node && node !== ed.document && node !== ed.editNode){
tag = this._getTagName(node);
if(tag === "li"){
prevNode = node.previousSibling;
while(prevNode && prevNode.nodeType !== 1){
prevNode = prevNode.previousSibling;
if(prevNode && this._getTagName(prevNode) === "li"){
return true;
// First item, disallow
return false;
}else if(this._isIndentableElement(tag)){
return true;
node = node.parentNode;
return true;
}else if(c === "outdent"){
ed = this.editor;
sel = dijit.range.getSelection(ed.window);
if(sel && sel.rangeCount > 0){
range = sel.getRangeAt(0);
node = range.startContainer;
// Check for li nodes first, we handle them a certain way.
while(node && node !== ed.document && node !== ed.editNode){
tag = this._getTagName(node);
if(tag === "li"){
// Standard list, we can ask the browser.
return this.editor._indentoutdent_queryCommandEnabled(command);
}else if(this._isIndentableElement(tag)){
// Block, we need to handle the indent check.
var cIndent = node.style?node.style[style]:"";
cIndent = this._convertIndent(cIndent);
if(cIndent/this.indentBy >= 1){
return true;
return false;
node = node.parentNode;
return false;
return this.editor._indentoutdent_queryCommandEnabled(command);
return false;
_indentImpl: function(/*String*/ html) {
// summary:
// Improved implementation of indent, generates correct indent for
// ul/ol
var ed = this.editor;
var sel = dijit.range.getSelection(ed.window);
if(sel && sel.rangeCount > 0){
var range = sel.getRangeAt(0);
var node = range.startContainer;
var tag, start, end, div;
if(range.startContainer === range.endContainer){
// No selection, just cursor point, we need to see if we're
// in an indentable block, or similar.
// Text at the 'root' of the document,
// we'll try to indent it and all inline selements around it
// as they are visually a single line.
// First, we need to find the toplevel inline element that is rooted
// to the document 'editNode'
start = range.startContainer;
while(start && start.parentNode !== ed.editNode){
start = start.parentNode;
// Now we need to walk up its siblings and look for the first one in the rooting
// that isn't inline or text, as we want to grab all of that for indent.
while(start && start.previousSibling && (
this._isTextElement(start) ||
(start.nodeType === 1 && this._isInlineFormat(this._getTagName(start))
start = start.previousSibling;
if(start && start.nodeType === 1 && !this._isInlineFormat(this._getTagName(start))){
// Adjust slightly, we're one node too far back in this case.
start = start.nextSibling;
// Okay, we have a configured start, lets grab everything following it that's
// inline and make it an indentable block!
div = ed.document.createElement("div");
dojo.place(div, start, "after");
end = div.nextSibling;
while(end && (
this._isTextElement(end) ||
(end.nodeType === 1 &&
// Add it.
end = div.nextSibling;
"selectElementChildren", dijit._editor.selection, [div]);
"collapse", dijit._editor.selection, [true]);
while(node && node !== ed.document && node !== ed.editNode){
tag = this._getTagName(node);
if(tag === "li"){
}else if(this._isIndentableElement(tag)){
node = node.parentNode;
var curNode;
// multi-node select. We need to scan over them.
// Find the two containing nodes at start and end.
// then move the end one node past. Then ... lets see
// what we can indent!
start = range.startContainer;
end = range.endContainer;
// Find the non-text nodes.
while(start && this._isTextElement(start) && start.parentNode !== ed.editNode){
start = start.parentNode;
while(end && this._isTextElement(end) && end.parentNode !== ed.editNode){
end = end.parentNode;
if(end === ed.editNode || end === ed.document.body){
// Okay, selection end is somewhere after start, we need to find the last node
// that is safely in the range.
curNode = start;
while(curNode.nextSibling &&
dojo.withGlobal(ed.window, "inSelection", dijit._editor.selection, [curNode])){
curNode = curNode.nextSibling;
end = curNode;
if(end === ed.editNode || end === ed.document.body){
// Unable to determine real selection end, so just make it
// a single node indent of start + all following inline styles, if
// present, then just exit.
tag = this._getTagName(start);
if(tag === "li"){
}else if(this._isIndentableElement(tag)){
}else if(this._isTextElement(start) ||
// inline element or textnode, So we want to indent it somehow
div = ed.document.createElement("div");
dojo.place(div, start, "after");
// Find and move all inline tags following the one we inserted also into the
// div so we don't split up content funny.
var next = start;
while(next && (
this._isTextElement(next) ||
(next.nodeType === 1 &&
next = div.nextSibling;
// Has a definite end somewhere, so lets try to indent up to it.
