mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 10:10:05 +01:00
Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/scopatz/nanorc
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
syntax "Creole" "\.creole$"
# Headers
color magenta "^=.*=$"
# Lists
color green "^[#*]+\s.*"
# Links and images
color cyan start="\[\[" end="\]\]"
color cyan start="\{\{" end="\}\}"
# Emphasis
color yellow "//.*//"
color brightyellow "\*\*.*\*\*"
# Pre and tables
color red start="\{\{\{" end="\}\}\}"
color red "\|"
color brightred "\|="
color ,red "\s+$"
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
syntax "Email"
syntax "Email" "\.em(ai)?l$"
color magenta "^>([^>].*|$)"
color magenta "^>([^>].*|$)"
color blue "^>>([^>].*|$)"
color blue "^> ?>([^>].*|$)"
color green "^>>>.*"
color green "^> ?> ?>.*"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
## syntax highlighting for gemini:// markup language
syntax gemini "\.(gemini|gmi)$"
# Heading levels
color brightgreen "^#.*"
color brightcyan "^##.*"
color brightmagenta "^###.*"
# Link Text
color brightred "^=>\s*\S+\s+.*"
# Link URL
color green "^=>\s*\S+"
# Link Prefix
color yellow "^=>"
# Bullet Lists
color brightblue "^\*.*"
# Monospaced Blocks
color white,black start="^```" end="^```"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
## syntax for gophernicus gophermaps
syntax gophermap "\.(gophermap|gph)$"
# Port Numbers
color yellow "^.[ -~]*.[ -~]*.[ -~]*.[ -~]+"
# Domains
color red "^.[ -~]*.[ -~]*.[ -~]+"
# Resource Path (no directories)
color green "^[^1][ -~]*.[ -~]*"
# Directories (w/ Name)
color brightmagenta "^1[ -~]*.[ -~]*"
# Names
color brightblue "^[ -~]+."
# Directories (w/o Name)
color brightyellow "^1[ -~]+.$"
# URLs
color brightcyan "URL:.*"
# Types
# General
color magenta "^."
# HTML & Interactive Content
color brightcyan "^(h|7|8)"
# Info Text
color cyan "^i.*"
color cyan "^[ -~]*$"
color blue "^i"
# Special Tags & Characters
color brightgreen "^(!|-|:|~|%|=|\*|\.).*"
# Comments
color white,blue "#.*"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
#syntax highlighting for MoonScript
#based on leafo/moonscript-vim
syntax "MoonScript" "\.moon$"
color yellow "\<(return|break|continue)\>"
color yellow "\<(if|else|elseif|then|switch|when|unless)\>"
color yellow "\<(export|local|import|from|with|in|and|or|not|class|extends|super|using|do)\>"
color yellow "\<(for|while)\>"
#identifiers (lua 5.1 functions)
color green "\<(assert|collectgarbage|dofile|error|next|print|rawget|rawset|tonumber|tostring)\>"
color green "\<(type|_VERSION|_G|getfenv|getmetatable|ipairs|loadfile|loadstring|pairs)\>"
color green "\<(pcall|rawequal|require|setfenv|setmetatable|unpack|xpcallload|module|select)\>"
color green "package\.(cpath|loaded|loadlib|path|preload|seeall)"
color green "coroutine\.(running|create|resume|status|wrap|yield)"
color green "string\.(byte|char|dump|find|len|lower|rep|sub|upper|format|gsub|gmatch|match|reverse)"
color green "table\.(maxn|concat|sort|insert|remove)"
color green "math\.(abs|acos|asin|atan|atan2|ceil|sin|cos|tan|deg|exp|floor|log|log10|max|min|fmod|modf|cosh|sinh|tanh|pow|rad|sqrt|frexp|ldexp|random|randomseed|pi)"
color green "io\.(stdin|stdout|stderr|close|flush|input|lines|open|output|popen|read|tmpfile|type|write)"
color green "os\.(clock|date|difftime|execute|exit|getenv|remove|rename|setlocale|time|tmpname)"
color green "debug\.(debug|gethook|getinfo|getlocal|getupvalue|setlocal|setupvalue|sethook|traceback|getfenv|getmetatable|getregistry|setfenv|setmetatable)"
color red "[-+=^*.<>&?%#@!:|\/\\]+"
color red "(and=|or=)"
color brightblue "(->|=>|\(|\)|\[|\]|\{|\}|!\s|!$)"
color brightcyan "\<(true|false)\>"
#special type
color brightred "\<(nil)\>"
#class-like name starting with a capital letter
color green "\<[A-Z]\w*\>"
#special variable
color green "\<(self|self\.\w+)\>"
color green "\B@@?\w*"
color brightgreen "\<[A-Z0-9_]+\>"
#integer (incl. leading plus or minus)
color brightmagenta "\<[-+]?[0-9]+\>"
#float (incl. leading plus or minus)
color brightmagenta "\<[-+]?[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\>"
#hex number
color brightmagenta "\<0[xX]\x+\>"
#some common errors
color green,red "(;$|[[:space:]]+$)"
color brightyellow start="\"" end="\""
color brightyellow start="\'" end="\'"
color blue "--.*"
@ -37,6 +37,6 @@ color red "(<\?(php)?|\?>)"
# General HTML
# General HTML
color red start="\?>" end="<\?(php|=)?"
