#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # -------------------------------------------------------------- # ip2e (IP to email) - Run ip2e daemon. | # Created by clamsawd (clamsawd@openmailbox.org) | # Licensed by GPL v.3 | # Last update: 29-10-2015 | # | # Dependences: curl or wget | # Compatible with Python 3.x | # -------------------------------------------------------------- version="0.7-beta" #Import python-modules import subprocess import os import sys import time import smtplib #Check if your system use Python 3.x if sys.version_info<(3,0): print ("") print ("You need python 3.x to run this program.") print ("") exit(1) #Function to clear screen def ClearScreen(): if os.name == "posix": os.system("clear") elif os.name == "nt": os.system("cls") else: print ("Error: Unable clear screen") #Detect system & PATH of user folder if os.name == "posix": os.chdir(os.environ["HOME"]) print ("POSIX detected") elif os.name == "nt": os.chdir(os.environ["USERPROFILE"]) print ("Windows detected") if not os.path.exists(".ip2e"): os.makedirs(".ip2e") os.chdir(".ip2e") if os.path.exists(".ip2e"): os.chdir(".ip2e") #Check if exists 'ip2e-conf.py' def createip2ecf(): ip2ecf=open('ip2e-conf.py','w') ip2ecf.close() def writeip2ecf(): ip2ecf=open('ip2e-conf.py','a') ip2ecf.write('# sample configuration file of ip2e\n') ip2ecf.write('\n') ip2ecf.write('FromEmail="ip2e@daemon"\n') ip2ecf.write('FromEmailUser="unknown"\n') ip2ecf.write('FromEmailPass="password-here"\n') ip2ecf.write('SmtpFromEmail="smtp.email.com"\n') ip2ecf.write('ToEmail="unknown@email.com"\n') ip2ecf.close() if os.path.isfile("ip2e-conf.py"): print ("ip2e-conf.py exists") else: print ("ip2e-conf.py created") createip2ecf() writeip2ecf() #Check if exists 'current-ip.py' def createip2eIPcf(): ip2eIPcf=open('current-ip.py','w') ip2eIPcf.close() def writeip2eIPcf(): ip2eIPcf=open('current-ip.py','a') ip2eIPcf.write('CurrentIP=""\n') ip2eIPcf.close() if os.path.isfile("current-ip.py"): print ("current-ip.py exists") else: print ("current-ip.py created") createip2eIPcf() writeip2eIPcf() #Check if curl is installed try: curlCheck = Popen(['curl', '--version'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) curlCheck.stderr.close() except: ClearScreen() print ("") print ("Error: 'curl' is not installed!") print ("") print ("Help:") print (" * http://curl.haxx.se/download.html") print (" * http://www.paehl.com/open_source/?CURL_7.45.0") print ("") PauseExit=input("Press ENTER to exit ") exit(1) #Import variables from ip2e-conf.py exec(open("ip2e-conf.py").read()) #Import Windows colors scheme def GreenColor(): os.system("color 2") def RedColor(): os.system("color 4") def OrangeColor(): os.system("color 6") #Check if exists a previous log.file. if os.path.isfile("ip2e.log"): os.remove("ip2e.log") createlog=open('ip2e.log','w') createlog.close() #Run ip2e daemon ClearScreen() editlog=open('ip2e.log','a') CurrentTime = time.strftime("%H:%M") if os.name == "posix": print (chr(27)+"[1;32m"+"[ip2e-daemon] ["+CurrentTime+"] Initialized ip2e-daemon v"+version+" (Ctrl+C to stop)") elif os.name == "nt": GreenColor() print ("[ip2e-daemon] ["+CurrentTime+"] Initialized ip2e-daemon v"+version+" (Ctrl+C to stop)") if os.name == "posix": print (chr(27)+"[1;32m"+"[ip2e-daemon] ["+CurrentTime+"] Log in "+os.environ["HOME"]+"/.ip2e/ip2e.log") elif os.name == "nt": GreenColor() print ("[ip2e-daemon] ["+CurrentTime+"] Log in "+os.environ["USERPROFILE"]+"\.ip2e\\ip2e.log") editlog.write("[ip2e-daemon] ["+CurrentTime+"] Initialized ip2e-daemon v"+version+"\n") if os.name == "posix": print (chr(27)+"[1;33m"+"[ip2e-daemon] ["+CurrentTime+"] Waiting 60 seconds...") elif os.name == "nt": OrangeColor() print ("[ip2e-daemon] ["+CurrentTime+"] Waiting 60 seconds...") editlog.write("[ip2e-daemon] ["+CurrentTime+"] Waiting 60 seconds...\n") editlog.close() time.sleep(60) PublicIP = 1 while PublicIP <= 2: GetCurrentIP = 1 while GetCurrentIP <= 2: CurrentTime = time.strftime("%H:%M") if os.name == "posix": print (chr(27)+"[1;33m"+"[ip2e-daemon] ["+CurrentTime+"] IP Updating...") elif os.name == "nt": OrangeColor() print ("[ip2e-daemon] ["+CurrentTime+"] IP Updating...") editlog=open('ip2e.log','a') editlog.write("[ip2e-daemon] ["+CurrentTime+"] IP Updating...