*************************************** Improved Nano Syntax Highlighting Files *************************************** This repository holds ``{lang}.nanorc`` files that have improved definitions of syntax highlighting for various languages. These should be placed inside of the ``~/.nano/`` directory. Alternatively:: git clone git@github.com:scopatz/nanorc.git ~/.nano *Note - if you have any issues, alternatively use:: git clone https://github.com/scopatz/nanorc.git ~/.nano Once there you should add the languages you want to your nano configuration file ``~/.nanorc``. For example:: ## C/C++ include "~/.nano/c.nanorc" You can also append the contents of ``~/.nano/nanorc`` into your ``~/.nanorc`` to include all languages:: cat ~/.nano/nanorc >> ~/.nanorc Finally, you can run an automatic installer using the following code:: $ curl https://github.com/scopatz/nanorc/raw/installer.sh | sh