mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 13:10:05 +01:00
@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
Improved Nano Syntax Highlighting Files
This repository holds ``{lang}.nanorc`` files that have improved
definitions of syntax highlighting for various languages.
1. Copy files
These should be placed inside of the ``~/.nano/`` directory.
Or for system-wide installation ``/usr/share/nano-syntax-highlighting/``.
In other words::
git clone git@github.com:scopatz/nanorc.git ~/.nano
*Note - if you have any issues (ssh was not properly configured), alternatively use::
git clone https://github.com/scopatz/nanorc.git ~/.nano
*System wide will look like so*::
sudo git clone https://github.com/scopatz/nanorc.git /usr/share/nano-syntax-highlighting/
**NOTE**: \< and \> are regular character escapes on macOS. The bug's fixed in Nano, but this might be a problem
if you are using an older version. If this is the case, replace them respectively with [[:<:]] and [[:>:]].
This is reported in `issue 52 <https://github.com/scopatz/nanorc/issues/52>`_
2. Configure ``nano``
Once there you should add the languages you want to your
nano configuration file ``~/.nanorc``. For example::
## C/C++
include "~/.nano/c.nanorc"
You can also append the contents of ``~/.nano/nanorc`` into your
``~/.nanorc`` to include all languages::
cat ~/.nano/nanorc >> ~/.nanorc
Or to be less verbose, append content of the folder in one line with wildcard::
## For all users
$ echo "include $install_path/*.nanorc" >> /etc/nanorc
## For current user
$ echo "include $install_path/*.nanorc" >> ~/.nanorc
where ``$install_path`` is ``/usr/share/nano-syntax-highlighting`` or ``~/.nano/`` or ...
1a. Automatic installer
Finally, you can run an automatic installer using the following code::
$ curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/scopatz/nanorc/master/install.sh | sh
or alternatively::
$ wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/scopatz/nanorc/master/install.sh -O- | sh
*Note -
some syntax definitions which exist in Nano upstream may be preferable to the ones provided by this package.
The install.sh script may be run with ``-l`` or ``--lite`` to insert the included syntax definitions from this package
with lower precedence than the ones provided by the standard package.
1b. Distributive specific installation via package managers
On **Arch Linux** and other *pacman/aur* based systems it is possible to::
$ aurman -S nano-syntax-highlighting-git
or search package::
$ aurman -Ss nano-syntax-highlight
Then you need to mannually add ``.nanorc``-s to user's ``~/.nanorc`` or system ``/etc/nanorc``. See **$2**
Some of these files are derived from the original nano release [`Project <https://www.nano-editor.org/>`_] [`Repository <https://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/nano.git>`_]
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
## Here is a short example for TeX files.
syntax "Tex" "\.Rnw$" "bib" "\.bib$" "cls" "\.cls$"
color yellow "\$(\\\$|[^$])*[^\\]\$"
color yellow "\$\$(\\\$|[^$])*[^\\]\$\$"
icolor green "\\.|\\[A-Z]*"
color magenta "[{}]"
color red start="<<" end=">>="
color white start=">>=" end="@"
color brightblue "%.*"
color brightblue "^[[:space:]]*#.*"
color brightblue start="\\begin\{comment\}" end="\\end\{comment\}"
color green "(class|extends|goto) ([a-zA-Z0-9_]*)"
color green "[^a-z0-9_-]{1}(var|class|function|echo|case|break|default|exit|switch|if|else|elseif|endif|foreach|endforeach|@|while|public|private|protected|return|true|false|null|TRUE|FALSE|NULL|const|static|extends|as|array|require|include|require_once|include_once|define|do|continue|declare|goto|print|in|namespace|use)[^a-z0-9_-]{1}"
# Functions
color blue "([a-zA-Z0-9_\-$\.]*)\("
# Variables
color magenta "[a-zA-Z_0-9]* <\-"
# Special Characters
color yellow "[.,{}();]"
color yellow "\["
color yellow "\]"
color yellow "[=][^>]"
# Numbers
color magenta "[+-]*([0-9]\.)*[0-9]+([eE][+-]?([0-9]\.)*[0-9])*"
color magenta "0x[0-9a-zA-Z]*"
# Special Variables
color blue "(\$this|parent::|self::|\$this->)"
# Bitwise Operations
color magenta "(\;|\||\^){1}"
# And/Or/SRO/etc
color green "(\;\;|\|\||::|=>|->)"
color red "('[^']*')|(\"[^\"]*\")"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
syntax "groovy" "\.(groovy|gradle)$"
# Keywords
color brightblue "\<(boolean|byte|char|double|enum|float|int|long|new|short|super|this|transient)\>"
color brightblue "\<(as|assert|break|case|catch|continue|default|do|else|finally|for|goto|if|in|return|switch|throw|try|while)\>"
color brightblue "\<(abstract|class|extends|implements|import|interface|native|package|private|protected|public|static|strictfp|synchronized|throws|trait|void|volatile)\>"
color brightblue "\<(const|def|final|instanceof)\>"
color brightblue "\<(true|false|null)\>"
# Strings
color brightyellow ""(\\.|[^"])*"" "'(\\.|[^'])*'"
# Interpolation
icolor yellow "\$\{[^\}]*}"
# Comments
color cyan "^//.*"
color cyan "\s//.*"
color cyan start="^/\*(\*)?" end="\*/"
color cyan start="\s/\*(\*)?" end="\*/"
# Trailing whitespace
color ,green "[[:space:]]+$"
@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ include "~/.nano/git.nanorc"
include "~/.nano/gitcommit.nanorc"
include "~/.nano/glsl.nanorc"
include "~/.nano/go.nanorc"
include "~/.nano/gradle.nanorc"
include "~/.nano/groff.nanorc"
include "~/.nano/haml.nanorc"
include "~/.nano/haskell.nanorc"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
# Improved Nano Syntax Highlighting Files
This repository holds ``{lang}.nanorc`` files that have improved definitions of syntax highlighting for various languages.
