cite about-plugin about-plugin 'video to gif, gif to WebM helper functions' # Based loosely on: # # # and other sources # Renamed gifify to v2gif to go avoid clobbering # Requirements (Mac OS X using Homebrew): brew install ffmpeg giflossy imagemagick # Requirements on Ubuntu: sudo apt install ffmpeg imagemagick ; plus install # Optional: install mediainfo for autodetection of original video FPS. # Optional: if lossy is not important, Ubuntu has gifsicle packaged for apt-get, instead of giflossy # Optional: gifski (from `brew install gifski` or # for high quality huge files. function v2gif { about 'Converts a .mov/.avi/.mp4 file into an into an animated GIF.' group 'gif' param '1: MOV/AVI/MP4 file name(s)' param '2: -w ; Optional: max width in pixels' param '3: -l ; Optional: extra lossy level for smaller files (80-200 make sense, needs giflossy instead of gifsicle)' param '4: -h ; Optional: high quality using gifski (installed seperately) - overrides "--lossy" above!' param '5: -d ; Optional: delete the original video file if succeeded' param '6: -t ; Optional: Tag the result with quality stamp for comparison use' param '7: -f ; Optional: Change number of frames per second (default 10 or original FPS if mediainfo installed)' param '8: -a ; Optional: Alert if resulting file is over kilobytes (default is 5000, 0 turns off)' param '9: -m ; Optional: Also create a WebM file (will one day replace GIF, Smaller and higher quality than mp4)' example '$ v2gif' example '$ v2gif -w 600' example '$ v2gif -l 100 -d *.mp4' example '$ v2gif -dh *.avi' example '$ v2gif -thw 600 *.avi *.mov' local convert=$(which convert) ; [[ -x "$convert" ]] || { echo "No convert found!" ; return 2 ;} local ffmpeg=$(which ffmpeg) ; [[ -x "$ffmpeg" ]] || { echo "No ffmpeg found!" ; return 2 ;} local mediainfo=$(which mediainfo) ; [[ -x "$mediainfo" ]] || { echo "No mediainfo found!" ; return 2 ;} local gifsicle=$(which gifsicle) ; [[ -x "$gifsicle" ]] || { echo "No gifsicle found!" ; return 2 ;} local getopt=$(which getopt) if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "darwin"* ]] ; then # Getopt on BSD is incompatible with GNU getopt=/usr/local/opt/gnu-getopt/bin/getopt [[ -x "$getopt" ]] || { echo "No GNU-getopt found!" ; return 2 ;} fi # Parse the options local args=$($getopt -l "alert:" -l "lossy:" -l "width:" -l del,delete -l high -l tag -l "fps:" -l webm -o "a:l:w:f:dhmt" -- "$@") if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo 'Terminating...' >&2 return 2 fi eval set -- "$args" local use_gifski="" local opt_del_after="" local maxsize="" local lossiness="" local maxwidthski="" local giftagopt="" local giftag="" local defaultfps=10 local infps="" local fps="" local make_webm="" local alert=5000 while [ $# -ge 1 ]; do case "$1" in --) # No more options left. shift break ;; -d|--del|--delete) # Delete after opt_del_after="true" shift ;; -h|--high) #High Quality, use gifski local gifski=$(which gifski) ; [[ -x "$gifski" ]] || { echo "No gifski found!" ; return 2 ; } use_gifski=true giftag="${giftag}-h" shift ;; -w|--width) maxsize="-vf scale=$2:-1" maxwidthski="-W $2" giftag="${giftag}-w$2" shift 2 ;; -t|--tag) # mark with a quality tag giftagopt="true" shift ;; -l|--lossy) # Use giflossy parameter lossiness="--lossy=$2" giftag="${giftag}-l$2" shift 2 ;; -f|--fps) # select fps infps="$2" giftag="${giftag}-f$2" shift 2 ;; -a|--alert) # set size alert alert="$2" shift 2 ;; -m|--webm) # set size alert make_webm="true" shift ;; esac done if [[ -z "$*" ]]; then echo "$(tput setaf 1)No input files given. Example: v2gif file [file...] [-w ] [-l ] $(tput sgr 0)" echo "-d/--del/--delete Delete original vid if done suceessfully (and file not over the size limit)" echo "-h/--high High Quality - use Gifski instead of gifsicle" echo "-w/--width N Lock maximum gif width to N pixels, resize if necessary" echo "-t/--tag Add a tag to the output gif describing the options used (useful for comparing several options)" echo "-l/--lossy N Use the Giflossy parameter for gifsicle (If your version supports it)" echo "-f/--fps N Override autodetection of incoming vid FPS (useful for downsampling)" echo "-a/--alert N Alert if over N kilobytes (Defaults to 5000)" echo "-m/--webm Also create a webm file" return 1 fi # Prepare the quality tag if requested. [[ -z "$giftag" ]] && giftag="-default" [[ -z "$giftagopt" ]] && giftag="" for file ; do local output_file="${file%.