// requires looking at the selections and in some cases, moving nodes
// into indentable blocks.
end = end.nextSibling;
curNode = start;
while(curNode && curNode !== end){
if(curNode.nodeType === 1){
tag = this._getTagName(curNode);
// IE sometimes inserts blank P tags, which we want to skip
// as they end up indented, which messes up layout.
if(tag === "p" && this._isEmpty(curNode)){
curNode = curNode.nextSibling;
if(tag === "li"){
div = null;
}else if(!this._isInlineFormat(tag) && this._isIndentableElement(tag)){
div = null;
curNode = this._indentElement(curNode);
}else if(this._isInlineFormat(tag)){
// inline tag.
div = ed.document.createElement("div");
dojo.place(div, curNode, "after");
curNode = div;
curNode = div;
}else if(this._isTextElement(curNode)){
div = ed.document.createElement("div");
dojo.place(div, curNode, "after");
curNode = div;
curNode = div;
curNode = curNode.nextSibling;
// Okay, indent everything we merged if we haven't yet..
div = null;
_indentElement: function(node){
// summary:
// Function to indent a block type tag.
// node:
// The node who's content to indent.
// tags:
// private
var style = "marginLeft";
style = "marginRight";
var tag = this._getTagName(node);
if(tag === "ul" || tag === "ol"){
// Lists indent funny, so lets wrap them in a div
// and indent the div instead.
var div = this.editor.document.createElement("div");
dojo.place(div, node, "after");
node = div;
var cIndent = node.style?node.style[style]:"";
cIndent = this._convertIndent(cIndent);
cIndent = (parseInt(cIndent, 10) + this.indentBy) + this.indentUnits;
cIndent = this.indentBy + this.indentUnits;
dojo.style(node, style, cIndent);
return node; //Return the node that was indented.
_outdentElement: function(node){
// summary:
// Function to outdent a block type tag.
// node:
// The node who's content to outdent.
// tags:
// private
var style = "marginLeft";
style = "marginRight";
var cIndent = node.style?node.style[style]:"";
cIndent = this._convertIndent(cIndent);
if(cIndent - this.indentBy > 0){
cIndent = (parseInt(cIndent, 10) - this.indentBy) + this.indentUnits;
cIndent = "";
dojo.style(node, style, cIndent);
_outdentImpl: function(/*String*/ html) {
// summary:
// Improved implementation of outdent, generates correct indent for
// ul/ol and other elements.
// tags:
// private
var ed = this.editor;
var sel = dijit.range.getSelection(ed.window);
if(sel && sel.rangeCount > 0){
var range = sel.getRangeAt(0);
var node = range.startContainer;
var tag;
if(range.startContainer === range.endContainer){
// Check for li nodes first, we handle them a certain way.
while(node && node !== ed.document && node !== ed.editNode){
tag = this._getTagName(node);
if(tag === "li"){
return this._outdentList(node);
}else if(this._isIndentableElement(tag)){
return this._outdentElement(node);
node = node.parentNode;
ed.document.execCommand("outdent", false, html);
// multi-node select. We need to scan over them.
// Find the two containing nodes at start and end.
// then move the end one node past. Then ... lets see
// what we can outdent!
var start = range.startContainer;
var end = range.endContainer;
// Find the non-text nodes.
while(start && start.nodeType === 3){
start = start.parentNode;
while(end && end.nodeType === 3){
end = end.parentNode;
end = end.nextSibling;
var curNode = start;
while(curNode && curNode !== end){
if(curNode.nodeType === 1){
tag = this._getTagName(curNode);
if(tag === "li"){
}else if(this._isIndentableElement(tag)){
curNode = curNode.nextSibling;
return null;
_indentList: function(listItem){
// summary:
// Internal function to handle indenting a list element.
// listItem:
// The list item to indent.
// tags:
// private
var ed = this.editor;
var newList, li;
var listContainer = listItem.parentNode;
var prevTag = listItem.previousSibling;
// Ignore text, we want elements.
while(prevTag && prevTag.nodeType !== 1){
prevTag = prevTag.previousSibling;
var type = null;
var tg = this._getTagName(listContainer);
// Try to determine what kind of list item is here to indent.
if(tg === "ol"){
type = "ol";
}else if(tg === "ul"){
type = "ul";
// Only indent list items actually in a list.
