2021-11-13 19:24:20 +01:00

680 lines
30 KiB
Executable File

" vim:fdm=marker
" Vim Color File
" Name: onedark.vim
" Maintainer:
" License: The MIT License (MIT)
" Based On:
" Companion statusline plugin and terminal themes are included with onedark.vim:
" *
" *
" *
" Color Reference {{{
" The following colors were measured inside Atom using its built-in inspector.
" +---------------------------------------------+
" | Color Name | RGB | Hex |
" |--------------+--------------------+---------|
" | Black | rgb(40, 44, 52) | #282c34 |
" |--------------+--------------------+---------|
" | White | rgb(171, 178, 191) | #abb2bf |
" |--------------+--------------------+---------|
" | Light Red | rgb(224, 108, 117) | #e06c75 |
" |--------------+--------------------+---------|
" | Dark Red | rgb(190, 80, 70) | #be5046 |
" |--------------+--------------------+---------|
" | Green | rgb(152, 195, 121) | #98c379 |
" |--------------+--------------------+---------|
" | Light Yellow | rgb(229, 192, 123) | #e5c07b |
" |--------------+--------------------+---------|
" | Dark Yellow | rgb(209, 154, 102) | #d19a66 |
" |--------------+--------------------+---------|
" | Blue | rgb(97, 175, 239) | #61afef |
" |--------------+--------------------+---------|
" | Magenta | rgb(198, 120, 221) | #c678dd |
" |--------------+--------------------+---------|
" | Cyan | rgb(86, 182, 194) | #56b6c2 |
" |--------------+--------------------+---------|
" | Gutter Grey | rgb(76, 82, 99) | #4b5263 |
" |--------------+--------------------+---------|
" | Comment Grey | rgb(92, 99, 112) | #5c6370 |
" +---------------------------------------------+
" }}}
" Initialization {{{
highlight clear
if exists("syntax_on")
syntax reset
set t_Co=256
let g:colors_name="onedark"
" Set to "256" for 256-color terminals, or
" set to "16" to use your terminal emulator's native colors
" (a 16-color palette for this color scheme is available; see
" < >
" for more information.)
if !exists("g:onedark_termcolors")
let g:onedark_termcolors = 256
" Not all terminals support italics properly. If yours does, opt-in.
if !exists("g:onedark_terminal_italics")
let g:onedark_terminal_italics = 0
" This function is based on one from FlatColor:
" Which in turn was based on one found in hemisu:
let s:group_colors = {} " Cache of default highlight group settings, for later reference via `onedark#extend_highlight`
function! s:h(group, style, ...)
if (a:0 > 0) " Will be true if we got here from onedark#extend_highlight
let s:highlight = s:group_colors[a:group]
for style_type in ["fg", "bg", "sp"]
if (has_key(a:style, style_type))
let l:default_style = (has_key(s:highlight, style_type) ? copy(s:highlight[style_type]) : { "cterm16": "NONE", "cterm": "NONE", "gui": "NONE" })
let s:highlight[style_type] = extend(l:default_style, a:style[style_type])
if (has_key(a:style, "gui"))
let s:highlight.gui = a:style.gui
let s:highlight = a:style
let s:group_colors[a:group] = s:highlight " Cache default highlight group settings
if g:onedark_terminal_italics == 0
if has_key(s:highlight, "cterm") && s:highlight["cterm"] == "italic"
unlet s:highlight.cterm
if has_key(s:highlight, "gui") && s:highlight["gui"] == "italic"
unlet s:highlight.gui
if g:onedark_termcolors == 16
let l:ctermfg = (has_key(s:highlight, "fg") ? s:highlight.fg.cterm16 : "NONE")
let l:ctermbg = (has_key(s:highlight, "bg") ? : "NONE")
