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2019-09-24 10:33:23 +03:00
# shellcheck source=/dev/null
# pfetch - Simple POSIX sh fetch script.
die() {
printf '\033[31;1merror\033[m: %s.\n' "$@" >&2
exit 1
log() {
2019-09-24 11:25:06 +03:00
# PF_COLOR1: Control color of info name.
# PF_SEP: Control the separator between info name and info data.
# PF_COLOR2: Control color of info data.
2019-09-24 12:01:34 +03:00
printf '\033[15C\033[3%s;1m%s\033[m%s\033[3%sm%s\033[m\n' \
2019-09-24 11:25:06 +03:00
"${PF_COLOR1:-1}" "$1" "${PF_SEP:- }" "${PF_COLOR2:-7}" "${2:-?}"
2019-09-24 12:01:34 +03:00
# Keep track of the number of times 'log()' has been run.
log=$((log + 1))
2019-09-24 10:33:23 +03:00
get_os() {
case $kernel_name in
Linux|GNU*) os=linux ;;
die "Unknown OS detected '$kernel_name'" \
"Open an issue on GitHub to add support for your OS"
2019-09-24 11:13:40 +03:00
get_title() {
case $os in
read -r hostname < /proc/sys/kernel/hostname
# Username is retrieved by first checking '$USER' with a fallback
# to the 'whoami' command.
# Hostname is retrieved by first checking '$HOSTNAME' with a fallback
# to the OS specific detection above and finally an additional fallback
# to the 'hostname' command.
2019-09-24 11:25:06 +03:00
# PF_SEP and PF_COLOR2 change printing options in the 'log()' function.
# Disable the warning about '$HOSTNAME' being undefined in POSIX sh as
# it is intended for allowing the user to overwrite the value on invocation.
2019-09-24 11:13:40 +03:00
# shellcheck disable=SC2039
2019-09-24 11:25:06 +03:00
PF_SEP=@ PF_COLOR2='3;1' \
log "${USER:-$(whoami)}" "${HOSTNAME:-${hostname:-$(hostname)}}"
2019-09-24 11:13:40 +03:00
2019-09-24 10:33:23 +03:00
get_distro() {
case $os in
. /etc/os-release && distro=$PRETTY_NAME
2019-09-24 11:25:06 +03:00
log os "$distro"
2019-09-24 10:33:23 +03:00
2019-09-24 10:46:56 +03:00
get_kernel() {
2019-09-24 11:25:06 +03:00
log kernel "$kernel_version"
2019-09-24 10:46:56 +03:00
get_uptime() {
2019-09-24 10:53:49 +03:00
# Uptime works by retrieving the data in total seconds and then
# converting that data into days, hours and minutes using simple
# math.
2019-09-24 10:46:56 +03:00
case $os in
IFS=. read -r s _ < /proc/uptime
2019-09-24 10:53:49 +03:00
# Convert the uptime from seconds into days, hours and minutes.
2019-09-24 10:46:56 +03:00
d=$((s / 60 / 60 / 24))
h=$((s / 60 / 60 % 24))
m=$((s / 60 % 60))
2019-09-24 10:53:49 +03:00
# Only append days, hours and minutes if they're non-zero.
2019-09-24 10:46:56 +03:00
[ "$d" = 0 ] || uptime="${uptime}${d}d "
[ "$h" = 0 ] || uptime="${uptime}${h}h "
[ "$m" = 0 ] || uptime="${uptime}${m}m "
2019-09-24 11:25:06 +03:00
log uptime "${uptime:-0m}"
2019-09-24 10:46:56 +03:00
2019-09-24 11:03:33 +03:00
get_memory() {
case $os in
# Used memory is calculated using the following "formula" (Linux):
# MemUsed = MemTotal + Shmem - MemFree - Buffers - Cached - SReclaimable
# Source:
# Parse the '/proc/meminfo' file splitting on ':' and 'k'.
# The format of the file is 'key: 000kB' and an additional
# split is used on 'k' to filter out 'kB'.
while IFS=:k read -r key val _; do
case $key in
mem_used=$((mem_used + val))
mem_used=$((mem_used + val))
mem_used=$((mem_used - val))
done < /proc/meminfo
mem_used=$((mem_used / 1024))
mem_total=$((mem_total / 1024))
2019-09-24 11:25:06 +03:00
log memory "${mem_used}MiB / ${mem_total}MiB"
2019-09-24 11:03:33 +03:00
2019-09-24 12:01:34 +03:00
get_ascii() {
case $os in
${c4} ___
(${c7}.· ${c4}|
(${c5}<> ${c4}|
/ ${c7}__ ${c4}\\
( ${c3}/ \\ ${c4}/|
${c5}_${c4}/\\ ${c7}__)${c4}/${c5}_${c4})
# Store the height of the ascii art for cursor positioning.
# This script prints to the screen *almost* like a TUI does.
# It uses escape sequences to allow dynamic printing of the
# information through user configuration.
ascii_height=$(printf %s "$ascii" | wc -l)
# Print the ascii art and position the cursor back where we
# started prior to printing it.
# '\033[1m': Print the ascii in bold.
# '\033[m': Clear bold.
# '\033[%sA: Move the cursor up '$ascii_height' amount of lines.
printf '\033[1m%s\033[m\033[%sA' "$ascii" "$ascii_height"
2019-09-24 10:33:23 +03:00
main() {
2019-09-24 12:01:34 +03:00
# Generic color list.
# Disable warning about unused variables.
# shellcheck disable=2034
c1=; c2=
c3=; c4=
c5=; c6=
c7=; c8=
2019-09-24 10:33:23 +03:00
# Hide 'stderr' unless the first argument is '-v'. This saves
# polluting the script with '2>/dev/null'.
[ "$1" = -v ] || exec 2>/dev/null
# Store the output of 'uname' to avoid calling it multiple times
# throughout the script. 'read <<EOF' is the simplest way of reading
# a command into a list of variables.
2019-09-24 12:01:34 +03:00
read -r kernel_name kernel_version <<EOF
$(uname -sr)
2019-09-24 10:48:11 +03:00
2019-09-24 10:33:23 +03:00
2019-09-24 12:01:34 +03:00
2019-09-24 11:13:40 +03:00
2019-09-24 10:33:23 +03:00
2019-09-24 10:46:56 +03:00
2019-09-24 11:03:33 +03:00
2019-09-24 12:01:34 +03:00
# Position the cursor below both the ascii art and information lines.
# 'log' contains the amount of 'get_' info lines that were printed.
# '\033[%sB': Move the cursor down N lines.
printf '\033[%sB\n' "$((ascii_height - log))"
2019-09-24 10:33:23 +03:00
main "$@"