color red start="\?>" end="<\?(php|=)?"
# trailing whitespace
# trailing whitespace
color ,green "[^[:space:]]{1}[[:space:]]+$"
color ,green "[[:space:]]+$"
# multi-line comments
# multi-line comments
color brightyellow start="/\*" end="\*/"
color brightyellow start="/\*" end="\*/"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
#syntax highlighting for the Sieve email filtering language
#based on:
# RFC's { 3894,5173,5228,5229,5230,5231,5232,5233
# 5235,5260,5293,5435,5437,5463,5490,5703
# 6009,6131,6134,6558,6609,7352,8579,8580 }
# vnd.dovecot { debug,execute,report }
# Spec Drafts { IETF Sieve Regex,Martin Sieve Notify
# Melnikov Sieve IMAPFlags }
syntax Sieve "\.(siv|sieve)$"
#RFC 5228 (base spec)
icolor yellow "\<(stop|require)\>"
#RFC 5463 (ihave extension)
icolor yellow "\<(error)\>"
#RFC 6609 (include extension)
icolor yellow "\<(include)\>"
#RFC 5228 (base spec)
icolor brightgreen "\<(if|else|elsif)\>"
#RFC 5703 (extensions for mime part tests, iteration, extraction, replacement, and enclosure)
icolor brightgreen "\<(foreverypart)\>"
##test modifiers
#RFC 5228 (base spec)
icolor brightred "\<(allof|anyof|true|false|not)\>"
#RFC 5228 (base spec)
icolor brightcyan "\<(address|envelope|exists|header|size)\>"
#RFC 5173 (body extension)
icolor brightcyan "\<(body)\>"
#RFC 5183 (environment extension)
icolor brightcyan "\<(environment)\>"
#RFC 5232 (imap4flags extension)
icolor brightcyan "\<(hasflag)\>"
#RFC 5235 (spamtest and virustest extensions)
icolor brightcyan "\<(spamtest|virustest)\>"
#RFC 5260 (date and index extensions)
icolor brightcyan "\<(date|currentdate)\>"
#RFC 5437 (notification mechanism for xmpp)
icolor brightcyan "\<(notify_method_capability)\>"
#RFC 5463 (ihave extension)
icolor brightcyan "\<(ihave)\>"
#RFC 5490 (extensions for checking mailbox status and accessing mailbox metadata)
icolor brightcyan "\<(mailboxexists|metadata|metadataexists)\>"
icolor brightcyan "\<(servermetadata|servermetadataexists)\>"
#RFC 6134 (extension for externally stored lists)
icolor brightcyan "\<(valid_ext_list)\>"
#RFC 7352 (extension for detecting duplicate deliveries)
icolor brightcyan "\<(duplicate)\>"
#RFC 8579 (extension for delivering to special-use mailboxes)
icolor brightcyan "\<(specialuse_exists)\>"
#RFC 5228 (base spec)
icolor cyan "\s:(contains|is|matches|over|under)\>"
#RFC 5228 (base spec)
icolor green "\s:(localpart|domain|all)\>"
#RFC 5231 (relational extension)
icolor green "\s:(count|value)\>"
#RFC 5233 (subaddress extension)
icolor green "\s:(user|detail)\>"
#RFC 5235 (spamtest and virustest extensions)
icolor green "\s:(percent)\>"
#RFC 5260 (date and index extensions)
icolor green "\s:(zone|originalzone|index|last)\>"
#RFC 6134 (extension for externally stored lists)
icolor green "\s:(list)\>"
#Draft IETF Sieve Regex 01 (regular expression extension)
icolor green "\s:(regex|quoteregex)\>"
#RFC 5229" (variables extension)
color red "\$\{.*\}"
#RFC 5228 (base spec)
icolor brightblue "\<(keep|fileinto|discard|reject|redirect)\>"
#RFC 5229 (variables extension)
icolor brightblue "\<(set)\>"
#RFC 5230 (vacation extension)
icolor brightblue "\<(vacation)\>"
#RFC 5232 (imap4flags extension)
icolor brightblue "\<(setflag|addflag|removeflag)\>"