let l:ctermfg = (has_key(s:highlight, "fg") ? s:highlight.fg.cterm : "NONE")
let l:ctermbg = (has_key(s:highlight, "bg") ? : "NONE")
execute "highlight" a:group
\ "guifg=" (has_key(s:highlight, "fg") ? s:highlight.fg.gui : "NONE")
\ "guibg=" (has_key(s:highlight, "bg") ? : "NONE")
\ "guisp=" (has_key(s:highlight, "sp") ? s:highlight.sp.gui : "NONE")
\ "gui=" (has_key(s:highlight, "gui") ? s:highlight.gui : "NONE")
\ "ctermfg=" . l:ctermfg
\ "ctermbg=" . l:ctermbg
\ "cterm=" (has_key(s:highlight, "cterm") ? s:highlight.cterm : "NONE")
" public {{{
function! onedark#set_highlight(group, style)
call s:h(a:group, a:style)
function! onedark#extend_highlight(group, style)
call s:h(a:group, a:style, 1)
" }}}
" }}}
" Color Variables {{{
let s:colors = onedark#GetColors()
let s:red =
let s:dark_red = s:colors.dark_red
let s:green =
let s:yellow = s:colors.yellow
let s:dark_yellow = s:colors.dark_yellow
let s:blue =
let s:purple = s:colors.purple
let s:cyan = s:colors.cyan
let s:white = s:colors.white
let s:black =
let s:foreground = s:colors.foreground
let s:background = s:colors.background
let s:comment_grey = s:colors.comment_grey
let s:gutter_fg_grey = s:colors.gutter_fg_grey
let s:cursor_grey = s:colors.cursor_grey
let s:visual_grey = s:colors.visual_grey
let s:menu_grey = s:colors.menu_grey
let s:special_grey = s:colors.special_grey
let s:vertsplit = s:colors.vertsplit
" }}}
" Terminal Colors {{{
let g:terminal_ansi_colors = [
\ s:black.gui, s:red.gui, s:green.gui, s:yellow.gui,
\ s:blue.gui, s:purple.gui, s:cyan.gui, s:comment_grey.gui,
\ s:visual_grey.gui, s:red.gui, s:green.gui, s:yellow.gui,
\ s:blue.gui, s:purple.gui, s:cyan.gui, s:white.gui
" }}}
" Syntax Groups (descriptions and ordering from `:h w18`) {{{
call s:h("Comment", { "fg": s:comment_grey, "gui": "italic", "cterm": "italic" }) " any comment
call s:h("Constant", { "fg": s:cyan }) " any constant
call s:h("String", { "fg": s:green }) " a string constant: "this is a string"
call s:h("Character", { "fg": s:green }) " a character constant: 'c', '\n'
call s:h("Number", { "fg": s:dark_yellow }) " a number constant: 234, 0xff
call s:h("Boolean", { "fg": s:dark_yellow }) " a boolean constant: TRUE, false
call s:h("Float", { "fg": s:dark_yellow }) " a floating point constant: 2.3e10
call s:h("Identifier", { "fg": s:red }) " any variable name
call s:h("Function", { "fg": s:blue }) " function name (also: methods for classes)
call s:h("Statement", { "fg": s:purple }) " any statement
call s:h("Conditional", { "fg": s:purple }) " if, then, else, endif, switch, etc.
call s:h("Repeat", { "fg": s:purple }) " for, do, while, etc.
call s:h("Label", { "fg": s:purple }) " case, default, etc.
call s:h("Operator", { "fg": s:purple }) " sizeof", "+", "*", etc.
call s:h("Keyword", { "fg": s:red }) " any other keyword
call s:h("Exception", { "fg": s:purple }) " try, catch, throw
call s:h("PreProc", { "fg": s:yellow }) " generic Preprocessor
call s:h("Include", { "fg": s:blue }) " preprocessor #include
call s:h("Define", { "fg": s:purple }) " preprocessor #define
call s:h("Macro", { "fg": s:purple }) " same as Define
call s:h("PreCondit", { "fg": s:yellow }) " preprocessor #if, #else, #endif, etc.
call s:h("Type", { "fg": s:yellow }) " int, long, char, etc.
call s:h("StorageClass", { "fg": s:yellow }) " static, register, volatile, etc.
call s:h("Structure", { "fg": s:yellow }) " struct, union, enum, etc.
