# packelf-appimage Pack elf binary and it's dependencies into standalone executable using appimagetool. `packelf-appimage` was inspired by https://github.com/oufm/packelf. ## Usage packelf: ``` Usage: ./packelf-appimage.sh ``` Example: ``` $ ./packelf-appimage.sh /usr/bin/mpv mpv-x86_64.AppImage ``` ## Extract without running: You can extract the files of a created package without executing it with the following command: ``` $ ./ --appimage-extract ``` ## Usage packelf-copylibs: ``` Usage: ./packelf-appimage-copylibs.sh ``` Example: ``` $ ./packelf-appimage-copylibs.sh /usr/bin/mpv /opt/mpv-libs/ ``` ## Usage packelf-folder: ``` Usage: ./packelf-appimage-folder.sh ``` Example: ``` $ ./packelf-folder.sh /opt/mpv-package mpv-x86_64.AppImage run.sh ``` ## Dependencies * sh * tar * sed * grep * chmod * appimagetool (https://github.com/AppImage/appimagetool/releases) * ldd (only needed for packing, not needed for executing or unpacking) * fusermount (only for executing)