pfetch: add support for most package managers

This commit is contained in:
Dylan Araps 2019-09-24 13:23:19 +03:00
parent 82fbc40397
commit ca69c0390c


@ -152,11 +152,35 @@ get_uptime() {
get_packages() {
case $kernel_name in
command -v kiss && packages=$(kiss l | wc -l)
esac >/dev/null
# Simple function to avoid '>/dev/null' spam.
# This checks to see if a command is in '$PATH'.
has() { command -v "$1" >/dev/null; }
# This works by first checking for which package managers are
# isntalled and finally by printing each package manager's
# package list with each package one per line.
# The output from this is then piped to 'wc -l' to count each
# line, giving us the total package count of whatever package
# managers are installed.
case $kernel_name in
# Commands which print packages one per line.
has kiss && kiss l
has bonsai && bonsai list
has pacman-key && pacman -Qq
has dpkg && dpkg-query -f '.\n' -W
has rpm && rpm -qa
has xbps-query && xbps-query -l
has apk && apk info
# Directories containing packages.
has brew && printf '%s\n' "$(brew --cellar)/"*
has emerge && printf '%s\n' /var/db/pkg/*/*/
esac | wc -l
log pkgs "$packages"
@ -218,11 +242,11 @@ ${c5}\/${c4}-____${c5}\/
# Print the ascii art and position the cursor back where we
# started prior to printing it.
# '\e[?25l': Hide the cursor.
# '\033[1m': Print the ascii in bold.
# '\033[m': Clear bold.
# '\033[%sA: Move the cursor up '$ascii_height' amount of lines.
printf '\e[?25l\033[1m%s\033[m\033[%sA' "$ascii" "$ascii_height"
# '\033[?25l': Hide the cursor.
# '\033[1m': Print the ascii in bold.
# '\033[m': Clear bold.
# '\033[%sA: Move the cursor up '$ascii_height' amount of lines.
printf '\033[?25l\033[1m%s\033[m\033[%sA' "$ascii" "$ascii_height"
main() {
@ -258,9 +282,9 @@ EOF
# Position the cursor below both the ascii art and information lines.
# 'log' contains the amount of 'get_' info lines that were printed.
# '\033[%sB': Move the cursor down N lines.
# '\e[?25h' : Un-hide the cursor.
printf '\033[%sB\n\e[?25h' "$((ascii_height - log))"
# '\033[%sB': Move the cursor down N lines.
# '\033[?25h' : Un-hide the cursor.
printf '\033[%sB\n\033[?25h' "$((ascii_height - log))"
main "$@"