call s:h("Typedef", { "fg": s:yellow }) " A typedef
call s:h("Special", { "fg": s:blue }) " any special symbol
call s:h("SpecialChar", { "fg": s:dark_yellow }) " special character in a constant
call s:h("Tag", {}) " you can use CTRL-] on this
call s:h("Delimiter", {}) " character that needs attention
call s:h("SpecialComment", { "fg": s:comment_grey }) " special things inside a comment
call s:h("Debug", {}) " debugging statements
call s:h("Underlined", { "gui": "underline", "cterm": "underline" }) " text that stands out, HTML links
call s:h("Ignore", {}) " left blank, hidden
call s:h("Error", { "fg": s:red }) " any erroneous construct
call s:h("Todo", { "fg": s:purple }) " anything that needs extra attention; mostly the keywords TODO FIXME and XXX
" }}}
" Highlighting Groups (descriptions and ordering from `:h highlight-groups`) {{{
call s:h("ColorColumn", { "bg": s:cursor_grey }) " used for the columns set with 'colorcolumn'
call s:h("Conceal", {}) " placeholder characters substituted for concealed text (see 'conceallevel')
call s:h("Cursor", { "fg": s:black, "bg": s:blue }) " the character under the cursor
call s:h("CursorIM", {}) " like Cursor, but used when in IME mode
call s:h("CursorColumn", { "bg": s:cursor_grey }) " the screen column that the cursor is in when 'cursorcolumn' is set
if &diff
" Don't change the background color in diff mode
call s:h("CursorLine", { "gui": "underline" }) " the screen line that the cursor is in when 'cursorline' is set
call s:h("CursorLine", { "bg": s:cursor_grey }) " the screen line that the cursor is in when 'cursorline' is set
call s:h("Directory", { "fg": s:blue }) " directory names (and other special names in listings)
call s:h("DiffAdd", { "bg": s:green, "fg": s:black }) " diff mode: Added line
call s:h("DiffChange", { "fg": s:yellow, "gui": "underline", "cterm": "underline" }) " diff mode: Changed line
call s:h("DiffDelete", { "bg": s:red, "fg": s:black }) " diff mode: Deleted line
call s:h("DiffText", { "bg": s:yellow, "fg": s:black }) " diff mode: Changed text within a changed line
if get(g:, 'onedark_hide_endofbuffer', 0)
" If enabled, will style end-of-buffer filler lines (~) to appear to be hidden.
call s:h("EndOfBuffer", { "fg": s:black }) " filler lines (~) after the last line in the buffer
call s:h("ErrorMsg", { "fg": s:red }) " error messages on the command line
call s:h("VertSplit", { "fg": s:vertsplit }) " the column separating vertically split windows
call s:h("Folded", { "fg": s:comment_grey }) " line used for closed folds
call s:h("FoldColumn", {}) " 'foldcolumn'
call s:h("SignColumn", {}) " column where signs are displayed
call s:h("IncSearch", { "fg": s:yellow, "bg": s:comment_grey }) " 'incsearch' highlighting; also used for the text replaced with ":s///c"
call s:h("LineNr", { "fg": s:gutter_fg_grey }) " Line number for ":number" and ":#" commands, and when 'number' or 'relativenumber' option is set.
call s:h("CursorLineNr", {}) " Like LineNr when 'cursorline' or 'relativenumber' is set for the cursor line.
call s:h("MatchParen", { "fg": s:blue, "gui": "underline", "cterm": "underline" }) " The character under the cursor or just before it, if it is a paired bracket, and its match.
call s:h("ModeMsg", {}) " 'showmode' message (e.g., "-- INSERT --")
call s:h("MoreMsg", {}) " more-prompt
call s:h("NonText", { "fg": s:special_grey }) " '~' and '@' at the end of the window, characters from 'showbreak' and other characters that do not really exist in the text (e.g., ">" displayed when a double-wide character doesn't fit at the end of the line).
call s:h("Normal", { "fg": s:foreground, "bg": s:background }) " normal text
call s:h("Pmenu", { "fg": s:white, "bg": s:menu_grey }) " Popup menu: normal item.
call s:h("PmenuSel", { "fg": s:cursor_grey, "bg": s:blue }) " Popup menu: selected item.
call s:h("PmenuSbar", { "bg": s:cursor_grey }) " Popup menu: scrollbar.
call s:h("PmenuThumb", { "bg": s:white }) " Popup menu: Thumb of the scrollbar.
call s:h("Question", { "fg": s:purple }) " hit-enter prompt and yes/no questions
call s:h("QuickFixLine", { "fg": s:black, "bg": s:yellow }) " Current quickfix item in the quickfix window.
call s:h("Search", { "fg": s:black, "bg": s:yellow }) " Last search pattern highlighting (see 'hlsearch'). Also used for similar items that need to stand out.
call s:h("SpecialKey", { "fg": s:special_grey }) " Meta and special keys listed with ":map", also for text used to show unprintable characters in the text, 'listchars'. Generally: text that is displayed differently from what it really is.
call s:h("SpellBad", { "fg": s:red, "gui": "underline", "cterm": "underline" }) " Word that is not recognized by the spellchecker. This will be combined with the highlighting used otherwise.
call s:h("SpellCap", { "fg": s:dark_yellow }) " Word that should start with a capital. This will be combined with the highlighting used otherwise.
call s:h("SpellLocal", { "fg": s:dark_yellow }) " Word that is recognized by the spellchecker as one that is used in another region. This will be combined with the highlighting used otherwise.
call s:h("SpellRare", { "fg": s:dark_yellow }) " Word that is recognized by the spellchecker as one that is hardly ever used. spell This will be combined with the highlighting used otherwise.
