
247 lines
5.0 KiB

use strict;
use IO::Socket;
use Fcntl;
use Irssi;
use Time::Format qw(%strftime);
#use Data::Dumper;
use vars qw($VERSION %IRSSI);
$VERSION = '1.0.1';
%IRSSI = (
authors => 'Matt "f0rked" Sparks, Miklos Vajna',
contact => '',
name => 'socket-interface',
description => 'provides an interface to irssi via unix sockets',
license => 'GPLv2',
url => '',
changed => '2009-01-22',
my $socket = $ENV{"HOME"} . "/.irssi/socket";
# create the socket
unlink $socket;
my $server = IO::Socket::UNIX->new(Local => $socket,
Listen => 5) or die $@;
# set this socket as nonblocking so we can check stuff without interrupting
# irssi.
# method to set a socket handle as nonblocking
sub nonblock
my($fd) = @_;
my $flags = fcntl($fd, F_GETFL, 0);
fcntl($fd, F_SETFL, $flags | O_NONBLOCK);
# check the socket for data and act upon it
sub check_sock
my $msg;
if (my $client = $server->accept()) {
$client->recv($msg, 1024);
#print "Got message: $msg" if $msg;
if ($msg =~ /^activelog ?(\d*)$/) {
my $lines = ($1) ? $1 : 5;
#print "found lines: $lines";
#print Dumper $win;
my $ref = get_active_refnum();
my $name = get_active_name();
my $tag = get_active_tag();
my $fname = get_log_fname(get_active_tag(), get_active_name());
my $log = tail_log($fname, $lines);
if (!$log) {
$log = "Could not open log";
chomp $log;
$client->send(">> $ref: $name ($tag)\n$log");
} elsif ($msg eq "windowlist") {
# send back a list of the windows
my $out;
for (2 .. last_refnum()) {
$out .= ("$_: " . name_of($_) . " (".tag_of($_).") " .
level_of($_) . "\n");
chomp $out;
} elsif ($msg =~ /^switch (\d+)$/) {
} elsif ($msg =~ /^get_lines (\d+)$/) {
} elsif ($msg =~ /^send (.+)$/) {
} elsif ($msg =~ /^command (.+)$/) {
# returns the name of the active window item. If there is no active window
# item, return the name of the window itself.
sub get_active_name
my $win = Irssi::active_win();
return $win->get_active_name();
# returns the server tag of the active window item
sub get_active_tag
my $win = Irssi::active_win();
return ($win->{active}) ? $win->{active}->{server}->{tag} : "";
# returns refnum of active window
sub get_active_refnum
return (Irssi::active_win())->{refnum};
# switches windows to the given refnum
sub switch_to
my($refnum) = @_;
my $window = Irssi::window_find_refnum($refnum);
if ($window) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
# gets the lines from a buffer of a window
sub get_lines
my($refnum) = @_;
my $window = Irssi::window_find_refnum($refnum);
if ($window) {
my $view = $window->view;
my $line = $view->get_lines();
my $ret = "";
while (defined $line) {
$ret .= $line->get_text(0) . "\n";
$line = $line->next();
return $ret;
else {
return 0;
# return highest refnum
sub last_refnum
return Irssi::windows_refnum_last();
# name of given refnum's window
sub name_of
my($refnum) = @_;
my $win = Irssi::window_find_refnum($refnum);
return $win->get_active_name();
# tag of given refnum's window
sub tag_of
my($refnum) = @_;
my $win = Irssi::window_find_refnum($refnum);
return ($win->{active}) ? $win->{active}->{server}->{tag} : "";
# level of given refnum's window
sub level_of
my($refnum) = @_;
my $win = Irssi::window_find_refnum($refnum);
return $win->{data_level};
sub msg
my($refnum, $text) = @_;
my $win = Irssi::window_find_refnum($refnum);
return unless $win;
if ($text =~ /^\//) {
# this is a command, don't prepend /msg *
} else {
$win->command("msg * $text");
return 1;
sub command
my($command) = @_;
if (my $s = Irssi::active_server()) {
} else {
return 1;
sub msg_active
my($text) = @_;
return msg(get_active_refnum(), $text);
sub get_log_fname
my($servertag, $name) = @_;
$name = lc($name);
my $log_path = Irssi::settings_get_str("autolog_path");
# fill in variables
my $log_file = $strftime{$log_path};
$log_file =~ s/^~/$ENV{HOME}/;
$log_file =~ s/\$tag/$servertag/g;
$log_file =~ s/\$0/$name/g;
#print "log file: $log_file";
return $log_file; # hope this is filled in enough.
# return the last x lines of a given filename
sub tail_log
my($filename, $lines) = @_;
$lines ||= 5;
#print "found $filename";
return 0 if !-e $filename;
my $t = qx(tail -n $lines '$filename');
chomp $t;
return $t;
my $timer = Irssi::timeout_add(250, \&check_sock, []);