#!/bin/bash ############################################################################ # ks-oga-album (ks-tools) - Convert folder album to OGA (OGG Audio) Format # # Date: 28-01-2022 # # Author: q3aql # # Contact: q3aql@duck.com # ############################################################################ VERSION="8.3" M_DATE="280122" # Variables tempFile="/tmp/ks-mp4s-folder.txt" tempFileTest="/tmp/ks-mp4s-folder-test.txt" formatFiles="mp4 avi mpg mpeg mov wmv mkv ogv webm rm flv vob ogg oga mp3 mp2 aac ac3 flac opus wav" # Global parameters dirTemp="/tmp" listTemp="ks-tools.list" ksToolsTempFolder="/tmp/ks-tools" configFolder=${HOME}/.ks-tools configFile=${configFolder}/ks-oga # Basic parameters acodec="libvorbis" b_acodec="130k" v_ext="oga" track_init="1" artist_init="Artist" default_lang_audio="spa" # Check cygwin alias (for Windows) if [ -f "/usr/bin/cygwin-alias.sh" ] ; then shopt -s expand_aliases source "/usr/bin/cygwin-alias.sh" fi # Create inicial config file mkdir -p ${configFolder} if [ -f ${configFile} ] ; then exist_acodec=$(cat ${configFile} | grep "acodec" | cut -c2 | cut -d "_" -f 1) exist_b_acodec=$(cat ${configFile} | grep "b_acodec=") exist_default_lang_audio=$(cat ${configFile} | grep "default_lang_audio=") exist_v_ext=$(cat ${configFile} | grep "v_ext=") if [ -z ${exist_acodec} ] ; then echo "acodec=${acodec}" >> ${configFile} fi if [ -z ${exist_b_acodec} ] ; then echo "b_acodec=${b_acodec}" >> ${configFile} fi if [ -z ${exist_default_lang_audio} ] ; then echo "default_lang_audio=${default_lang_audio}" >> ${configFile} fi if [ -z ${exist_v_ext} ] ; then echo "v_ext=${v_ext}" >> ${configFile} fi source ${configFile} else echo "#!/bin/bash" > ${configFile} echo "" >> ${configFile} echo "acodec=${acodec}" >> ${configFile} echo "b_acodec=${b_acodec}" >> ${configFile} echo "default_lang_audio=${default_lang_audio}" >> ${configFile} echo "v_ext=${v_ext}" >> ${configFile} source ${configFile} fi # Check if ffmpeg is installed ffmpeg_test=$(ffmpeg --help 2>&1) error_ffmpeg=$? if [ ${error_ffmpeg} -ne 0 ] ; then echo "" echo "* ks-oga-album (ks-tools) v${VERSION} (${M_DATE})" echo "" echo "+ The 'ffmpeg' tool is not installed!" echo "" exit fi # Funcion to show the name of file/folder from full path # Syntax: extractFolderOrFile <full/path/file.txt> function extractFolderOrFile() { pathToExtract="${1}/" findFolder=0 count=1 nameFolder=$(echo ${pathToExtract} | cut -d "/" -f ${count}) count=$(expr $count + 1) while [ ${findFolder} -eq 0 ] ; do nameFolderTemp=$(echo ${pathToExtract} | cut -d "/" -f ${count}) if [ -z "${nameFolderTemp}" ] ; then findFolder=1 else nameFolder="${nameFolderTemp}" count=$(expr $count + 1) fi done echo "${nameFolder}" } # Function to show files with spaces. # Syntax: showFileWithSpace <file number> function showFileWithSpace() { echo "${1}" > ${dirTemp}/name.tmp sed -i 's/_/ /g' ${dirTemp}/name.tmp DisplayName=$(cat ${dirTemp}/name.tmp) rm -rf ${dirTemp}/name.tmp cutDisplayName=$(echo ${DisplayName} | cut -c1) if [ "${cutDisplayName}" == "-" ] ; then DisplayName=$(echo ${DisplayName} | cut -c2-100) else cutDisplayName=$(echo ${DisplayName} | cut -c2) if [ "${cutDisplayName}" == "-" ] ; then DisplayName=$(echo ${DisplayName} | cut -c3-100) else cutDisplayName=$(echo ${DisplayName} | cut -c3) if [ "${cutDisplayName}" == "-" ] ; then DisplayName=$(echo ${DisplayName} | cut -c4-100) fi fi fi echo ${DisplayName} } # Function to remove extension from file # Syntax: removeExtension "<text>" function