ip2e - Receive your public IP (dynamic) by email when it is renewed =================================================================== TOOLS ----- * ip2e-daemon.py: Daemon to control & send by email your public IP. * ip2e-log.py: Tool to see the log file when daemon is running. * ip2e-config.py: Tool to create a valid configuration file. HOW TO INSTALL -------------- * Unix systems (GNU/Linux,*BSD, Mac OS X, etc..) ================================================ - Open the terminal and type the following comands: $ git clone https://github.com/clamsawd/ip2e.git $ cd ip2e # make Note: You must install git & curl previously. * Windows ========= - Install Python 3.x from https://www.python.org/. - Download https://github.com/clamsawd/ip2e/archive/master.zip - Unzip the package in your system. For example in C:\Program Files\. - Add the folder to PATH variable. Note: You must install curl. * http://curl.haxx.se/download.html * http://www.paehl.com/open_source/?CURL_7.45.0