
461 lines
13 KiB

# This script is a drop-in HTML filter and parser for use with bitlbee and
# irssi. HTML that can be rendered will be, and the rest will be stripped.
# This should not interfere with other scripts for bitlbee; it is intended to be
# a transparent mangler.
# 1) Adjust the channel and server tag settings below.
# 2) Load the script
# 3) In the bitlbee control channel (&bitlbee), type: set strip_html false
# 4) Enjoy.
# For use with bitlbee 1.0+. ChangeLog is available at the bottom of the file.
# [bitlbee]
# bitlbee_replace_html = ON
# -> replaces HTML in incoming AIM messages
# bitlbee_replace_control_codes = OFF
# -> replaces control codes (bold, underline, reverse) in outgoing private
# messages to AIM users with HTML equivalents. This is turned off by
# default due to the known bug below. If this wouldn't bother you, and you
# would like to have this feature, there's no real harm in turning it on.
# bitlbee_strip_trailing_whitespace = OFF
# -> removes whitespace at the end of messages
# * This script is somewhat incompatible with When long messages
# get split up, and bitlbee_replace_control_codes is ON, the control codes
# will properly get replaced when they are sent to the remote user, but when
# the subsequent split parts are displayed, they may contain the html that
# is supposed to be hidden.
use strict;
use Irssi::TextUI;
use Data::Dumper;
use vars qw($VERSION %IRSSI);
$VERSION = '0.95';
%IRSSI = (
authors => 'Matt "f0rked" Sparks',
contact => '',
name => 'bitlbee_html',
description => 'Adds some HTML parsing to bitlbee messages',
license => 'GPLv2',
url => '',
changed => '2005-12-18',
# TODO: Make these settings (?)
my $bitlbee_channel = "&bitlbee";
my $bitlbee_server_tag = "IM";
# Time to wait to collect all parts of a message from bitlbee server
my $buffer_timeout = 200; # milliseconds
# How long does a message have to be before we consider it a split?
my $split_length = 425;
my %buffer;
my %emitting;
my $debug = 0;
# Thanks to timing ( for this
Irssi::signal_add_last 'channel sync' => sub
my($channel) = @_;
if ($channel->{topic} eq "Welcome to the control channel. Type \x02help\x02 for help information.") {
$bitlbee_server_tag = $channel->{server}->{tag};
$bitlbee_channel = $channel->{name};
# Debug to the active window
sub adebug
return if !$debug;
my($t) = @_;
my $w = Irssi::active_win();
# Debug to the status window
sub sdebug
return if !$debug;
my($t) = @_;
print $t;
sub trim
($_) = @_;
return $_;
# return true if given address supports HTML, false if not.
sub does_html
my($address) = @_;
return ($address =~ /^[a-z].*\@login\.oscar\.aol\.com$/i ||
$address =~ /^[a-z].*\@login\.icq\.com$/i) ? 1 : 0;
# More advanced checking in the future?
sub bee_server
my($server) = @_;
return 0 if !$server;
return ($server->{tag} ne $bitlbee_server_tag) ? 0 : 1;
sub html2irc
($_) = @_;
#print "Before: $_";
s/<br ?\/?>/\n/isg;
s/<font .+?>//isg;
s/<a .*?href="(.+?)".*?>(.*?)<\/a>/handle_link($1,$2)/iesg;
# note for <b>,<i>, and <u>, these are encapsulating tags, and they _may_
# contain newlines. This script will split by newlines and emit message
# signals for each part, and a part may end up looking like "<b>foo" with
# no end tag, because the end tag is on the next message. To fix this, we
# have to also check for <b>foo\n and ^foo</b> and put the control codes
# in the appropriate places to avoid formatting the wrong text.
s/<b>(.*?)<\/b>/\002$1\002/ig; # bold
s/<u>(.*?)<\/u>/\037$1\037/ig; # underline
s/<i>(.*?)<\/i>/\026$1\026/ig; # reverse (for italics)
#print "After: $_";
return $_;
sub irc2html
($_) = @_;
my $ret;
adebug "irc2html input: $_";
if (/^<html>/) {
# Already htmlized? This shouldn't happen. Assume that html tags were
# manually inserted, in which case we should just escape the html and
# return.
$ret = "<html>$_</html>";
adebug "irc2html return: $ret";
return $ret;
my $orig = $_;
s/\002(.*?)\002/<b>$1<\/b>/sg; # bold
s/\002(.*)/<b>$1<\/b>/sg; # unended bold
s/\037(.*?)\037/<u>$1<\/u>/sg; # underline
s/\026(.*?)\026/<i>$1<\/i>/sg; # reverse (italics)
s/\003/<br>/g; # newlines.. this is ctrl+c in irssi.