#RFC 5293 (editheader extension)
icolor brightblue "\<(addheader|deleteheader)\>"
#RFC 5429 (reject and ereject extensions)
icolor brightblue "\<(reject|ereject)\>"
#RFC 5435 (extension for notifications)
icolor brightblue "\<(notify)\>"
#RFC 5703 (extensions for mime part tests, iteration, extraction, replacement, and enclosure)
icolor brightblue "\<(break|replace|enclose|extracttext)\>"
#RFC 6558 (extension for converting messages before delivery)
icolor brightblue "\<(convert)\>"
#RFC 6609 (include extension)
icolor brightblue "\<(return)\>"
#vnd.dovecot.debug (extension for logging debug messages)
icolor brightblue "\<(debug_log)\>"
#vnd.dovecot.execute (extension for external programs)
icolor brightblue "\<(pipe|filter|execute)\>"
#vnd.dovecot.report (extension for sending abuse feedback reports)
icolor brightblue "\<(report)\>"
#Draft Martin Sieve Notify 01 (extension for providing instant notifications) [deprecated]
icolor brightblue "\<(denotify)\>"
#Draft Melnikov Sieve IMAPFlags 04 (imap flag extension) [deprecated]
icolor brightblue "\<(mark|unmark)\>"
##modifiers, parameters, etc.
#RFC 5228 (base spec)
icolor magenta "\s:(comparator)\>"
#RFC 3894 (extension for copying without side effects)
icolor magenta "\s:(copy)\>"
#RFC 5173 (body extension)
icolor magenta "\s:(raw|content|text)\>"
#RFC 5229 (variables extension)
icolor magenta "\s:(length|quotewildcard)\>"
icolor magenta "\s:(upper|lower|upperfirst|lowerfirst)\>"
#RFC 5230 (vacation extension)
icolor magenta "\s:(days|subject|from|addresses|handle)\>"
#RFC 5232 (imap4flags extension)
icolor magenta "\s:(flags)\>"
#RFC 5435 (extension for notifications)
icolor magenta "\s:(from|importance|options|message)\>"
#RFC 5490 (extensions for checking mailbox status and accessing mailbox metadata)
icolor magenta "\s:(create)\>"
#RFC 5703 (extensions for mime part tests, iteration, extraction, replacement, and enclosure)
icolor magenta "\s:(name|mime|anychild|type|subtype)\>"
icolor magenta "\s:(contenttype|param|headers|first)\>"
#RFC 6009 (dsn and deliver-by extensions)
icolor magenta "\s:(notify|ret|bymode|bytrace)\>"
icolor magenta "\s:(bytimerelative|bytimeabsolute)\>"
#RFC 6131 (vacation extension seconds parameter)
icolor magenta "\s:(seconds)\>"
#RFC 6609 (include extension)
icolor magenta "\s:(once|optional|personal|global)\>"
#RFC 7352 (extension for detecting duplicate deliveries)
icolor magenta "\s:(header|uniqueid)\>"
#RFC 8579 (extension for delivering to special-use mailboxes)
icolor magenta "\s:(specialuse)\>"
#RFC 8580 (extension for file carbon copy)
icolor magenta "\s:(fcc)\>"
#vnd.dovecot.execute (extension for external programs)
icolor magenta "\s:(try|pipe|input|output)\>"
#Draft Martin Sieve Notify 01 (extension for providing instant notifications) [deprecated]
icolor magenta "\s:(method|id|low|normal|high)\>"
#Draft Melnikov Sieve IMAPFlags 04 (imap flag extension) [deprecated]
icolor magenta "\s:(globalflags)(_plus|_minus)?\>"
##number (incl. proceeding K, M, or G)
icolor brightmagenta "\<[0-9]+[KMG]?\>"
color blue "\#.*"
color brightyellow start="\"" end="\""
color brightyellow start="\/\*" end="\*\/"
icolor brightyellow start="text\:.*" end="^.$"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user