// key bindings unbindall bind ` toggleconsole bind ~ toggleconsole bind TAB +scores bind PAUSE screenshotJPEG bind F1 "vote yes" bind F2 "vote no" bind F3 "ready" bind F4 "notready" bind F5 "arenavote yes" bind F6 "arenavote no" bind ENTER messagemode bind \ messagemode2 bind d +back bind e +forward bind f +moveright bind s +moveleft bind ALT +movedown bind c "weapon 1" bind 5 "weapon 9" bind a "weapon 2" bind v "weapon 8" bind r "weapon 6" bind g "weapon 7" bind q "weapon 4" bind w "weapon 5" bind t "weapon 3" bind MOUSE1 +attack bind MOUSE3 +zoom // cvars // core engine behavior seta com_hunkmegs 128 seta com_maxfps 125 seta scr_conspeed 999 seta vm_game 2 seta vm_cgame 2 seta vm_ui 2 // graphics seta r_fullscreen 1 seta r_mode 0 seta r_roundImagesDown 0 // network seta rate 25000 seta cl_allowDownload 0 seta cl_maxpackets 125 seta cg_laghax -1 // server seta sv_fps 30 // CPMA already sets all cgame and game vars correctly // but some are hacked into the engine so our defaults are ignored seta model "mynx/pm" seta color nnyny