q3aServ - Create a Quake 3 server easily on Linux ================================================= * Dependences: -------------- * Quake 3 Engine -> https://ioquake3.org/ * OSP Mod -> http://www.moddb.com/mods/osp/downloads/osp-mod-103a-full * CPMA Mod -> https://www.playmorepromode.org/ * Quake 3 Base -> http://store.steampowered.com/app/2200/Quake_III_Arena/ * Extra maps -> https://www.lvlworld.com/ Note: All the maps used by me are in the file "maps.txt" * How to use ------------- - Copy all the files and folders in the root folder of the game. - Edit the file "q3aServ.sh". - Change the following variables to the appropriate ones in your case: RUN_PATH="/opt/Games/quake3" RUN_BINARY="ioq3ded.x86_64" STATUS_PATH=/var/www/html/quake3/status.txt - Finally, execute the script with the appropriate parameters: $ ./q3aServ.sh Quake 3 Server Script v4.1 Config.files: /opt/Games/quake3/server/*.cfg Log.files: /home/q3aql/.q3a/baseq3/*.log Status: /var/www/html/quake3/status.txt Syntax: q3aServ.sh