#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # WvTest: # Copyright (C)2007-2012 Versabanq Innovations Inc. and contributors. # Licensed under the GNU Library General Public License, version 2. # See the included file named LICENSE for license information. # You can get wvtest from: http://github.com/apenwarr/wvtest # use strict; use Time::HiRes qw(time); # always flush $| = 1; if (@ARGV < 1) { print STDERR "Usage: $0 \n"; exit 127; } print STDERR "Testing \"all\" in @ARGV:\n"; my $pid = open(my $fh, "-|"); if (!$pid) { # child setpgrp(); open STDERR, '>&STDOUT' or die("Can't dup stdout: $!\n"); exec(@ARGV); exit 126; # just in case } my $istty = -t STDOUT && $ENV{'TERM'} ne "dumb"; my @log = (); my ($gpasses, $gfails) = (0,0); sub bigkill($) { my $pid = shift; if (@log) { print "\n" . join("\n", @log) . "\n"; } print STDERR "\n! Killed by signal FAILED\n"; ($pid > 0) || die("pid is '$pid'?!\n"); local $SIG{CHLD} = sub { }; # this will wake us from sleep() faster kill 15, $pid; sleep(2); if ($pid > 1) { kill 9, -$pid; } kill 9, $pid; exit(125); } # parent local $SIG{INT} = sub { bigkill($pid); }; local $SIG{TERM} = sub { bigkill($pid); }; local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { print STDERR "Alarm timed out! No test results for too long.\n"; bigkill($pid); }; sub colourize($) { my $result = shift; my $pass = ($result eq "ok"); if ($istty) { my $colour = $pass ? "\e[32;1m" : "\e[31;1m"; return "$colour$result\e[0m"; } else { return $result; } } sub mstime($$$) { my ($floatsec, $warntime, $badtime) = @_; my $ms = int($floatsec * 1000); my $str = sprintf("%d.%03ds", $ms/1000, $ms % 1000); if ($istty && $ms > $badtime) { return "\e[31;1m$str\e[0m"; } elsif ($istty && $ms > $warntime) { return "\e[33;1m$str\e[0m"; } else { return "$str"; } } sub resultline($$) { my ($name, $result) = @_; return sprintf("! %-65s %s", $name, colourize($result)); } my $allstart = time(); my ($start, $stop); sub endsect() { $stop = time(); if ($start) { printf " %s %s\n", mstime($stop - $start, 500, 1000), colourize("ok"); } } while (<$fh>) { chomp; s/\r//g; if (/^\s*Testing "(.*)" with (.*) in (.*):\s*$/) { alarm(120); my ($sect, $shell, $file) = ($1, $2, $3); endsect(); chomp($shell=`basename $shell`); printf("! %s %s %s: ", $shell, $file, $sect); @log = (); $start = $stop; } elsif (/^!\s*(.*?)\s+(\S+)\s*$/) { alarm(120); my ($name, $result) = ($1, $2); my $pass = ($result eq "ok"); if (!$start) { printf("\n! Startup: "); $start = time(); } push @log, resultline($name, $result); if (!$pass) { $gfails++; if (@log) { print "\n" . join("\n", @log) . "\n"; @log = (); } } else { $gpasses++; print "."; } } else { push @log, $_; } } endsect(); my $newpid = waitpid($pid, 0); if ($newpid != $pid) { die("waitpid returned '$newpid', expected '$pid'\n"); } my $code = $?; my $ret = ($code >> 8); # return death-from-signal exits as >128. This is what bash does if you ran # the program directly. if ($code && !$ret) { $ret = $code | 128; } if ($ret && @log) { print "\n" . join("\n", @log) . "\n"; } if ($code != 0) { print resultline("Program returned non-zero exit code ($ret)", "FAILED"); } my $gtotal = $gpasses+$gfails; printf("\nWvTest: %d test%s, %d failure%s, total time %s.\n", $gtotal, $gtotal==1 ? "" : "s", $gfails, $gfails==1 ? "" : "s", mstime(time() - $allstart, 2000, 5000)); print STDERR "\nWvTest result code: $ret\n"; exit( $ret ? $ret : ($gfails ? 125 : 0) );