*}${giftag}.gif" local del_after=$opt_del_after if [[ "$make_webm" ]] ; then $ffmpeg -loglevel panic -i "$file" \ -c:v libvpx -crf 4 -threads 0 -an -b:v 2M -auto-alt-ref 0 \ -quality best -loop 0 "${file%.*}.webm" || return 2 fi # Set FPS to match the video if possible, otherwise fallback to default. if [[ "$infps" ]] ; then fps=$infps else fps=$defaultfps if [[ -x $mediainfo ]] ; then fps=$($mediainfo "$file" | grep "Frame rate " |sed 's/.*: \([0-9.]\+\) .*/\1/' | head -1) [[ -z "$fps" ]] && fps=$($mediainfo "$file" | grep "Minimum frame rate" |sed 's/.*: \([0-9.]\+\) .*/\1/' | head -1) fi fi echo "$(tput setaf 2)Creating '$output_file' at $fps FPS ...$(tput sgr 0)" if [[ "$use_gifski" = "true" ]] ; then # I trust @pornel to do his own resizing optimization choices $ffmpeg -loglevel panic -i "$file" -r $fps -vcodec png v2gif-tmp-%05d.png && \ $gifski v2gif-tmp-*.png $maxwidthski --fps $(printf "%.0f" $fps) -o "$output_file" || return 2 else $ffmpeg -loglevel panic -i "$file" $maxsize -r $fps -vcodec png v2gif-tmp-%05d.png && \ $convert +dither -layers Optimize v2gif-tmp-*.png GIF:- | \ $gifsicle $lossiness --no-warnings --colors 256 --delay=$(echo "100/$fps"|bc) --loop --optimize=3 --multifile - > "$output_file" || return 2 fi rm v2gif-tmp-*.png # Checking if the file is bigger than Twitter likes and warn if [[ $alert -gt 0 ]] ; then local out_size=$(wc --bytes < "$output_file") if [[ $out_size -gt $(( alert * 1000 )) ]] ; then echo "$(tput setaf 3)Warning: '$output_file' is $((out_size/1000))kb.$(tput sgr 0)" [[ "$del_after" == "true" ]] && echo "$(tput setaf 3)Warning: Keeping '$file' even though --del requested.$(tput sgr 0)" del_after="" fi fi [[ "$del_after" = "true" ]] && rm "$file" done echo "$(tput setaf 2)Done.$(tput sgr 0)" } function any2webm() { about 'Converts an movies and Animated GIF files into an into a modern quality WebM video.' group 'gif' param '1: GIF/video file name(s)' param '2: -s ; Optional: set idth and eight in pixels' param '3: -d ; Optional: delete the original file if succeeded' param '4: -t ; Optional: Tag the result with quality stamp for comparison use' param '5: -f ; Optional: Change number of frames per second' param '6: -b ; Optional: Set Bandwidth (quality/size of resulting file), Defaults to 2M (bits/sec, accepts fractions)"' param '7: -a ; Optional: Alert if resulting file is over kilobytes (default is 5000, 0 turns off)' example '$ any2webm foo.gif' example '$ any2webm *.mov -b 1.5M -s 600x480' # Parse the options local args=$(getopt -l alert -l "bandwidth:" -l "width:" -l del,delete -l tag -l "fps:" -l webm -o "a:b:w:f:dt" -- "$@") if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo 'Terminating...' >&2 return 2 fi eval set -- "$args" local opt_del_after="" local size="" local webmtagopt="" local webmtag="" local defaultfps=10 local fps="" local bandwidth="2M" local alert=5000 while [ $# -ge 1 ]; do case "$1" in --) # No more options left. shift break ;; -d|--del|--delete) # Delete after opt_del_after="true" shift ;; -s|--size) size="-s $2" webmtag="${webmtag}-s$2" shift 2 ;; -t|--tag) # mark with a quality tag webmtagopt="true" shift ;; -f|--fps) # select fps fps="-r $2" webmtag="${webmtag}-f$2" shift 2 ;; -b|--bandwidth) # select bandwidth bandwidth="$2" webmtag="${webmtag}-b$2" shift 2 ;; -a|--alert) # set size alert alert="$2" shift 2 ;; esac done if [[ -z "$*" ]]; then echo "$(tput setaf 1)No input files given. Example: any2webm file [file...] [-w ] < $(tput sgr 0)" return 1 fi # Prepare the quality tag if requested. [[ -z "$webmtag" ]] && webmtag="-default" [[ -z "$webmtagopt" ]] && webmtag="" for file ; do local output_file="${file%.*}${webmtag}.webm" local del_after=$opt_del_after echo "$(tput setaf 2)Creating '$output_file' ...$(tput sgr 0)" $ffmpeg -loglevel panic -i "$file" \ -c:v libvpx -crf 4 -threads 0 -an -b:v $bandwidth -auto-alt-ref 0 \ -quality best $fps $size -loop 0 -pix_fmt yuva420p "$output_file" || return 2 # Checking if the file is bigger than Twitter likes and warn if [[ $alert -gt 0 ]] ; then local out_size=$(wc --bytes < "$output_file") if [[ $out_size -gt $(( alert * 1000 )) ]] ; then echo "$(tput setaf 3)Warning: '$output_file' is $((out_size/1000))kb.$(tput sgr 0)" [[ "$del_after" == "true" ]] && echo "$(tput setaf 3)Warning: Keeping '$file' even though --del requested.$(tput sgr 0)" del_after="" fi fi [[ "$del_after" = "true" ]] && rm "$file" done echo "$(tput setaf 2)Done.$(tput sgr 0)" }