218 lines
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218 lines
7.0 KiB
define("dojox/charting/plot2d/common", ["dojo/_base/lang", "dojo/_base/array", "dojo/_base/Color",
"dojox/gfx", "dojox/lang/functional", "../scaler/common"],
function(lang, arr, Color, g, df, sc){
var common = lang.getObject("dojox.charting.plot2d.common", true);
return lang.mixin(common, {
doIfLoaded: sc.doIfLoaded,
makeStroke: function(stroke){
if(!stroke){ return stroke; }
if(typeof stroke == "string" || stroke instanceof Color){
stroke = {color: stroke};
return g.makeParameters(g.defaultStroke, stroke);
augmentColor: function(target, color){
var t = new Color(target),
c = new Color(color);
c.a = t.a;
return c;
augmentStroke: function(stroke, color){
var s = common.makeStroke(stroke);
s.color = common.augmentColor(s.color, color);
return s;
augmentFill: function(fill, color){
var fc, c = new Color(color);
if(typeof fill == "string" || fill instanceof Color){
return common.augmentColor(fill, color);
return fill;
defaultStats: {
collectSimpleStats: function(series){
var stats = lang.delegate(common.defaultStats);
for(var i = 0; i < series.length; ++i){
var run = series[i];
for(var j = 0; j < run.data.length; j++){
if(run.data[j] !== null){
if(typeof run.data[j] == "number"){
// 1D case
var old_vmin = stats.vmin, old_vmax = stats.vmax;
if(!("ymin" in run) || !("ymax" in run)){
arr.forEach(run.data, function(val, i){
if(val !== null){
var x = i + 1, y = val;
if(isNaN(y)){ y = 0; }
stats.hmin = Math.min(stats.hmin, x);
stats.hmax = Math.max(stats.hmax, x);
stats.vmin = Math.min(stats.vmin, y);
stats.vmax = Math.max(stats.vmax, y);
if("ymin" in run){ stats.vmin = Math.min(old_vmin, run.ymin); }
if("ymax" in run){ stats.vmax = Math.max(old_vmax, run.ymax); }
// 2D case
var old_hmin = stats.hmin, old_hmax = stats.hmax,
old_vmin = stats.vmin, old_vmax = stats.vmax;
if(!("xmin" in run) || !("xmax" in run) || !("ymin" in run) || !("ymax" in run)){
arr.forEach(run.data, function(val, i){
if(val !== null){
var x = "x" in val ? val.x : i + 1, y = val.y;
if(isNaN(x)){ x = 0; }
if(isNaN(y)){ y = 0; }
stats.hmin = Math.min(stats.hmin, x);
stats.hmax = Math.max(stats.hmax, x);
stats.vmin = Math.min(stats.vmin, y);
stats.vmax = Math.max(stats.vmax, y);
if("xmin" in run){ stats.hmin = Math.min(old_hmin, run.xmin); }
if("xmax" in run){ stats.hmax = Math.max(old_hmax, run.xmax); }
if("ymin" in run){ stats.vmin = Math.min(old_vmin, run.ymin); }
if("ymax" in run){ stats.vmax = Math.max(old_vmax, run.ymax); }
return stats;
calculateBarSize: function(/* Number */ availableSize, /* Object */ opt, /* Number? */ clusterSize){
clusterSize = 1;
var gap = opt.gap, size = (availableSize - 2 * gap) / clusterSize;
if("minBarSize" in opt){
size = Math.max(size, opt.minBarSize);
if("maxBarSize" in opt){
size = Math.min(size, opt.maxBarSize);
size = Math.max(size, 1);
gap = (availableSize - size * clusterSize) / 2;
return {size: size, gap: gap}; // Object
collectStackedStats: function(series){
// collect statistics
var stats = lang.clone(common.defaultStats);
// 1st pass: find the maximal length of runs
stats.hmin = Math.min(stats.hmin, 1);
stats.hmax = df.foldl(series, "seed, run -> Math.max(seed, run.data.length)", stats.hmax);
// 2nd pass: stack values
for(var i = 0; i < stats.hmax; ++i){
var v = series[0].data[i];
v = v && (typeof v == "number" ? v : v.y);
if(isNaN(v)){ v = 0; }
stats.vmin = Math.min(stats.vmin, v);
for(var j = 1; j < series.length; ++j){
var t = series[j].data[i];
t = t && (typeof t == "number" ? t : t.y);
if(isNaN(t)){ t = 0; }
v += t;
stats.vmax = Math.max(stats.vmax, v);
return stats;
curve: function(/* Number[] */a, /* Number|String */tension){
// FIX for #7235, submitted by Enzo Michelangeli.
