q3aServ - Create a Quake 3 server easily on Linux
### Dependences:
* Quake 3 Engine -> [https://ioquake3.org/](https://ioquake3.org/)
* OSP Mod `(Included)` -> [http://www.moddb.com/mods/osp/downloads/osp-mod-103a-full](http://www.moddb.com/mods/osp/downloads/osp-mod-103a-full)
* CPMA Mod `(Included)` -> [https://www.playmorepromode.org/](https://www.playmorepromode.org/)
* Quake 3 Base -> [http://store.steampowered.com/app/2200/Quake_III_Arena/](http://store.steampowered.com/app/2200/Quake_III_Arena/)
* Extra maps `(Included)` -> [https://www.lvlworld.com/](https://www.lvlworld.com/)
## Previous steps:
* Copy all files and folders in root folder of the game.
* Edit the file `q3aServ.sh`.
* Change the following variables to the appropriate ones in your case:
- `RUN_PATH="/opt/Games/quake3"`
- `RUN_BINARY="ioq3ded.x86_64"`
- `STATUS_PATH=/var/www/html/quake3/status.txt`
- Finally, execute the script with the appropriate parameters:
- `$ ./q3aServ.sh