call s:h("StatusLine", { "fg": s:white, "bg": s:cursor_grey }) " status line of current window
call s:h("StatusLineNC", { "fg": s:comment_grey }) " status lines of not-current windows Note: if this is equal to "StatusLine" Vim will use "^^^" in the status line of the current window.
call s:h("StatusLineTerm", { "fg": s:white, "bg": s:cursor_grey }) " status line of current :terminal window
call s:h("StatusLineTermNC", { "fg": s:comment_grey }) " status line of non-current :terminal window
call s:h("TabLine", { "fg": s:comment_grey }) " tab pages line, not active tab page label
call s:h("TabLineFill", {}) " tab pages line, where there are no labels
call s:h("TabLineSel", { "fg": s:white }) " tab pages line, active tab page label
call s:h("Terminal", { "fg": s:white, "bg": s:black }) " terminal window (see terminal-size-color)
call s:h("Title", { "fg": s:green }) " titles for output from ":set all", ":autocmd" etc.
call s:h("Visual", { "bg": s:visual_grey }) " Visual mode selection
call s:h("VisualNOS", { "bg": s:visual_grey }) " Visual mode selection when vim is "Not Owning the Selection". Only X11 Gui's gui-x11 and xterm-clipboard supports this.
call s:h("WarningMsg", { "fg": s:yellow }) " warning messages
call s:h("WildMenu", { "fg": s:black, "bg": s:blue }) " current match in 'wildmenu' completion
" }}}
" Termdebug highlighting for Vim 8.1+ {{{
" See `:h hl-debugPC` and `:h hl-debugBreakpoint`.
call s:h("debugPC", { "bg": s:special_grey }) " the current position
call s:h("debugBreakpoint", { "fg": s:black, "bg": s:red }) " a breakpoint
" }}}
" Language-Specific Highlighting {{{
call s:h("cssAttrComma", { "fg": s:purple })
call s:h("cssAttributeSelector", { "fg": s:green })
call s:h("cssBraces", { "fg": s:white })
call s:h("cssClassName", { "fg": s:dark_yellow })
call s:h("cssClassNameDot", { "fg": s:dark_yellow })
call s:h("cssDefinition", { "fg": s:purple })
call s:h("cssFontAttr", { "fg": s:dark_yellow })
call s:h("cssFontDescriptor", { "fg": s:purple })
call s:h("cssFunctionName", { "fg": s:blue })
call s:h("cssIdentifier", { "fg": s:blue })
call s:h("cssImportant", { "fg": s:purple })
call s:h("cssInclude", { "fg": s:white })
call s:h("cssIncludeKeyword", { "fg": s:purple })
call s:h("cssMediaType", { "fg": s:dark_yellow })
call s:h("cssProp", { "fg": s:white })
call s:h("cssPseudoClassId", { "fg": s:dark_yellow })
call s:h("cssSelectorOp", { "fg": s:purple })
call s:h("cssSelectorOp2", { "fg": s:purple })
call s:h("cssTagName", { "fg": s:red })
" Fish Shell
call s:h("fishKeyword", { "fg": s:purple })
call s:h("fishConditional", { "fg": s:purple })
" Go
call s:h("goDeclaration", { "fg": s:purple })
call s:h("goBuiltins", { "fg": s:cyan })
call s:h("goFunctionCall", { "fg": s:blue })
call s:h("goVarDefs", { "fg": s:red })
call s:h("goVarAssign", { "fg": s:red })
call s:h("goVar", { "fg": s:purple })
call s:h("goConst", { "fg": s:purple })
call s:h("goType", { "fg": s:yellow })
call s:h("goTypeName", { "fg": s:yellow })
call s:h("goDeclType", { "fg": s:cyan })
call s:h("goTypeDecl", { "fg": s:purple })
" HTML (keep consistent with Markdown, below)
call s:h("htmlArg", { "fg": s:dark_yellow })
call s:h("htmlBold", { "fg": s:dark_yellow, "gui": "bold", "cterm": "bold" })
call s:h("htmlEndTag", { "fg": s:white })
call s:h("htmlH1", { "fg": s:red })
call s:h("htmlH2", { "fg": s:red })
call s:h("htmlH3", { "fg": s:red })
call s:h("htmlH4", { "fg": s:red })
call s:h("htmlH5", { "fg": s:red })
call s:h("htmlH6", { "fg": s:red })