\n") NewIPRaw = os.popen('curl -s icanhazip.com').read() NewIP = NewIPRaw.strip() #NewIP = os.popen('curl -s http://ip.appspot.com/').read() #NewIP = os.popen('curl -s ident.me').read() #NewIPRaw = os.popen('curl -s ifconfig.me').read() #NewIP = NewIPRaw.strip() if NewIP != "": GetCurrentIP += 2 else: CurrentTime = time.strftime("%H:%M") if os.name == "posix": print (chr(27)+"[1;31m"+"[ip2e-daemon] ["+CurrentTime+"] Error getting IP") print (chr(27)+"[1;33m"+"[ip2e-daemon] ["+CurrentTime+"] Retrying in 5 seconds...") elif os.name == "nt": RedColor() print ("[ip2e-daemon] ["+CurrentTime+"] Error getting IP") print ("[ip2e-daemon] ["+CurrentTime+"] Retrying in 5 seconds...") editlog.write("[ip2e-daemon] ["+CurrentTime+"] Error getting IP\n") editlog.write("[ip2e-daemon] ["+CurrentTime+"] Retrying in 5 seconds...\n") time.sleep(5) exec(open("current-ip.py").read()) if CurrentIP == NewIP: CurrentTime = time.strftime("%H:%M") if os.name == "posix": print (chr(27)+"[1;32m"+"[ip2e-daemon] ["+CurrentTime+"] IP has not changed") elif os.name == "nt": GreenColor() print ("[ip2e-daemon] ["+CurrentTime+"] IP has not changed") editlog.write("[ip2e-daemon] ["+CurrentTime+"] IP has not changed\n") else: CurrentTime = time.strftime("%H:%M") if os.name == "posix": print (chr(27)+"[1;32m"+"[ip2e-daemon] ["+CurrentTime+"] New IP - From "+CurrentIP+" to "+NewIP) elif os.name == "nt": GreenColor() print ("[ip2e-daemon] ["+CurrentTime+"] New IP - From "+CurrentIP+" to "+NewIP) editlog.write("[ip2e-daemon] ["+CurrentTime+"] New IP - From "+CurrentIP+" to "+NewIP+"\n") SendEmailOK = 1 while SendEmailOK <= 2: CurrentTime = time.strftime("%H:%M") #Sending email using smtplib SmtpSubject = "[ip2e-daemon] ["+CurrentTime+"] IP has changed" SmtpHeader = "From: "+FromEmail+"\n"+"To: "+ToEmail+"\n"+"Subject: "+SmtpSubject+"\n" SmtpBodyMessage = SmtpHeader+"\n"+"[ip2e] New IP is "+NewIP+"\n\n" try: server = smtplib.SMTP(SmtpFromEmail) server.ehlo() server.starttls() server.ehlo() server.login(FromEmailUser,FromEmailPass) except: if os.name == "posix": print (chr(27)+"[1;31m"+"[ip2e-daemon] ["+CurrentTime+"] Failed to connect ("+SmtpFromEmail+")") print (chr(27)+"[1;31m"+"[ip2e-daemon] ["+CurrentTime+"] Check your settings [Aborted]") elif os.name == "nt": RedColor() print ("[ip2e-daemon] ["+CurrentTime+"] Failed to connect ("+SmtpFromEmail+")") print ("[ip2e-daemon] ["+CurrentTime+"] Check your settings [Aborted]") editlog.write("[ip2e-daemon] ["+CurrentTime+"] Failed to connect ("+SmtpFromEmail+")\n") editlog.write("[ip2e-daemon] ["+CurrentTime+"] Check your settings [Aborted]\n") exit(1) #Check sending errors try: server.sendmail(FromEmail, ToEmail, SmtpBodyMessage) server.quit() CurrentTime = time.strftime("%H:%M") MailMessage="[ip2e-daemon] ["+CurrentTime+"] Email was sent successfully" if os.name == "posix": print (chr(27)+"[1;32m"+MailMessage+" ("+ToEmail+")") elif os.name == "nt": GreenColor() print (MailMessage+" ("+ToEmail+")") editlog.write(MailMessage+" to "+ToEmail+"\n") SendEmailOK += 2 except SMTPException: CurrentTime = time.strftime("%H:%M") MailMessage="[ip2e-daemon] ["+CurrentTime+"] Fail to send email" if os.name == "posix": print (chr(27)+"[1;31m"+MailMessage+" ("+ToEmail+")") print (chr(27)+"[1;33m"+"[ip2e-daemon] ["+CurrentTime+"] Retrying in 5 seconds...") elif os.name == "nt": RedColor() print (MailMessage+" ("+ToEmail+")") print ("[ip2e-daemon] ["+CurrentTime+"] Retrying in 5 seconds...") editlog.write(MailMessage+" to "+ToEmail+"\n") editlog.write("[ip2e-daemon] ["+CurrentTime+"] Retrying in 5 seconds...\n") time.sleep(5) os.remove("current-ip.py") def createNewip2eIPcf(): ip2eIPcf=open('current-ip.py','w') ip2eIPcf.close() def writeNewip2eIPcf(): ip2eIPcf=open('current-ip.py','a') ip2eIPcf.write('CurrentIP="'+NewIP+'"\n') ip2eIPcf.close() createNewip2eIPcf() writeNewip2eIPcf() CurrentTime = time.strftime("%H:%M") if os.name == "posix": print (chr(27)+"[1;33m"+"[ip2e-daemon] ["+CurrentTime+"] Next update in 10 minutes...") elif os.name == "nt": GreenColor() print ("[ip2e-daemon] ["+CurrentTime+"] Next update in 10 minutes...") editlog.write("[ip2e-daemon] ["+CurrentTime+"] Next update in 10 minutes...\n") editlog.close() time.sleep(600)