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synced 2024-11-27 12:25:53 +01:00
Duplicate syntax definition names may cause problems. Since nano comes with predefined all-lowercase syntax definitions, we use uppercase letters everywhere to reduce the risk of future conflicts
40 lines
1.6 KiB
40 lines
1.6 KiB
## Here is an example for C/C++.
syntax "C" "\.(c(c|pp|xx)?|C)$" "\.(h(h|pp|xx)?|H)$" "\.ii?$" "\.(def)$"
color brightred "\<[A-Z_][0-9A-Z_]+\>"
color green "\<(float|double|bool|char|int|short|long|sizeof|enum|void|static|const|struct|union|typedef|extern|(un)?signed|inline)\>"
color green "\<((s?size)|((u_?)?int(8|16|32|64|ptr)))_t\>"
color green "\<(class|namespace|template|public|protected|private|typename|this|friend|virtual|using|mutable|volatile|register|explicit)\>"
color green "\<(for|if|while|do|else|case|default|switch)\>"
color green "\<(try|throw|catch|operator|new|delete)\>"
color brightmagenta "\<(goto|continue|break|return)\>"
color brightcyan "^[[:space:]]*#[[:space:]]*(define|include|(un|ifn?)def|endif|el(if|se)|if|warning|error)"
color brightmagenta "'([^'\]|(\\["'abfnrtv\\]))'" "'\\(([0-3]?[0-7]{1,2}))'" "'\\x[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,2}'"
## GCC builtins
color green "__attribute__[[:space:]]*\(\([^)]*\)\)" "__(aligned|asm|builtin|hidden|inline|packed|restrict|section|typeof|weak)__"
#Operator Color
color yellow "[.:;,+*|=!\%]" "<" ">" "/" "-" "&"
#Parenthetical Color
color magenta "[(){}]" "\[" "\]"
## String highlighting. You will in general want your comments and
## strings to come last, because syntax highlighting rules will be
## applied in the order they are read in.
color cyan "<[^= ]*>" ""(\\.|[^"])*""
## This string is VERY resource intensive!
#color cyan start=""(\\.|[^"])*\\[[:space:]]*$" end="^(\\.|[^"])*""
## Comment highlighting
color brightblue "//.*"
color brightblue start="/\*" end="\*/"
## Trailing whitespace
#color ,green "[[:space:]]+$"