call s:h("htmlItalic", { "fg": s:purple, "gui": "italic", "cterm": "italic" })
call s:h("htmlLink", { "fg": s:cyan, "gui": "underline", "cterm": "underline" })
call s:h("htmlSpecialChar", { "fg": s:dark_yellow })
call s:h("htmlSpecialTagName", { "fg": s:red })
call s:h("htmlTag", { "fg": s:white })
call s:h("htmlTagN", { "fg": s:red })
call s:h("htmlTagName", { "fg": s:red })
call s:h("htmlTitle", { "fg": s:white })
" JavaScript
call s:h("javaScriptBraces", { "fg": s:white })
call s:h("javaScriptFunction", { "fg": s:purple })
call s:h("javaScriptIdentifier", { "fg": s:purple })
call s:h("javaScriptNull", { "fg": s:dark_yellow })
call s:h("javaScriptNumber", { "fg": s:dark_yellow })
call s:h("javaScriptRequire", { "fg": s:cyan })
call s:h("javaScriptReserved", { "fg": s:purple })
call s:h("jsArrowFunction", { "fg": s:purple })
call s:h("jsClassKeyword", { "fg": s:purple })
call s:h("jsClassMethodType", { "fg": s:purple })
call s:h("jsDocParam", { "fg": s:blue })
call s:h("jsDocTags", { "fg": s:purple })
call s:h("jsExport", { "fg": s:purple })
call s:h("jsExportDefault", { "fg": s:purple })
call s:h("jsExtendsKeyword", { "fg": s:purple })
call s:h("jsFrom", { "fg": s:purple })
call s:h("jsFuncCall", { "fg": s:blue })
call s:h("jsFunction", { "fg": s:purple })
call s:h("jsGenerator", { "fg": s:yellow })
call s:h("jsGlobalObjects", { "fg": s:yellow })
call s:h("jsImport", { "fg": s:purple })
call s:h("jsModuleAs", { "fg": s:purple })
call s:h("jsModuleWords", { "fg": s:purple })
call s:h("jsModules", { "fg": s:purple })
call s:h("jsNull", { "fg": s:dark_yellow })
call s:h("jsOperator", { "fg": s:purple })
call s:h("jsStorageClass", { "fg": s:purple })
call s:h("jsSuper", { "fg": s:red })
call s:h("jsTemplateBraces", { "fg": s:dark_red })
call s:h("jsTemplateVar", { "fg": s:green })
call s:h("jsThis", { "fg": s:red })
call s:h("jsUndefined", { "fg": s:dark_yellow })
call s:h("javascriptArrowFunc", { "fg": s:purple })
call s:h("javascriptClassExtends", { "fg": s:purple })
call s:h("javascriptClassKeyword", { "fg": s:purple })
call s:h("javascriptDocNotation", { "fg": s:purple })
call s:h("javascriptDocParamName", { "fg": s:blue })
call s:h("javascriptDocTags", { "fg": s:purple })
call s:h("javascriptEndColons", { "fg": s:white })
call s:h("javascriptExport", { "fg": s:purple })
call s:h("javascriptFuncArg", { "fg": s:white })
call s:h("javascriptFuncKeyword", { "fg": s:purple })
call s:h("javascriptIdentifier", { "fg": s:red })
call s:h("javascriptImport", { "fg": s:purple })
call s:h("javascriptMethodName", { "fg": s:white })
call s:h("javascriptObjectLabel", { "fg": s:white })
call s:h("javascriptOpSymbol", { "fg": s:cyan })
call s:h("javascriptOpSymbols", { "fg": s:cyan })
call s:h("javascriptPropertyName", { "fg": s:green })
call s:h("javascriptTemplateSB", { "fg": s:dark_red })
call s:h("javascriptVariable", { "fg": s:purple })
call s:h("jsonCommentError", { "fg": s:white })
call s:h("jsonKeyword", { "fg": s:red })
call s:h("jsonBoolean", { "fg": s:dark_yellow })
call s:h("jsonNumber", { "fg": s:dark_yellow })
call s:h("jsonQuote", { "fg": s:white })
call s:h("jsonMissingCommaError", { "fg": s:red, "gui": "reverse" })
call s:h("jsonNoQuotesError", { "fg": s:red, "gui": "reverse" })
call s:h("jsonNumError", { "fg": s:red, "gui": "reverse" })
call s:h("jsonString", { "fg": s:green })
call s:h("jsonStringSQError", { "fg": s:red, "gui": "reverse" })
call s:h("jsonSemicolonError", { "fg": s:red, "gui": "reverse" })
call s:h("lessVariable", { "fg": s:purple })