// Bail out if the list is malformed somehow.
// There is a previous node in the list, so we want to append a new list
// element after it that contains a new list of the content to indent it.
if(prevTag && prevTag.tagName.toLowerCase() == "li"){
// Lets see if we can merge this into another (Eg,
// does the sibling li contain an embedded list already of
// the same type? if so, we move into that one.
var embList;
var i;
for(i = 0; i < prevTag.childNodes.length; i++){
var n = prevTag.childNodes[i];
if(n.nodeType === 3){
// Non-empty text after list, exit, can't embed.
}else if(n.nodeType === 1 && !embList){
// See if this is a list container.
if(type === n.tagName.toLowerCase()){
embList = n;
// Other node present, break, can't embed.
// We found a list to merge to, so merge.
// Nope, wasn't an embedded list container,
// So lets just create a new one.
newList = ed.document.createElement(type);
dojo.style(newList, {
paddingTop: "0px",
paddingBottom: "0px"
li = ed.document.createElement("li");
dojo.style(li, {
listStyleImage: "none",
listStyleType: "none"
// Move cursor.
"selectElementChildren", dijit._editor.selection, [listItem]);
"collapse", dijit._editor.selection, [true]);
_outdentList: function(listItem){
// summary:
// Internal function to handle outdenting a list element.
// listItem:
// The list item to outdent.
// tags:
// private
var ed = this.editor;
var list = listItem.parentNode;
var type = null;
var tg = list.tagName ? list.tagName.toLowerCase() : "";
var li;
// Try to determine what kind of list contains the item.
if(tg === "ol"){
type = "ol";
}else if(tg === "ul"){
type = "ul";
// Check to see if it is a nested list, as outdenting is handled differently.
var listParent = list.parentNode;
var lpTg = this._getTagName(listParent);
// We're in a list, so we need to outdent this specially.
// Check for welformed and malformed lists (<ul><ul></ul>U/ul> type stuff).
if(lpTg === "li" || lpTg === "ol" || lpTg === "ul"){
if(lpTg === "ol" || lpTg === "ul"){
// Okay, we need to fix this up, this is invalid html,
// So try to combine this into a previous element before
// de do a shuffle of the nodes, to build an HTML compliant
// list.
var prevListLi = list.previousSibling;
while(prevListLi && (prevListLi.nodeType !== 1 ||
(prevListLi.nodeType === 1 &&
this._getTagName(prevListLi) !== "li"))
prevListLi = prevListLi.previousSibling;
// Move this list up into the previous li
// to fix malformation.
listParent = prevListLi;
li = listItem;
var firstItem = listItem;
li = li.previousSibling;
if(li.nodeType === 1 && this._getTagName(li) === "li"){
firstItem = li;
if(firstItem !== listItem){
dojo.place(firstItem, list, "before");
listParent = firstItem;
// No previous list item in a malformed list
// ... so create one and move into that.
li = ed.document.createElement("li");
dojo.place(li, list, "before");
listParent = li;
dojo.style(list, {
paddingTop: "0px",
paddingBottom: "0px"
// find the previous node, if any,
// non-text.
var prevLi = listItem.previousSibling;
while(prevLi && prevLi.nodeType !== 1){
prevLi = prevLi.previousSibling;
var nextLi = listItem.nextSibling;
while(nextLi && nextLi.nodeType !== 1){
nextLi = nextLi.nextSibling;
// Top item in a nested list, so just move it out
// and then shuffle the remaining indented list into it.
dojo.place(listItem, listParent, "after");
}else if(!nextLi){
// Last item in a nested list, shuffle it out after
// the nsted list only.
dojo.place(listItem, listParent, "after");
// Item is in the middle of an embedded list, so we
// have to split it.
// Move all the items following current list item into
// a list after it.
var newList = ed.document.createElement(type);
dojo.style(newList, {
paddingTop: "0px",
paddingBottom: "0px"
// Okay, now place the list item after the
// current list parent (li).
dojo.place(listItem, listParent, "after");
// Clean up any empty lists left behind.
if(list && this._isEmpty(list)){
if(listParent && this._isEmpty(listParent)){
// Move our cursor to the list item we moved.