#print "After: $_, length: ".length($_);
my $ret = ($_ ne $orig) ? "<html>$_</html>" : $orig;
adebug "irc2html return: $ret";
return $ret;
sub handle_link
my($url, $title) = @_;
$title = html2irc($title);
#adebug $url;
#adebug $title;
if ($url eq $title) {
return $url;
} elsif ($url eq "mailto:$title") {
return $title;
} else {
my $str = "[$title]($url)";
$str =~ s/^\[(\n)*/$1\[/;
return $str;
sub event_privmsg
my($server, $msg, $nick, $address) = @_;
return if !Irssi::settings_get_bool("bitlbee_replace_html");
return if !does_html($address);
return if $emitting{"priv_$nick"}; # don't catch if we're sending signal
return if !bee_server($server);
#print "Received msg: $msg";
# Check the buffer. If it is empty, set a timeout. Fill it in either
# case. This step is necessary because long messages will naturally
# get split up, and to avoid the HTML cutting split up, we buffer
# and then parse everything at once.
if (!$buffer{"priv_$nick"}) {
# We have no buffer, this is a new message
my @data = ("priv", $server, $nick, $address);
Irssi::timeout_add_once($buffer_timeout, "check_buffer", \@data);
$msg .= " ";
sdebug "Adding part: '$msg'";
$buffer{"priv_$nick"} .= $msg;#."\002|\002";
# Length hack. Sometimes we get multiple messages quickly from bitlbee
# that aren't html formatted with <br>. Detect this and add newlines
# appropriately.
my $length = length("$nick $address $msg");
sdebug "Length: $length";
if ($length < $split_length) {
$buffer{"priv_$nick"} .= "\n";
sub event_pubmsg
my($server, $msg, $nick, $address, $target) = @_;
return if !Irssi::settings_get_bool("bitlbee_replace_html");
return if !bee_server($server);
return if !does_html($address) and $nick ne "root"; # only aim does html.
return if $emitting{"pub_$nick"};
if (!$buffer{"pub_$nick"}) {
my @data = ("pub", $server, $nick, $address, $target);
Irssi::timeout_add_once($buffer_timeout, "check_buffer", \@data);
$buffer{"pub_$nick"} .= $msg;
if (length("$nick $address $msg $target") < $split_length) {
$buffer{"pub_$nick"} .= "\n";
sub event_action
my($server, $msg, $nick, $address, $target) = @_;
#print $msg;
return if !Irssi::settings_get_bool("bitlbee_replace_html");
return if !does_html($address);
return if $emitting{"act_$nick"};
return if !bee_server($server);
if (!$buffer{"act_$nick"}) {
my @data = ("act", $server, $nick, $address, $target);
Irssi::timeout_add_once($buffer_timeout, "check_buffer", \@data);
$buffer{"act_$nick"} .= $msg;
if (length("$nick $address $msg $target") < $split_length) {
$buffer{"act_$nick"} .= "\n";
sub event_send_text
my($text, $server, $witem) = @_;
return if !bee_server($server);
return if !Irssi::settings_get_bool("bitlbee_replace_control_codes");
# This will make sure that the person we are talking to is on AIM.
my $address;
my $modified_text = $text;
if ($witem->{type} eq "CHANNEL") {
if (my($n, $s, $m) = $text =~ /^([^ ]+):([ ]*)(.*)$/) {
$address = $witem->nick_find($n)->{host};
$modified_text = "$n:$s" . irc2html($m);
} else {
$address = $witem->{address};
$modified_text = irc2html($text);
return if !does_html($address);
#print Dumper $witem;
#print "Sending: $modified_text";
Irssi::signal_continue($modified_text, $server, $witem);
sub event_send_command
my($args, $server, $witem) = @_;
return if !bee_server($server);
adebug "send command: $args";
sub event_message_own
my($server, $msg, $target, $orig_target) = @_;
return if !bee_server($server);
return if !Irssi::settings_get_bool("bitlbee_replace_control_codes");
return if !Irssi::settings_get_bool("bitlbee_replace_html");