// Emulates the smoothing algorithms used in a famous, unnamed spreadsheet
// program ;)
var array = a.slice(0);
if(tension == "x") {
array[array.length] = arr[0]; // add a last element equal to the first, closing the loop
var p=arr.map(array, function(item, i){
if(i==0){ return "M" + item.x + "," + item.y; }
if(!isNaN(tension)) { // use standard Dojo smoothing in tension is numeric
var dx=item.x-array[i-1].x, dy=array[i-1].y;
return "C"+(item.x-(tension-1)*(dx/tension))+","+dy+" "+(item.x-(dx/tension))+","+item.y+" "+item.x+","+item.y;
} else if(tension == "X" || tension == "x" || tension == "S") {
// use Excel "line smoothing" algorithm (http://xlrotor.com/resources/files.shtml)
var p0, p1 = array[i-1], p2 = array[i], p3;
var bz1x, bz1y, bz2x, bz2y;
var f = 1/6;
if(i==1) {
if(tension == "x") {
p0 = array[array.length-2];
} else { // "tension == X || tension == "S"
p0 = p1;
f = 1/3;
} else {
p0 = array[i-2];
if(i==(array.length-1)) {
if(tension == "x") {
p3 = array[1];
} else { // "tension == X || tension == "S"
p3 = p2;
f = 1/3;
} else {
p3 = array[i+1];
var p1p2 = Math.sqrt((p2.x-p1.x)*(p2.x-p1.x)+(p2.y-p1.y)*(p2.y-p1.y));
var p0p2 = Math.sqrt((p2.x-p0.x)*(p2.x-p0.x)+(p2.y-p0.y)*(p2.y-p0.y));
var p1p3 = Math.sqrt((p3.x-p1.x)*(p3.x-p1.x)+(p3.y-p1.y)*(p3.y-p1.y));
var p0p2f = p0p2 * f;
var p1p3f = p1p3 * f;
if(p0p2f > p1p2/2 && p1p3f > p1p2/2) {
p0p2f = p1p2/2;
p1p3f = p1p2/2;
} else if(p0p2f > p1p2/2) {
p0p2f = p1p2/2;
p1p3f = p1p2/2 * p1p3/p0p2;
} else if(p1p3f > p1p2/2) {
p1p3f = p1p2/2;
p0p2f = p1p2/2 * p0p2/p1p3;
if(tension == "S") {
if(p0 == p1) { p0p2f = 0; }
if(p2 == p3) { p1p3f = 0; }
bz1x = p1.x + p0p2f*(p2.x - p0.x)/p0p2;
bz1y = p1.y + p0p2f*(p2.y - p0.y)/p0p2;
bz2x = p2.x - p1p3f*(p3.x - p1.x)/p1p3;
bz2y = p2.y - p1p3f*(p3.y - p1.y)/p1p3;
return "C"+(bz1x+","+bz1y+" "+bz2x+","+bz2y+" "+p2.x+","+p2.y);
return p.join(" ");
getLabel: function(/*Number*/number, /*Boolean*/fixed, /*Number*/precision){
return sc.doIfLoaded("dojo/number", function(numberLib){
return (fixed ? numberLib.format(number, {places : precision}) :
numberLib.format(number)) || "";
}, function(){
return fixed ? number.toFixed(precision) : number.toString();