#!/usr/bin/env bash # Power-Turk theme for bash-it # Author (C) 2015 Ahmed Seref Guneysu THEME_PROMPT_SEPARATOR="" SHELL_SSH_CHAR=" " SHELL_THEME_PROMPT_COLOR=2 SHELL_SSH_THEME_PROMPT_COLOR=208 VIRTUALENV_CHAR="ⓔ " VIRTUALENV_THEME_PROMPT_COLOR=35 SCM_NONE_CHAR="" SCM_GIT_CHAR=" " # " " SCM_THEME_PROMPT_CLEAN="" SCM_THEME_PROMPT_DIRTY="" SCM_THEME_PROMPT_COLOR=16 SCM_THEME_PROMPT_CLEAN_COLOR=231 SCM_THEME_PROMPT_DIRTY_COLOR=196 SCM_THEME_PROMPT_STAGED_COLOR=220 SCM_THEME_PROMPT_UNSTAGED_COLOR=166 CWD_THEME_PROMPT_COLOR=240 LAST_STATUS_THEME_PROMPT_COLOR=52 _collapsed_wd() { # echo -e "\u2771\u276d\u276f" echo $(pwd | perl -pe " BEGIN { binmode STDIN, ':encoding(UTF-8)'; binmode STDOUT, ':encoding(UTF-8)'; }; s|^$HOME||g; s|/([^/])[^/]*(?=/)|/\$1|g") | \ sed -re "s/\//  /g" } _swd(){ # Adapted from http://stackoverflow.com/a/2951707/1766716 begin="" # The unshortened beginning of the path. shortbegin="" # The shortened beginning of the path. current="" # The section of the path we're currently working on. end="${2:-$(pwd)}/" # The unmodified rest of the path. if [[ "$end" =~ "$HOME" ]]; then INHOME=1 end="${end#$HOME}" #strip /home/username from start of string begin="$HOME" #start expansion from the right spot else INHOME=0 fi end="${end#/}" # Strip the first / shortenedpath="$end" # The whole path, to check the length. maxlength="${1:-0}" shopt -q nullglob && NGV="-s" || NGV="-u" # Store the value for later. shopt -s nullglob # Without this, anything that doesn't exist in the filesystem turns into */*/*/... while [[ "$end" ]] && (( ${#shortenedpath} > maxlength )) do current="${end%%/*}" # everything before the first / end="${end#*/}" # everything after the first / shortcur="$current" shortcurstar="$current" # No star if we don't shorten it. for ((i=${#current}-2; i>=0; i--)); do subcurrent="${current:0:i}" matching=("$begin/$subcurrent"*) # Array of all files that start with $subcurrent. (( ${#matching[*]} != 1 )) && break # Stop shortening if more than one file matches. shortcur="$subcurrent" shortcurstar="$subcurrent*" done #advance begin="$begin/$current" shortbegin="$shortbegin/$shortcurstar" shortenedpath="$shortbegin/$end" done shortenedpath="${shortenedpath%/}" # strip trailing / shortenedpath="${shortenedpath#/}" # strip leading / # Replaces slashes with  except first occurence. if [ $INHOME -eq 1 ]; then echo "~/$shortenedpath" | sed "s/\///2g" # make sure it starts with ~/ else echo "/$shortenedpath" | sed "s/\///2g" # Make sure it starts with / fi shopt "$NGV" nullglob # Reset nullglob in case this is being used as a function. } function set_rgb_color { if [[ "${1}" != "-" ]]; then fg="38;5;${1}" fi if [[ "${2}" != "-" ]]; then bg="48;5;${2}" [[ -n "${fg}" ]] && bg=";${bg}" fi echo -e "\[\033[${fg}${bg}m\]" } function powerline_shell_prompt { if [[ -n "${SSH_CLIENT}" ]]; then