removeExtension() { wordToConvert=${1} ksToolsSedFile="${ksToolsTempFolder}/ks-tools-${RANDOM}.txt" mkdir -p ${ksToolsTempFolder} && chmod 777 -R ${ksToolsTempFolder} 2> /dev/null echo "${wordToConvert}" > ${ksToolsSedFile} # Remove extensions sed -i 's/.avi//g' "${ksToolsSedFile}" &> /dev/null sed -i 's/.mp4//g' "${ksToolsSedFile}" &> /dev/null sed -i 's/.mkv//g' "${ksToolsSedFile}" &> /dev/null sed -i "s/.mov//g" "${ksToolsSedFile}" &> /dev/null sed -i 's/.vob//g' "${ksToolsSedFile}" &> /dev/null sed -i 's/.mpg//g' "${ksToolsSedFile}" &> /dev/null sed -i 's/.mpeg//g' "${ksToolsSedFile}" &> /dev/null sed -i 's/.wmv//g' "${ksToolsSedFile}" &> /dev/null sed -i 's/.ogv//g' "${ksToolsSedFile}" &> /dev/null sed -i 's/.webm//g' "${ksToolsSedFile}" &> /dev/null sed -i 's/.flv//g' "${ksToolsSedFile}" &> /dev/null sed -i 's/.mp3//g' "${ksToolsSedFile}" &> /dev/null sed -i 's/.mp2//g' "${ksToolsSedFile}" &> /dev/null sed -i 's/.oga//g' "${ksToolsSedFile}" &> /dev/null sed -i 's/.ogg//g' "${ksToolsSedFile}" &> /dev/null sed -i 's/.ac3//g' "${ksToolsSedFile}" &> /dev/null sed -i 's/.aac//g' "${ksToolsSedFile}" &> /dev/null sed -i 's/.flac//g' "${ksToolsSedFile}" &> /dev/null sed -i 's/.wav//g' "${ksToolsSedFile}" &> /dev/null sed -i 's/.opus//g' "${ksToolsSedFile}" &> /dev/null # Show file without extension wordToConvert=$(cat ${ksToolsSedFile}) echo ${wordToConvert} } # Syntax: ks-oga </absolute/path/song.mp3> </path/prefix_name> if [ -z "${1}" ] ; then echo "" echo "* ks-oga-album (ks-tools) v${VERSION} (${M_DATE})" echo "" echo "- Convert folder album to OGA (OGG Audio) Format" echo "" echo "+ Config: ${configFile}" echo "" echo " - Audio codec: ${acodec}" echo " - Bitrate audio: ${b_acodec}" echo " - Container: ${v_ext}" echo "" echo "+ Syntax: " echo "" echo " $ ks-oga-album </absolute/path/album>" echo "" echo " + Example: ks-oga-album /data/albums/matrix-soundtrack" echo "" exit fi # Check if folder exist if [ -d "${1}" ] ; then echo null > /dev/null else echo "" echo "* ks-oga-album (ks-tools) v${VERSION} (${M_DATE})" echo "" echo "+ The folder '${1}' does not exist!" echo "" exit fi # Scan videos/audio files format clear echo "" echo "* ks-oga-album (ks-tools) v${VERSION} (${M_DATE})" echo "" echo "- Convert folder album to OGA (OGG Audio) Format" echo "" echo -n "* Scanning ${1} " && sleep 4 echo "" rm -rf ${tempFile} && touch ${tempFile} for format in ${formatFiles} ; do find "${1}"/*.${format} &> ${tempFileTest} if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then echo "null" > /dev/null else echo "+ Video file(s) in .${format} found!" cd "${1}" && ls -1 *.${format} &>> ${tempFile} fail=0 fi done # Set the global metadata album current_date=$(date +%Y) echo "" echo "* Common METADATA configuration:" echo "" echo -n "* (Default: Album-Disc) Type name of album: " ; read album_file if [ -z "${album_file}" ] ; then album_title="Album-Disc" else album_title="${album_file}" fi echo -n "* (Default: ${current_date}) Type the year of album: " ; read year_file if [ -z "${year_file}" ] ; then year_num="${current_date}" else year_num="${year_file}" fi echo -n "* (Default: Pop) Type the genre of album: " ; read genre_file if [ -z "${genre_file}" ] ; then genre_file="Pop" else genre_file="${genre_file}" fi # Init the conversion files convert_files=1 num_files=$(cat ${tempFile} | wc -l) if [ ${num_files} -eq 0 ] ; then echo "" echo "+ No video/audio file(s) found in folder '${1}" echo "" exit else echo "" echo "* List of files:" echo "" while [ ${convert_files} -le ${num_files} ] ; do show_file=$(cat ${tempFile} | head -${convert_files} | tail -1) echo " + ${show_file}" convert_files=$(expr ${convert_files} + 1) done echo "" echo "* The output folder will be '${1}/to-oga'" # Execute commands for conversion echo "" echo -n "* (Default: y) Do you want run the conversion? (y/n): " ; read run_commands_ffmpeg if [ "${run_commands_ffmpeg}" == "n" ] ; then exit else convert_files=1 cd "${1}" && mkdir -p to-oga && rm -rf to-oga/* while [ ${convert_files} -le ${num_files} ] ; do show_file=$(cat ${tempFile} | head -${convert_files} | tail -1) fname=$(echo "${show_file}" | cut -d "." -f 1) name_title_default=$(removeExtension "${show_file}") name_title_default=$(showFileWithSpace "${name_title_default}") echo "" echo "* METADATA for '${show_file}'" echo "" echo " - Album: ${album_title}" echo " - Year: ${year_num}" echo " - Genre: ${genre_file}" echo "" echo "* Information of '${show_file}':" echo "" echo "+ Audio Tracks:" echo "" ffmpeg -i "${show_file}" 2>&1 | grep Stream | tr -s " " | grep "Audio:" | cut -d "," -f 1 echo "" # Check the audio track by default audio_default=$(ffmpeg -i "${show_file}" 2>&1 | grep Stream | tr -s " " | grep "Audio:" | grep "(${default_lang_audio})" | cut -d " " -f 3 | cut -c2-5 | cut -d "(" -f 1 | cut -d "[" -f 1 | head -1) if [ -z "${audio_default}" ] ; then audio_default=$(ffmpeg -i "${show_file}" 2>&1 | grep Stream | tr -s " " | grep "Audio:" | cut -d " " -f 3 | cut -c2-5 | cut -d "(" -f 1 | cut -d "[" -f 1 | head -1) if [ -z "${audio_default}" ] ; then audio_default="0:1" else audio_default_patch=$(echo ${audio_default} | cut -c4) if [ "${audio_default_patch}" == ":" ] ; then audio_default=$(echo ${audio_default} | cut -c1-3) else audio_default="${audio_default}" fi fi else audio_default_patch=$(echo ${audio_default} | cut -c4) if [ "${audio_default_patch}" == ":" ] ; then audio_default=$(echo ${audio_default} | cut -c1-3) else audio_default="${audio_default}" fi fi # Ask for audio echo -n "* (Default: ${audio_default}) Type the number of audio track: " ; read audio_track if [ -z "${audio_track}" ] ; then audio_track="${audio_default}" else audio_track="${audio_track}" fi echo -n "* (Default: ${name_title_default}) Type name of title: " ; read name_title if [ -z "${name_title}" ] ; then name_title="${name_title_default}" else name_title="${name_title}" fi echo -n "* (Default: ${track_init}) Type number of track: " ; read track_file if [ -z "${track_file}" ] ; then track_num="${track_init}" else track_num="${track_file}" fi echo -n "* (Default: ${artist_init}) Type name of artist: " ; read artist_file if [ -z "${artist_file}" ] ; then artist_title="${artist_init}" else artist_title="${artist_file}" artist_init="${artist_file}" fi # Check audio 5.1 or 7.1 audio_5_7_1=$(${p_ffmpeg} "${show_file}" 2>&1 | grep Stream | tr -s " " | grep "Audio:" | grep "${audio_track}" | grep -i "5.1") audio_5_7_1_2=$(${p_ffmpeg} "${show_file}" 2>&1 | grep Stream | tr -s " " | grep "Audio:" | grep "${audio_track}" | grep -i "7.1") audio_5_7_1="${audio_5_7_1}${audio_5_7_1_2}" if [ -z "${audio_5_7_1}" ] ; then stereo_params="-ac 2" else stereo_params="-ac 2 -clev 3dB -slev -6dB" fi ffmpeg -i "${show_file}" -map ${audio_track} -c:a ${acodec} -b:a ${b_acodec} ${stereo_params} -metadata title="${name_title}" -metadata date="${year_num}" -metadata genre="${genre_file}" -metadata album="${album_title}" -metadata artist="${artist_title}" -metadata track="${track_num}" "to-oga/${fname}.${v_ext}" # Increment variables convert_files=$(expr ${convert_files} + 1) track_init=$(expr ${track_num} + 1) done fi fi