233 lines
6.1 KiB
233 lines
6.1 KiB
// wrapped by build app
define("dojox/drawing/stencil/Text", ["dijit","dojo","dojox"], function(dijit,dojo,dojox){
dojox.drawing.stencil.Text = dojox.drawing.util.oo.declare(
// summary:
// Creates a dojox.gfx Text (SVG or VML) based on data provided.
// description:
// There are two text classes. TextBlock extends this one and
// adds editable functionality, discovers text width etc.
// This class displays text only. There is no line wrapping.
// Multiple lines can be acheived by inserting \n linebreaks
// in the text.
// summary:
// constructor.
// align: String
// Text horizontal alignment.
// Options: start, middle, end
// valign:String
// Text vertical alignment
// Options: top, middle, bottom (FIXME: bottom not supported)
// _lineHeight: [readonly] Number
// The height of each line of text. Based on style information
// and font size.
StencilData: {
// summary:
// The data used to create the dojox.gfx Text
// x: Number
// Left point x
// y: Number
// Top point y
// width: ? Number
// Optional width of Text. Not required but reccommended.
// for auto-sizing, use TextBlock
// height: ? Number
// Optional height of Text. If not provided, _lineHeight is used.
// text: String
// The string content. If not provided, may auto-delete depending on defaults.
StencilPoints: [
// summary:
// An Array of dojox.__StencilPoint objects that describe the Stencil
// 0: Object
// Top left point
// 1: Object
// Top right point
// 2: Object
// Bottom right point
// 3: Object
// Bottom left point
typesetter: function(text){
// summary:
// Register raw text, returning typeset form.
// Uses function dojox.drawing.stencil.Text.typeset
// for typesetting, if it exists.
this._rawText = text;
return dojox.drawing.util.typeset.convertLaTeX(text);
return text;
setText: function(text){
// summary:
// Setter for text.
// Only apply typesetting to objects that the user can modify.
// Else, it is assumed that typesetting is done elsewhere.
text = this.typesetter(text);
// This only has an effect if text is null or this.created is false.
this._text = text;
this._textArray = [];
this.created && this.render(text);
getText: function(){
// summary:
// Getter for text.
return this._rawText || this._text;
dataToPoints: function(/*Object*/o){
// Converts data to points.
o = o || this.data;
var w = o.width =="auto" ? 1 : o.width;
var h = o.height || this._lineHeight;
this.points = [
{x:o.x, y:o.y}, // TL
{x:o.x + w, y:o.y}, // TR
{x:o.x + w, y:o.y + h}, // BR
{x:o.x, y:o.y + h} // BL
return this.points;
pointsToData: function(/*Array*/p){
// summary:
// Converts points to data
p = p || this.points;
var s = p[0];
var e = p[2];
this.data = {
x: s.x,
y: s.y,
width: e.x-s.x,
height: e.y-s.y
return this.data;
render: function(/* String*/text){
// summary:
// Renders the 'hit' object (the shape used for an expanded
// hit area and for highlighting) and the'shape' (the actual
// display object). Text is slightly different than other
// implementations. Instead of calling render twice, it calls
// _createHilite for the 'hit'
// arguments:
// text String
// Changes text if sent. Be sure to use the setText and
// not to call this directly.
this.remove(this.shape, this.hit);
//console.log("text render, outline:", !this.annotation, this.renderHit, (!this.annotation && this.renderHit))
!this.annotation && this.renderHit && this._renderOutline();
this._text = text;
this._textArray = this._text.split("\n");
var d = this.pointsToData();
var h = this._lineHeight;
var x = d.x + this.style.text.pad*2;
var y = d.y + this._lineHeight - (this.textSize*.4);
y -= h/2;
this.shape = this.container.createGroup();
/*console.log(" render ", this.type, this.id)
console.log(" render Y:", d.y, "textSize:", this.textSize, "LH:", this._lineHeight)
console.log(" render text:", y, " ... ", this._text, "enabled:", this.enabled);
console.log(" render text:", this.style.currentText);
dojo.forEach(this._textArray, function(txt, i){
var tb = this.shape.createText({x: x, y: y+(h*i), text: unescape(txt), align: this.align})
}, this);
_renderOutline: function(){
// summary:
// Create the hit and highlight area
// for the Text.
if(this.annotation){ return; }
var d = this.pointsToData();
d.x -= d.width/2 - this.style.text.pad * 2;
}else if(this.align=="start"){
d.x += this.style.text.pad;
}else if(this.align=="end"){
d.x -= d.width - this.style.text.pad * 3;
d.y -= (this._lineHeight )/2 - this.style.text.pad;
this.hit = this.container.createRect(d)
makeFit: function(text, w){
var span = dojo.create('span', {innerHTML:text, id:"foo"}, document.body);
var sz = 1;
dojo.style(span, "fontSize", sz+"px");
var cnt = 30;
dojo.style(span, "fontSize", sz+"px");
if(cnt--<=0) break;
var box = dojo.marginBox(span);
return {size:sz, box:box};
}, "stencil");