81 lines
2.7 KiB
81 lines
2.7 KiB
define("dojox/dtl/utils/date", [
], function(lang,ddp,dd){
ddp = dojox.data.php;
dd = dojox.dtl;
lang.getObject("dojox.dtl.utils.date", true);
dd.utils.date.DateFormat = ddp.DateFormat;
lang.extend(dd.utils.date.DateFormat, ddp.DateFormat.prototype, {
f: function(){
// summary:
// Time, in 12-hour hours and minutes, with minutes left off if they're zero.
// description:
// Examples: '1', '1:30', '2:05', '2'
// Proprietary extension.
return (!this.date.getMinutes()) ? this.g() : this.g() + ":" + this.i();
N: function(){
// summary: Month abbreviation in Associated Press style. Proprietary extension.
return dojox.dtl.utils.date._months_ap[this.date.getMonth()];
P: function(){
// summary:
// Time, in 12-hour hours, minutes and 'a.m.'/'p.m.', with minutes left off
// if they're zero and the strings 'midnight' and 'noon' if appropriate.
// description:
// Examples: '1 a.m.', '1:30 p.m.', 'midnight', 'noon', '12:30 p.m.'
// Proprietary extension.
if(!this.date.getMinutes() && !this.date.getHours()){
return 'midnight';
if(!this.date.getMinutes() && this.date.getHours() == 12){
return 'noon';
return this.f() + " " + this.a();
lang.mixin(dojox.dtl.utils.date, {
format: function(/*Date*/ date, /*String*/ format){
var df = new dojox.dtl.utils.date.DateFormat(format);
return df.format(date);
timesince: function(d, now){
// summary:
// Takes two datetime objects and returns the time between then and now
// as a nicely formatted string, e.g "10 minutes"
// description:
// Adapted from http://blog.natbat.co.uk/archive/2003/Jun/14/time_since
if(!(d instanceof Date)){
d = new Date(d.year, d.month, d.day);
now = new Date();
var delta = Math.abs(now.getTime() - d.getTime());
for(var i = 0, chunk; chunk = dojox.dtl.utils.date._chunks[i]; i++){
var count = Math.floor(delta / chunk[0]);
if(count) break;
return count + " " + chunk[1](count);
_chunks: [
[60 * 60 * 24 * 365 * 1000, function(n){ return (n == 1) ? 'year' : 'years'; }],
[60 * 60 * 24 * 30 * 1000, function(n){ return (n == 1) ? 'month' : 'months'; }],
[60 * 60 * 24 * 7 * 1000, function(n){ return (n == 1) ? 'week' : 'weeks'; }],
[60 * 60 * 24 * 1000, function(n){ return (n == 1) ? 'day' : 'days'; }],
[60 * 60 * 1000, function(n){ return (n == 1) ? 'hour' : 'hours'; }],
[60 * 1000, function(n){ return (n == 1) ? 'minute' : 'minutes'; }]
_months_ap: ["Jan.", "Feb.", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "Aug.", "Sept.", "Oct.", "Nov.", "Dec."]
return dojox.dtl.utils.date;