#!/bin/bash # Script to install Firefox on GNU/Linux # Created by clamsawd (clamsawd@openmailbox.org) # Licensed by GPL v.2 # Last update: 19-11-2015 # -------------------------------------- VERSION="3.0" # Check if 'user' is 'root' user=$(whoami) if [ "$user" == "root" ] ; then echo "OK" > /dev/null else echo "You must be root!" exit 0 fi # Detect "kernel" name KERNEL=$(uname -s) if [ $KERNEL == "Linux" ]; then KERNEL="linux" else echo "Unsupported OS ($KERNEL)" exit 0 fi # Create Mozilla Firefox shortcut after of install it. function create_firefox_icon(){ echo "[Desktop Entry]" > /usr/share/applications/firefox.desktop #echo "Encoding=UTF-8" >> /usr/share/applications/firefox.desktop echo "Name=Mozilla Firefox" >> /usr/share/applications/firefox.desktop echo "Comment=Browse the World Wide Web" >> /usr/share/applications/firefox.desktop echo "GenericName=Web Browser" >> /usr/share/applications/firefox.desktop echo "X-GNOME-FullName=Mozilla Firefox" >> /usr/share/applications/firefox.desktop echo "Exec=firefox %u" >> /usr/share/applications/firefox.desktop echo "Terminal=false" >> /usr/share/applications/firefox.desktop echo "X-MultipleArgs=false" >> /usr/share/applications/firefox.desktop echo "Type=Application" >> /usr/share/applications/firefox.desktop echo "Icon=/opt/firefox/browser/icons/mozicon128.png" >> /usr/share/applications/firefox.desktop echo "Categories=Network;WebBrowser;" >> /usr/share/applications/firefox.desktop #echo "StartupWMClass=Firefox-bin" >> /usr/share/applications/firefox.desktop echo "StartupNotify=true" >> /usr/share/applications/firefox.desktop chmod 755 /usr/share/applications/firefox.desktop echo " <-Finished->" exit } # Install Firefox using 'tar' command and # initialize the 'create_firefox_icon' function. function install_firefox(){ echo "" echo " <-Downloading Mozilla Firefox->" cd /tmp/ $APP_DOWNLOAD $SERVER echo " <-Installing Mozilla Firefox->" tar jxvf $RELEASE.tar.bz2 -C /opt/ rm -rf /usr/bin/firefox ln -s /opt/firefox/firefox /usr/bin/firefox chmod 755 -R /opt/firefox/ rm -rf /tmp/$RELEASE.tar.bz2 create_firefox_icon } # Define the complete URL of selected firefox package, show # the selected previous options to confirm and will initialize # the install ('install_firefox' function). function step5_install_firefox(){ SERVER="https://download.mozilla.org/?product=$RELEASE&os=$ARCH&lang=$LANGUAGE" clear echo "" echo "firefox-install v$VERSION" echo "--------------------" echo "" echo "[Step 5/5] Check your selected installation:" echo "" echo "Install: Mozilla Firefox" echo "Package: $RELEASE" echo "Language: $LANGUAGE" echo "Arch: $ARCH_NAME" echo "Directory: /opt/firefox/" echo "" echo "Apps: $NAME_APP (download), tar (unpack) " echo "" echo -n "(default: y) Is correct? (y/n/q); " ; read VAREND if [ "${VAREND:-NO_VALUE}" == "NO_VALUE" -o "$VAREND" == "yes" -o "$VAREND" == "y" ] ; then install_firefox elif [ "$VAREND" == "no" -o "$VAREND" == "n" ] ; then step1_choose_version elif [ "$VAREND" == "q" -o "$VAREND" == "quit" ] ; then exit else clear echo "" echo "Invalid option, please, choose any available option" echo "" echo -n "Press 'ENTER' to return " read yesorno step5_install_firefox fi } # Check if 'wget', 'aria2c' & 'axel' are installed, # define the corresponding variable and initialize the # 'step4_choose_app_download' function. function check_downloaders_on_system() { wget --help > /dev/null if [ "$?" -eq 0 ] ; then WGET="Available" else WGET="Not available" fi aria2c --help > /dev/null if [ "$?" -eq 0 ] ; then ARIA2C="Available" else ARIA2C="Not available" fi axel --help > /dev/null if [ "$?" -eq 0 ] ; then AXEL="Available" else AXEL="Not available" fi