"selectElementChildren", dijit._editor.selection, [listItem]);
"collapse", dijit._editor.selection, [true]);
// Not in a nested list, so we can just defer to the
// browser and hope it outdents right.
ed.document.execCommand("outdent", false, null);
_isEmpty: function(node){
// summary:
// Internal function to determine if a node is 'empty'
// Eg, contains only blank text. Used to determine if
// an empty list element should be removed or not.
// node:
// The node to check.
// tags:
// private
var empty = true;
var i;
for(i = 0; i < node.childNodes.length; i++){
var n = node.childNodes[i];
if(n.nodeType === 1){
if(this._getTagName(n) === "p"){
empty = false;
}else if(this._isTextElement(n)){
// Check for empty text.
var nv = dojo.trim(n.nodeValue);
if(nv && nv !==" " && nv !== "\u00A0"){
empty = false;
empty = false;
return empty;
return true;
_isIndentableElement: function(tag){
// summary:
// Internal function to detect what element types
// are indent-controllable by us.
// tag:
// The tag to check
// tags:
// private
case "p":
case "div":
case "h1":
case "h2":
case "h3":
case "center":
case "table":
case "ul":
case "ol":
return true;
return false;
_convertIndent: function(indent){
// summary:
// Function to convert the current indent style to
// the units we're using by some heuristic.
// indent:
// The indent amount to convert.
// tags:
// private
var pxPerEm = 12;
indent = indent + "";
indent = indent.toLowerCase();
var curUnit = (indent.indexOf("px") > 0) ? "px" : (indent.indexOf("em") > 0) ? "em" : "px";
indent = indent.replace(/(px;?|em;?)/gi, "");
if(curUnit === "px"){
if(this.indentUnits === "em"){
indent = Math.ceil(indent/pxPerEm);
if(this.indentUnits === "px"){
indent = indent * pxPerEm;
return indent;
_isLtr: function(){
// summary:
// Function to detect if the editor body is in RTL or LTR.
// tags:
// private
var editDoc = this.editor.document.body;
return dojo.withGlobal(this.editor.window, function(){
var cs = dojo.getComputedStyle(editDoc);
return cs ? cs.direction == "ltr" : true;
_isInlineFormat: function(tag){
// summary:
// Function to determine if the current tag is an inline
// element that does formatting, as we don't want to
// break/indent around it, as it can screw up text.
// tag:
// The tag to examine
// tags:
// private
case "a":
case "b":
case "strong":
case "s":
case "strike":
case "i":
case "u":
case "em":
case "sup":
case "sub":
case "span":
case "font":
case "big":
case "cite":
case "q":
case "img":
case "small":
return true;
return false;
_getTagName: function(node){
// summary:
// Internal function to get the tag name of an element
// if any.
// node:
// The node to look at.
// tags:
// private
var tag = "";
if(node && node.nodeType === 1){
tag = node.tagName?node.tagName.toLowerCase():"";
return tag;
_isRootInline: function(node){
// summary:
// This functions tests whether an indicated node is in root as inline
// or rooted inline elements in the page.
// node:
// The node to start at.
// tags:
// private
var ed = this.editor;
if(this._isTextElement(node) && node.parentNode === ed.editNode){
return true;
}else if(node.nodeType === 1 && this._isInlineFormat(node) && node.parentNode === ed.editNode){
return true;
}else if(this._isTextElement(node) && this._isInlineFormat(this._getTagName(node.parentNode))){
node = node.parentNode;
while(node && node !== ed.editNode && this._isInlineFormat(this._getTagName(node))){
node = node.parentNode;
if(node === ed.editNode){
return true;
return false;
_isTextElement: function(node){
// summary:
// Helper function to check for text nodes.
// node:
// The node to check.
// tags:
// private
if(node && node.nodeType === 3 || node.nodeType === 4){
return true;
return false;
// Register this plugin.
dojo.subscribe(dijit._scopeName + ".Editor.getPlugin",null,function(o){
if(o.plugin){ return; }
var name = o.args.name.toLowerCase();
if(name === "normalizeindentoutdent"){
o.plugin = new dojox.editor.plugins.NormalizeIndentOutdent({
indentBy: ("indentBy" in o.args) ?
(o.args.indentBy > 0 ? o.args.indentBy : 40) :
indentUnits: ("indentUnits" in o.args) ?
(o.args.indentUnits.toLowerCase() == "em"? "em" : "px") :
return dojox.editor.plugins.NormalizeIndentOutdent;