ks-mix - Extract video/audio and mix video/audio files. ======================================================= ### Sintax: * `$ ks-mix -evid --> Extract video track` * `$ ks-mix -ev25 --> Extract video track to 25 fps (only for H264)` * `$ ks-mix -evpf --> Extract video track & set fps (only for H264)` * `$ ks-mix -eaud --> Extract audio track` * `$ ks-mix -esub --> Extract subtitle track (only for subrip/srt)` * `$ ks-mix -chec --> Analyze tracks of video file` * `$ ks-mix -mixf --> Mix video and audio file` * `$ ks-mix -mixs --> Mix video, audio and subtitle file` ### Examples (Extract video/audio): * Extract video from video file: * `$ ks-mix -evid /data/movies/Example.mkv` * Extract audio from video file: * `$ ks-mix -eaud /data/movies/Example.avi` * Extract subtitles from video file: * `$ ks-mix -esub /data/movies/Example.mkv` * Extract video from video file and change FPS to 25: * `$ ks-mix -ev25 /data/movies/Example.mkv` * Extract video from video file and change to custom FPS: * `$ ks-mix -evpf /data/movies/Example.mkv` _Note: Extracted video will be named `video.mkv` and extracted audio will be named `audio.mka`_ ### Examples (Mix video/audio): * If you have extracted video and audio from different files, when you run the `ks-mix` command you will see the following: * `+ Video file: /current/dir/video.mkv (FOUND)` * `+ Audio file: /current/dir/audio.mka (FOUND)` * `+ Subs file: /current/dir/subs.srt (NOT FOUND)` * Next, run the following command to merge the video and audio: * `$ ks-mix -mixf` * Finally, you will see a wizard that will allow you to crop seconds of video or audio to synchronize them: * `* [Default: 0] Set the seconds to cut in the video (0-59): 3` * `* [Default: 0] Set the seconds to cut in the audio (0-59): 1` * `* [Default: n] Finish the mix when one of the two (video or audio) finishes first? (y/n): y` * `.` * `* Starting mix of:` * ` - Video: /home/q3aql/.torrent/Conv/video.mkv` * ` - Audio: /home/q3aql/.torrent/Conv/audio.mka` * `.` * ` Output file: /home/q3aql/.torrent/Conv/output.mkv` ### Back to README.md * [Go back](https://github.com/q3aql/ks-tools/blob/main/README.md)