step4_choose_app_download } # Check if exist a previous installation of firefox and # allows overwrite it, uninstall it or exit to cancel. # Initialize the 'step1_choose_version' function too. function check_other_installs_on_system(){ if [ -d /opt/firefox/ ]; then clear echo "" echo "Detected a previous installation of Firefox" echo "Do you want to overwrite or uninstall the current version?" echo "" echo "(1) - overwrite" echo "(2) - uninstall" echo "(3) - quit (q)" echo "" echo -n "(Default: overwrite) Choose an option; " ; read INST if [ "${INST:-NO_VALUE}" == "NO_VALUE" ] ; then step1_choose_version elif [ "$INST" == "1" -o "$INST" == "overwrite" ] ; then step1_choose_version elif [ "$INST" == "2" -o "$INST" == "uninstall" ] ; then clear echo "" echo "Uninstalling Firefox, please wait..." echo "" sleep 5 rm -rf /usr/bin/firefox rm -rf /usr/share/applications/firefox.desktop rm -rf /opt/firefox/ echo "Done!" echo "" exit elif [ "$INST" == "3" -o "$INST" == "quit" -o "$INST" == "q" ]; then exit else clear echo "" echo "Invalid option, please, choose any available option" echo "" echo -n "Press 'ENTER' to return " read notoption check_other_installs_on_system fi else step1_choose_version fi } # Define the variable 'APP_DOWNLOAD' and # initialize the 'step5_install_firefox' # function. function step4_choose_app_download(){ clear echo "" echo "firefox-install v$VERSION" echo "--------------------" echo "" echo "[ Step 4/5 (App to download) ]" echo "" echo "Available apps to download:" echo "" echo "(1) - wget ($WGET)" echo "(2) - aria2c ($ARIA2C)" echo "(3) - axel ($AXEL)" echo "" echo "(q) - quit" echo "" APP=0 echo -n "(Default: wget) Choose an option; " ; read APP if [ "$APP" == "1" -o "$APP" == "wget" -o "${APP:-NO_VALUE}" == "NO_VALUE" ] ; then # Check if 'wget' is available using the variable # defined in 'check_downloaders_on_system' function. if [ "$WGET" == "Available" ]; then APP_DOWNLOAD="wget -O $RELEASE.tar.bz2 -c" NAME_APP="wget" step5_install_firefox else clear echo "" echo "'wget' is not available in your system" echo "" echo -n "Press 'ENTER' to return " read not step4_choose_app_download fi elif [ "$APP" == "2" -o "$APP" == "aria2c" ] ; then # Check if 'aria2c' is available using the variable # defined in 'check_downloaders_on_system' function. if [ "$ARIA2C" == "Available" ]; then APP_DOWNLOAD="aria2c --check-certificate=false -o $RELEASE.tar.bz2" NAME_APP="aria2c" step5_install_firefox else clear echo "" echo "'aria2c' is not available in your system" echo "" echo -n "Press 'ENTER' to return " read not step4_choose_app_download fi elif [ "$APP" == "3" -o "$APP" == "axel" ] ; then # Check if 'axel' is available using the variable # defined in 'check_downloaders_on_system' function. if [ "$AXEL" == "Available" ]; then APP_DOWNLOAD="axel -o $RELEASE.tar.bz2" NAME_APP="axel" step5_install_firefox else clear echo "" echo "'axel' is not available in your system" echo "" echo -n "Press 'ENTER' to return " read not step4_choose_app_download fi elif [ "$APP" == "q" -o "$APP" == "quit" ] ; then exit else clear echo "" echo "Invalid option, please, choose any available app" echo "" echo -n "Press 'ENTER' to return " read notapp step4_choose_app_download fi } # Define the variable 'AR' and initialize # the 'check_downloaders_on_system' function. function step3_choose_arch(){ clear echo "" echo "firefox-install v$VERSION" echo "--------------------" echo "" echo "[ Step 3/5 (Arch) ]" echo "" echo "Available Arch:" echo "" echo "(1) - 32 bits (linux)" echo "(2) - 64 bits (linux64)" echo "" echo "(q) - quit" echo "" echo -n "(Default: autodetect) Choose an option; " ; read AR if [ "${AR:-NO_VALUE}" == "NO_VALUE" ] ; then # Detect the arch of the system if variable # 'AR' is empty. archs=`uname -m` case "$archs" in i?86) ARCH="linux" ARCH_NAME="x86" check_downloaders_on_system ;; x86_64) ARCH="linux64" ARCH_NAME="x86_64" check_downloaders_on_system ;; *) echo "Unsupported Arquitecture ($archs)" exit 0 esac elif [ "$AR" == "1" -o "$AR" == "32" ] ; then ARCH="linux" ARCH_NAME="x86" check_downloaders_on_system elif [ "$AR" == "2" -o "$AR" == "64" ] ; then ARCH="linux64" ARCH_NAME="x86_64" check_downloaders_on_system elif [ "$AR" == "q" -o "$AR" == "quit" ] ; then exit else clear echo "" echo "Invalid option, please, choose any available arch" echo "" echo -n "Press 'ENTER' to return " read notarch step3_choose_arch fi } # Define the variable 'LANGUAGE' and initialize the # 'step3_choose_arch' funtion. function step2_choose_language(){ FILE_LANGUAGES=/tmp/firefox-languages clear echo "" echo "firefox-install v$VERSION" echo "--------------------" echo "" echo "[ Step 2/5 (Language) ]" echo "" echo "Available languages:" echo "" echo "[ach] [af] [an] [ar] [as] [ast] [be]" > $FILE_LANGUAGES echo "[bg] [bn-BD] [bn-IN] [br] [bs] [ca]" >> $FILE_LANGUAGES echo "[cs] [csb] [cy] [da] [de] [el] [en-GB]" >> $FILE_LANGUAGES echo "[en-US] [en-ZA] [eo] [es-AR] [es-CL]" >> $FILE_LANGUAGES echo "[es-ES] [es-MX] [et] [eu] [fa] [ff] [fi]" >> $FILE_LANGUAGES echo "[fr] [fy-NL] [ga-IE] [gd] [gl] [gu-IN]" >> $FILE_LANGUAGES echo "[he] [hi-IN] [hr] [hu] [hy-AM] [id]" >> $FILE_LANGUAGES echo "[is] [it] [ja] [kk] [km] [kn] [ko] [ku]" >> $FILE_LANGUAGES echo "[lij] [lt] [lv] [mai] [mk] [ml] [mr]" >> $FILE_LANGUAGES echo "[ms] [nb-NO] [nl] [nn-NO] [or] [pa-IN]" >> $FILE_LANGUAGES echo "[pl] [pt-BR] [pt-PT] [rm] [ro] [ru]" >> $FILE_LANGUAGES echo "[si] [sk] [sl] [son] [sq] [sr] [sv-SE]" >> $FILE_LANGUAGES echo "[sw] [ta] [te] [th] [tr] [uk] [vi] [xh]" >> $FILE_LANGUAGES echo "[xpi] [zh-CN] [zh-TW] [zu]" >> $FILE_LANGUAGES cat $FILE_LANGUAGES echo "" echo -n "(Default: en-US) Type the language; " ; read LANG COUNT=1 # Check if the variable 'LANG' is empty. if [ "${LANG:-NO_VALUE}" != "NO_VALUE" ] ; then # Check if the variable 'LANG' is valid. while [ $COUNT -le 10 ]; do LANGUAGE_VAR=`cat $FILE_LANGUAGES | grep $LANG | cut -d "[" -f $COUNT | cut -d "]" -f 1` if [ "$LANGUAGE_VAR" == "$LANG" ]; then LANGUAGE="$LANG" step3_choose_arch else COUNT=`expr $COUNT + 1` fi done clear echo "" echo "Language '$LANG' is not valid, please, type any available language" echo "" echo -n "Press 'ENTER' to return " read notlang step2_choose_language else LANGUAGE=en-US step3_choose_arch fi } function step1_choose_version(){ clear echo "" echo "firefox-install v$VERSION" echo "--------------------" echo "" echo "[ Step 1/5 (Version) ]" echo "" echo "Available Versions:" echo "" echo "(1) - firefox-esr-latest (ESR)" echo "(2) - firefox-latest (stable)" echo "(3) - firefox-beta-latest (beta)" echo "" echo "(q) - quit" echo "" echo -n "(Default: stable) Choose an option; " ; read VER if [ "$VER" == "1" -o "$VER" == "ESR" ] ; then RELEASE="firefox-esr-latest" step2_choose_language elif [ "$VER" == "2" -o "$VER" == "stable" ] ; then RELEASE="firefox-latest" step2_choose_language elif [ "$VER" == "3" -o "$VER" == "beta" ] ; then RELEASE="firefox-beta-latest" step2_choose_language elif [ "${VER:-NO_VALUE}" == "NO_VALUE" ] ; then RELEASE="firefox-latest" step2_choose_language elif [ "$VER" == "q" -o "$VER" == "quit" ] ; then exit else clear echo "" echo "Invalid option, please, choose any available version" echo "" echo -n "Press 'ENTER' to return " read notversion step1_choose_version fi } # Initialize the first step of the installation. check_other_installs_on_system