call s:h("lessAmpersandChar", { "fg": s:white })
call s:h("lessClass", { "fg": s:dark_yellow })
" Markdown (keep consistent with HTML, above)
call s:h("markdownBlockquote", { "fg": s:comment_grey })
call s:h("markdownBold", { "fg": s:dark_yellow, "gui": "bold", "cterm": "bold" })
call s:h("markdownCode", { "fg": s:green })
call s:h("markdownCodeBlock", { "fg": s:green })
call s:h("markdownCodeDelimiter", { "fg": s:green })
call s:h("markdownH1", { "fg": s:red })
call s:h("markdownH2", { "fg": s:red })
call s:h("markdownH3", { "fg": s:red })
call s:h("markdownH4", { "fg": s:red })
call s:h("markdownH5", { "fg": s:red })
call s:h("markdownH6", { "fg": s:red })
call s:h("markdownHeadingDelimiter", { "fg": s:red })
call s:h("markdownHeadingRule", { "fg": s:comment_grey })
call s:h("markdownId", { "fg": s:purple })
call s:h("markdownIdDeclaration", { "fg": s:blue })
call s:h("markdownIdDelimiter", { "fg": s:purple })
call s:h("markdownItalic", { "fg": s:purple, "gui": "italic", "cterm": "italic" })
call s:h("markdownLinkDelimiter", { "fg": s:purple })
call s:h("markdownLinkText", { "fg": s:blue })
call s:h("markdownListMarker", { "fg": s:red })
call s:h("markdownOrderedListMarker", { "fg": s:red })
call s:h("markdownRule", { "fg": s:comment_grey })
call s:h("markdownUrl", { "fg": s:cyan, "gui": "underline", "cterm": "underline" })
" Perl
call s:h("perlFiledescRead", { "fg": s:green })
call s:h("perlFunction", { "fg": s:purple })
call s:h("perlMatchStartEnd",{ "fg": s:blue })
call s:h("perlMethod", { "fg": s:purple })
call s:h("perlPOD", { "fg": s:comment_grey })
call s:h("perlSharpBang", { "fg": s:comment_grey })
call s:h("perlSpecialString",{ "fg": s:dark_yellow })
call s:h("perlStatementFiledesc", { "fg": s:red })
call s:h("perlStatementFlow",{ "fg": s:red })
call s:h("perlStatementInclude", { "fg": s:purple })
call s:h("perlStatementScalar",{ "fg": s:purple })
call s:h("perlStatementStorage", { "fg": s:purple })
call s:h("perlSubName",{ "fg": s:yellow })
call s:h("perlVarPlain",{ "fg": s:blue })
call s:h("phpVarSelector", { "fg": s:red })
call s:h("phpOperator", { "fg": s:white })
call s:h("phpParent", { "fg": s:white })
call s:h("phpMemberSelector", { "fg": s:white })
call s:h("phpType", { "fg": s:purple })
call s:h("phpKeyword", { "fg": s:purple })
call s:h("phpClass", { "fg": s:yellow })
call s:h("phpUseClass", { "fg": s:white })
call s:h("phpUseAlias", { "fg": s:white })
call s:h("phpInclude", { "fg": s:purple })
call s:h("phpClassExtends", { "fg": s:green })
call s:h("phpDocTags", { "fg": s:white })
call s:h("phpFunction", { "fg": s:blue })
call s:h("phpFunctions", { "fg": s:cyan })
call s:h("phpMethodsVar", { "fg": s:dark_yellow })
call s:h("phpMagicConstants", { "fg": s:dark_yellow })
call s:h("phpSuperglobals", { "fg": s:red })
call s:h("phpConstants", { "fg": s:dark_yellow })
" Ruby
call s:h("rubyBlockParameter", { "fg": s:red})
call s:h("rubyBlockParameterList", { "fg": s:red })
call s:h("rubyClass", { "fg": s:purple})
call s:h("rubyConstant", { "fg": s:yellow})
call s:h("rubyControl", { "fg": s:purple })
call s:h("rubyEscape", { "fg": s:red})
call s:h("rubyFunction", { "fg": s:blue})
call s:h("rubyGlobalVariable", { "fg": s:red})
call s:h("rubyInclude", { "fg": s:blue})
call s:h("rubyIncluderubyGlobalVariable", { "fg": s:red})
call s:h("rubyInstanceVariable", { "fg": s:red})
call s:h("rubyInterpolation", { "fg": s:cyan })
call s:h("rubyInterpolationDelimiter", { "fg": s:red })
call s:h("rubyInterpolationDelimiter", { "fg": s:red})