if ($msg =~ /^<html>/ || $msg =~ /^([^ ]+):[ ]*<html>/) {
# If we're on the bitlbee server and the message looks like html,
# we're here.
#print "$server '$msg' $target $orig_target";
if ($orig_target && (my $qu = $server->query_find($target))) {
#print "orig target, found query.";
if ($qu->{address} && !does_html($qu->{address})) {
# The person we're talking to is not using an HTML-compatible
# protocol. Don't treat this as html.
} elsif (!$orig_target &&
(my $ch = $server->channel_find($target)) &&
(my($t) = $msg =~ /^([^ ]+):/)) {
my $to_nick = $ch->nick_find($t);
if ($to_nick->{address} && !does_html($to_nick->{address})) {
# We're talking to someone in a particular channel on
# bitlbee, but they don't support HTML.
# If we made it this far, treat the message as HTML.
Irssi::signal_continue($server, html2irc($msg), $target, $orig_target);
sub check_buffer
my($type, $server, $nick, $address, $target) = @{@_[0]};
# We should now have a full buffer for $nick, we can examine it, parse
# it, and re-emit the appropriate signals without any HTML splitting
# problems.
my $msg = $buffer{"${type}_${nick}"};
sdebug "Complete msg: $msg";
return if !$msg;
$msg = html2irc($msg);
$msg =~ s/[\s]*$//
if Irssi::settings_get_bool("bitlbee_strip_trailing_whitespace");
# $msg is now in the appropriate format, we can emit the signal.
$emitting{"${type}_${nick}"} = 1;
my $sig = "message ";
if ($type eq "priv") {
} elsif ($type eq "pub") {
} else {
$sig.="irc action";
#print "Emitting $sig";
for (split /\n/, $msg) {
Irssi::signal_emit($sig, $server, $_, $nick, $address, $target);
sub event_301
return if !Irssi::settings_get_bool("bitlbee_replace_html");
my($server, $data, $foo, $bar)=@_;
return if !bee_server($server);
my($me, $them, @msg) = split / /, $data;
my $msg = join " ", @msg;
$msg = html2irc($msg);
$msg = ~s/[\s]*$//
if Irssi::settings_get_bool("bitlbee_strip_trailing_whitespace");
Irssi::signal_continue($server, "$me $them $msg", $foo, $bar);
Irssi::signal_add_first("message private", "event_privmsg");
Irssi::signal_add_first("message public", "event_pubmsg");
Irssi::signal_add_first("event 301", "event_301");
Irssi::signal_add_first("message irc action", "event_action");
Irssi::signal_add_first("send text", "event_send_text");
Irssi::signal_add_first("send command", "event_send_command");
Irssi::signal_add_first("message own_private", "event_message_own");
Irssi::signal_add_first("message own_public", "event_message_own");
Irssi::signal_add_first("message irc own_action", "event_message_own");
# Settings
Irssi::settings_add_bool("bitlbee", "bitlbee_replace_html", 1);
Irssi::settings_add_bool("bitlbee", "bitlbee_replace_control_codes", 0);
Irssi::settings_add_bool("bitlbee", "bitlbee_strip_trailing_whitespace", 0);
### ChangeLog ###
# Version 0.95
# - fixed a small bug causing links to sometimes not be properly formatted
# Version 0.94
# - fixed bug causing a script error when typing in the status window and on
# startup of irssi
# Version 0.93
# - fixed a stupid case issue in address recognization.
# Version 0.92
# - code cleanups
# - control codes are allowed in control channel, but targets must be used
# (remoteuser: I'm talking to you) (this is the default)
# Version 0.91
# - more intelligent checking for HTML support
# - allowed html from AIM users over ICQ connections
# Version 0.9
# - removed html parsing for non-AIM connections
# - added support for replacing control codes (created by ctrl+b, ctrl+v, and
# cltr+-) with html equivalents. Disabled by default.
# Version 0.8 (2005-12-02)
# - Initial public release