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define("dojox/charting/widget/BidiSupport", ["dojo/dom", "dojo/_base/lang", "dojo/_base/html", "dojo/_base/array", "dojo/_base/connect", "dojo/query",
"dijit/_BidiSupport", "../BidiSupport", "dijit/registry", "./Chart", "./Legend"],
function(dom, lang, html, arrayUtil, hub, query, dBidi, cBidi, widgetManager, Chart, Legend){
// patch only if present
if( Legend ){
lang.extend(Legend, {
// summary:
// Add support for bidi scripts in legend.
// description:
// Since dojox.charting.widget.Legend inherits from _Widget use the bidi support
// that introduced there.
postMixInProperties: function(){
// summary:
// Connect the setter of textDir legend to setTextDir of the chart,
// so _setTextDirAttr of the legend will be called after setTextDir of the chart is called.
// tags:
// private
// find the chart that is the owner of this legend, use it's
// textDir
if(!this.chartRef){ return; }
var chart = widgetManager.byId(this.chartRef);
var node = dom.byId(this.chartRef);
chart = widgetManager.byNode(node);
this.textDir = chart.chart.textDir;
hub.connect(chart.chart, "setTextDir", this, "_setTextDirAttr");
this.textDir = this.chart.textDir;
hub.connect(this.chart, "setTextDir", this, "_setTextDirAttr");
_setTextDirAttr: function(/*String*/ textDir){
// summary:
// Setter for textDir.
// description:
// Users shouldn't call this function; they should be calling
// set('textDir', value)
// tags:
// private
// only if new textDir is different from the old one
if(validateTextDir(textDir) != null){
if(this.textDir != textDir){
this._set("textDir", textDir);
// get array of all the labels
var legendLabels = query(".dojoxLegendText", this._tr);
// for every label calculate it's new dir.
arrayUtil.forEach(legendLabels, function(label){
label.dir = this.getTextDir(label.innerHTML, label.dir);
}, this);
// patch only if present
if( Chart ){
lang.extend( Chart ,{
postMixInProperties: function(){
// set initial textDir of the chart, if passed in the creation use that value
// else use default value, following the GUI direction, this.chart doesn't exist yet
// so can't use set("textDir", textDir). This passed to this.chart in it's future creation.
this.textDir = this.params["textDir"] ? this.params["textDir"] : this.params["dir"];
_setTextDirAttr: function(/*String*/ textDir){
if(validateTextDir(textDir) != null){
this._set("textDir", textDir);
function validateTextDir(textDir){
return /^(ltr|rtl|auto)$/.test(textDir) ? textDir : null;