## Syntax highlighting for Jrnl/Markdown files. ## Original authors: Ryan Westlund and Benno Schulenberg ## Copied Markdown and Modified for jrnl.sh: Bruce DuPlanty ## License: GPL version 3 or newer syntax "jrnl" "\.(jrnl)$" # @tag +tag #tag color brightgreen "\+{1}[a-zA-Z0-9_!:\-\.]*" color brightgreen "@{1}[a-zA-Z0-9_!:\-\.]*" color brightred "#{1}[a-zA-Z0-9_!:\-\.]*" # Tables (Github extension) color cyan ".*[ :]\|[ :].*" # quotes color brightblack start="^>" end="^$" color brightblack "^>.*" # Emphasis color green "(^|[[:space:]])(_[^ ][^_]*_|\*[^ ][^*]*\*)" # Strong emphasis color brightgreen "(^|[[:space:]])(__[^ ][^_]*__|\*\*[^ ][^*]*\*\*)" # strike-through color red "(^|[[:space:]])~~[^ ][^~]*~~" # horizontal rules color brightmagenta "^(---+|===+|___+|\*\*\*+)\s*$" # headlines # for jrnl files whhere MD Headings maty be embedded color brightwhite "#{1,6} .*" # lists color brightblue "^[[:space:]]*[\*+-] |^[[:space:]]*[0-9]+\. " # leading whitespace color black "^[[:space:]]+" # misc color magenta "\(([CcRr]|[Tt][Mm])\)" "\.{3}" "(^|[[:space:]])\-\-($|[[:space:]])" # links color brightblue "\[[^]]+\]" color brightblue "\[([^][]|\[[^]]*\])*\]\([^)]+\)" # images color magenta "!\[[^][]*\](\([^)]+\)|\[[^]]+\])" # urls color brightyellow "https?://[^ )>]+" # code color yellow "`[^`]*`|^ {4}[^-+*].*" # code blocks color yellow start="^```[^$]" end="^```$" color yellow "^```$" # Trailing spaces color ,green "[[:space:]]+$"