call s:h("rubyRegexp", { "fg": s:cyan})
call s:h("rubyRegexpDelimiter", { "fg": s:cyan})
call s:h("rubyStringDelimiter", { "fg": s:green})
call s:h("rubySymbol", { "fg": s:cyan})
" Sass
call s:h("sassAmpersand", { "fg": s:red })
call s:h("sassClass", { "fg": s:dark_yellow })
call s:h("sassControl", { "fg": s:purple })
call s:h("sassExtend", { "fg": s:purple })
call s:h("sassFor", { "fg": s:white })
call s:h("sassFunction", { "fg": s:cyan })
call s:h("sassId", { "fg": s:blue })
call s:h("sassInclude", { "fg": s:purple })
call s:h("sassMedia", { "fg": s:purple })
call s:h("sassMediaOperators", { "fg": s:white })
call s:h("sassMixin", { "fg": s:purple })
call s:h("sassMixinName", { "fg": s:blue })
call s:h("sassMixing", { "fg": s:purple })
call s:h("sassVariable", { "fg": s:purple })
call s:h("scssExtend", { "fg": s:purple })
call s:h("scssImport", { "fg": s:purple })
call s:h("scssInclude", { "fg": s:purple })
call s:h("scssMixin", { "fg": s:purple })
call s:h("scssSelectorName", { "fg": s:dark_yellow })
call s:h("scssVariable", { "fg": s:purple })
" TeX
call s:h("texStatement", { "fg": s:purple })
call s:h("texSubscripts", { "fg": s:dark_yellow })
call s:h("texSuperscripts", { "fg": s:dark_yellow })
call s:h("texTodo", { "fg": s:dark_red })
call s:h("texBeginEnd", { "fg": s:purple })
call s:h("texBeginEndName", { "fg": s:blue })
call s:h("texMathMatcher", { "fg": s:blue })
call s:h("texMathDelim", { "fg": s:blue })
call s:h("texDelimiter", { "fg": s:dark_yellow })
call s:h("texSpecialChar", { "fg": s:dark_yellow })
call s:h("texCite", { "fg": s:blue })
call s:h("texRefZone", { "fg": s:blue })
" TypeScript
call s:h("typescriptReserved", { "fg": s:purple })
call s:h("typescriptEndColons", { "fg": s:white })
call s:h("typescriptBraces", { "fg": s:white })
call s:h("xmlAttrib", { "fg": s:dark_yellow })
call s:h("xmlEndTag", { "fg": s:red })
call s:h("xmlTag", { "fg": s:red })
call s:h("xmlTagName", { "fg": s:red })
" }}}
" Plugin Highlighting {{{
" airblade/vim-gitgutter
call s:h("GitGutterAdd", { "fg": s:green })
call s:h("GitGutterChange", { "fg": s:yellow })
call s:h("GitGutterDelete", { "fg": s:red })
" dense-analysis/ale
call s:h("ALEError", { "fg": s:red, "gui": "underline", "cterm": "underline" })
call s:h("ALEWarning", { "fg": s:yellow, "gui": "underline", "cterm": "underline"})
call s:h("ALEInfo", { "gui": "underline", "cterm": "underline"})
" easymotion/vim-easymotion
call s:h("EasyMotionTarget", { "fg": s:red, "gui": "bold", "cterm": "bold" })
call s:h("EasyMotionTarget2First", { "fg": s:yellow, "gui": "bold", "cterm": "bold" })
call s:h("EasyMotionTarget2Second", { "fg": s:dark_yellow, "gui": "bold", "cterm": "bold" })
call s:h("EasyMotionShade", { "fg": s:comment_grey })
" lewis6991/gitsigns.nvim
hi link GitSignsAdd GitGutterAdd
hi link GitSignsChange GitGutterChange
hi link GitSignsDelete GitGutterDelete
" mhinz/vim-signify
hi link SignifySignAdd GitGutterAdd
hi link SignifySignChange GitGutterChange
hi link SignifySignDelete GitGutterDelete
" neoclide/coc.nvim
call s:h("CocErrorSign", { "fg": s:red })
call s:h("CocWarningSign", { "fg": s:yellow })
call s:h("CocInfoSign", { "fg": s:blue })
call s:h("CocHintSign", { "fg": s:cyan })
" neomake/neomake
call s:h("NeomakeErrorSign", { "fg": s:red })
call s:h("NeomakeWarningSign", { "fg": s:yellow })
call s:h("NeomakeInfoSign", { "fg": s:blue })
" plasticboy/vim-markdown (keep consistent with Markdown, above)
call s:h("mkdDelimiter", { "fg": s:purple })
call s:h("mkdHeading", { "fg": s:red })