SHELL_PROMPT="${bold_white}$(set_rgb_color - ${SHELL_SSH_THEME_PROMPT_COLOR}) ${SHELL_SSH_CHAR}\u@\h ${normal}" LAST_THEME_COLOR=${SHELL_SSH_THEME_PROMPT_COLOR} else SHELL_PROMPT="${bold_white}$(set_rgb_color - ${SHELL_THEME_PROMPT_COLOR}) ${normal}" LAST_THEME_COLOR=${SHELL_THEME_PROMPT_COLOR} fi } function powerline_virtualenv_prompt { local environ="" if [[ -n "$CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV" ]]; then environ="conda: $CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV" elif [[ -n "$VIRTUAL_ENV" ]]; then environ=$(basename "$VIRTUAL_ENV") fi if [[ -n "$environ" ]]; then VIRTUALENV_PROMPT="$(set_rgb_color ${LAST_THEME_COLOR} ${VIRTUALENV_THEME_PROMPT_COLOR})${THEME_PROMPT_SEPARATOR}${normal}$(set_rgb_color - ${VIRTUALENV_THEME_PROMPT_COLOR}) ${VIRTUALENV_CHAR}$environ ${normal}" LAST_THEME_COLOR=${VIRTUALENV_THEME_PROMPT_COLOR} else VIRTUALENV_PROMPT="" fi } function powerline_scm_prompt { scm_prompt_vars if [[ "${SCM_NONE_CHAR}" != "${SCM_CHAR}" ]]; then if [[ "${SCM_DIRTY}" -eq 3 ]]; then SCM_PROMPT="$(set_rgb_color ${SCM_THEME_PROMPT_STAGED_COLOR} ${SCM_THEME_PROMPT_COLOR})" elif [[ "${SCM_DIRTY}" -eq 2 ]]; then SCM_PROMPT="$(set_rgb_color ${SCM_THEME_PROMPT_UNSTAGED_COLOR} ${SCM_THEME_PROMPT_COLOR})" elif [[ "${SCM_DIRTY}" -eq 1 ]]; then SCM_PROMPT="$(set_rgb_color ${SCM_THEME_PROMPT_DIRTY_COLOR} ${SCM_THEME_PROMPT_COLOR})" else SCM_PROMPT="$(set_rgb_color ${SCM_THEME_PROMPT_CLEAN_COLOR} ${SCM_THEME_PROMPT_COLOR})" fi if [[ "${SCM_GIT_CHAR}" == "${SCM_CHAR}" ]]; then SCM_PROMPT+=" ${SCM_CHAR}${SCM_BRANCH}${SCM_STATE}" fi SCM_PROMPT="$(set_rgb_color ${LAST_THEME_COLOR} ${SCM_THEME_PROMPT_COLOR})${THEME_PROMPT_SEPARATOR}${normal}${SCM_PROMPT} ${normal}" LAST_THEME_COLOR=${SCM_THEME_PROMPT_COLOR} else SCM_PROMPT="" fi } function powerline_cwd_prompt { CWD_PROMPT="$(set_rgb_color ${LAST_THEME_COLOR} ${CWD_THEME_PROMPT_COLOR})${THEME_PROMPT_SEPARATOR}$(set_rgb_color 0 ${CWD_THEME_PROMPT_COLOR}) $(_swd)${normal}$(set_rgb_color ${CWD_THEME_PROMPT_COLOR} -)${normal}" LAST_THEME_COLOR=${CWD_THEME_PROMPT_COLOR} } function powerline_last_status_prompt { if [[ "$1" -eq 0 ]]; then LAST_STATUS_PROMPT="$(set_rgb_color ${LAST_THEME_COLOR} -)${THEME_PROMPT_SEPARATOR}${normal}" else LAST_STATUS_PROMPT="$(set_rgb_color ${LAST_THEME_COLOR} ${LAST_STATUS_THEME_PROMPT_COLOR})${THEME_PROMPT_SEPARATOR}${normal}$(set_rgb_color - ${LAST_STATUS_THEME_PROMPT_COLOR}) ${LAST_STATUS} ${normal}$(set_rgb_color ${LAST_STATUS_THEME_PROMPT_COLOR} -)${THEME_PROMPT_SEPARATOR}${normal}" fi } function powerline_prompt_command() { local LAST_STATUS="$?" powerline_shell_prompt powerline_virtualenv_prompt powerline_scm_prompt powerline_cwd_prompt powerline_last_status_prompt LAST_STATUS PS1="${SHELL_PROMPT}${VIRTUALENV_PROMPT}${SCM_PROMPT}${CWD_PROMPT}${LAST_STATUS_PROMPT} " } PROMPT_COMMAND=powerline_prompt_command