## Installation
There are three ways to install this repo.
### 1. Automatic installer
Copy the following code to download and run the installer script:
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/scopatz/nanorc/master/install.sh | sh
If your machine doesn't have `curl` command, use this code:
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/scopatz/nanorc/master/install.sh -O- | sh
#### Note
Some syntax definitions which exist in Nano upstream may be preferable to the ones provided by this package.
The ` install.sh` script may be run with `-l` or `--lite` to insert the included syntax definitions from this package with *lower* precedence than the ones provided by the standard package.
### 2. Package managers
The follow table lists all systems with this package published.
Fell free to add your official package manager.
> Systems that are based in others' package managers or repositories are compatible. For example: `pacman/aur` based systems are compatible with `Arch Linux`.
| System | Command |
| ---------- | ---------------------------------------- |
| Arch Linux | `aurman -Ss nano-syntax-highlight` |
| | `aurman -S nano-syntax-highlighting-git` |
### 3. Clone repo (copy the files)
The files should be placed inside of the `~/.nano/` directory.
You can put the files in another directory inside the correct `.nano` folder.
For example: `~/.nano/nanorc/`.
For readability will use `$install_path` for the path of your choose (in *system wide* the path is always `/usr/share/nano-syntax-highlighting/`).
For user, only run:
`git clone git@github.com:scopatz/nanorc.git $install_path` or
`git clone https://github.com/scopatz/nanorc.git $install_path`
For system wide, run:
`sudo git clone https://github.com/scopatz/nanorc.git $install_path`
## Configuration
After installation, you need to inform `nano` to used the new highlight files.
The configuration file is located at `~/.nanorc`, for users, and at `/etc/nanorc`, for system wide.
If this file doesn't exist, create a new one.
Again there are three ways:
### 1. Include all
Append the content of the folder in one line, with wildcard::
`echo "include $install_path/*.nanorc" >> ~/.nanorc` or
`echo "include $install_path/*.nanorc" >> /etc/nanorc`
### 2. Include/append our `nanorc` file
Simply run:
`cat $install_path/nanorc >> ~/.nanorc` or
`cat $install_path/nanorc >> /etc/nanorc`
### 3. One by one
Add your preferable languages one by onento the file. For example:
## C/C++
include "~/.nano/c.nanorc"
## Tricks & Tweaks
### MacOS
`\<` and `\>` are regular character escapes on MacOS.
The bug is fixed in Nano, but this might be a problem if you are using an older version
If this is the case, replace them respectively with `[[:<:]]` and `[[:>:]]`.
This is reported in [Issue 52](https://github.com/scopatz/nanorc/issues/52).
### Why not include the original files?
It is a good question, but the way that nano reads the files matters.
In other words, the regex instructions should be in a _specific order_ (you can see that in some nanorc files).
So, if we `include` or `extendsyntax` (yes, there is also this command) the colors or other things won't be work well.
The best way to do is copying and editing the original files (if it is needed).
The bug about it: https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/index.php?5698
But if some original nanorc file needs an update, feel free to [patch it](https://savannah.gnu.org/patch/?func=additem&group=nano)!
## Acknowledgements
Some of these files are derived from the original [Nano](https://www.nano-editor.org) editor [repo](https://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/nano.git)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user