call s:h("mkdLink", { "fg": s:blue })
call s:h("mkdURL", { "fg": s:cyan, "gui": "underline", "cterm": "underline" })
" prabirshrestha/vim-lsp
call s:h("LspError", { "fg": s:red })
call s:h("LspWarning", { "fg": s:yellow })
call s:h("LspInformation", { "fg": s:blue })
call s:h("LspHint", { "fg": s:cyan })
" tpope/vim-fugitive
call s:h("diffAdded", { "fg": s:green })
call s:h("diffRemoved", { "fg": s:red })
" }}}
" Git Highlighting {{{
call s:h("gitcommitComment", { "fg": s:comment_grey })
call s:h("gitcommitUnmerged", { "fg": s:green })
call s:h("gitcommitOnBranch", {})
call s:h("gitcommitBranch", { "fg": s:purple })
call s:h("gitcommitDiscardedType", { "fg": s:red })
call s:h("gitcommitSelectedType", { "fg": s:green })
call s:h("gitcommitHeader", {})
call s:h("gitcommitUntrackedFile", { "fg": s:cyan })
call s:h("gitcommitDiscardedFile", { "fg": s:red })
call s:h("gitcommitSelectedFile", { "fg": s:green })
call s:h("gitcommitUnmergedFile", { "fg": s:yellow })
call s:h("gitcommitFile", {})
call s:h("gitcommitSummary", { "fg": s:white })
call s:h("gitcommitOverflow", { "fg": s:red })
hi link gitcommitNoBranch gitcommitBranch
hi link gitcommitUntracked gitcommitComment
hi link gitcommitDiscarded gitcommitComment
hi link gitcommitSelected gitcommitComment
hi link gitcommitDiscardedArrow gitcommitDiscardedFile
hi link gitcommitSelectedArrow gitcommitSelectedFile
hi link gitcommitUnmergedArrow gitcommitUnmergedFile
" }}}
" Neovim-Specific Highlighting {{{
if has("nvim")
" Neovim terminal colors {{{
let g:terminal_color_0 = s:black.gui
let g:terminal_color_1 = s:red.gui
let g:terminal_color_2 = s:green.gui
let g:terminal_color_3 = s:yellow.gui
let g:terminal_color_4 = s:blue.gui
let g:terminal_color_5 = s:purple.gui
let g:terminal_color_6 = s:cyan.gui
let g:terminal_color_7 = s:white.gui
let g:terminal_color_8 = s:visual_grey.gui
let g:terminal_color_9 = s:dark_red.gui
let g:terminal_color_10 = s:green.gui " No dark version
let g:terminal_color_11 = s:dark_yellow.gui
let g:terminal_color_12 = s:blue.gui " No dark version
let g:terminal_color_13 = s:purple.gui " No dark version
let g:terminal_color_14 = s:cyan.gui " No dark version
let g:terminal_color_15 = s:comment_grey.gui
let g:terminal_color_background = s:background.gui
let g:terminal_color_foreground = s:foreground.gui
" }}}
" Neovim Diagnostics {{{
call s:h("DiagnosticError", { "fg": s:red })
call s:h("DiagnosticWarn", { "fg": s:yellow })
call s:h("DiagnosticInfo", { "fg": s:blue })
call s:h("DiagnosticHint", { "fg": s:cyan })
call s:h("DiagnosticUnderlineError", { "fg": s:red, "gui": "underline", "cterm": "underline" })
call s:h("DiagnosticUnderlineWarn", { "fg": s:yellow, "gui": "underline", "cterm": "underline" })
call s:h("DiagnosticUnderlineInfo", { "fg": s:blue, "gui": "underline", "cterm": "underline" })
call s:h("DiagnosticUnderlineHint", { "fg": s:cyan, "gui": "underline", "cterm": "underline" })
" }}}
" Neovim LSP (for versions < 0.5.1) {{{
hi link LspDiagnosticsDefaultError DiagnosticError
hi link LspDiagnosticsDefaultWarning DiagnosticWarn
hi link LspDiagnosticsDefaultInformation DiagnosticInfo
hi link LspDiagnosticsDefaultHint DiagnosticHint
hi link LspDiagnosticsUnderlineError DiagnosticUnderlineError
hi link LspDiagnosticsUnderlineWarning DiagnosticUnderlineWarn
hi link LspDiagnosticsUnderlineInformation DiagnosticUnderlineInfo
hi link LspDiagnosticsUnderlineHint DiagnosticUnderlineHint
" }}}
" }}}
" Must appear at the end of the file to work around this oddity:
set background=dark