# shellcheck shell=bash cite about-plugin about-plugin 'load goenv, if you are using it' # https://github.com/syndbg/goenv # Load after basher # BASH_IT_LOAD_PRIORITY: 260 # Don't modify the environment if we can't find the tool: # - Check if in $PATH already # - Check if installed manually to $GOENV_ROOT # - Check if installed manually to $HOME _command_exists goenv \ || [[ -n "$GOENV_ROOT" && -x "$GOENV_ROOT/bin/goenv" ]] \ || [[ -x "$HOME/.goenv/bin/goenv" ]] \ || return 0 # Set GOENV_ROOT, if not already set export GOENV_ROOT="${GOENV_ROOT:-$HOME/.goenv}" # Add GOENV_ROOT/bin to PATH, if that's where it's installed if ! _command_exists goenv && [[ -x "$GOENV_ROOT/bin/goenv" ]]; then pathmunge "$GOENV_ROOT/bin" fi # Initialize goenv eval "$(goenv init - bash)" # If moving to a directory with a goenv version set, reload the shell # to ensure the shell environment matches expectations. _bash-it-goenv-preexec() { export GOENV_OLD_VERSION="$(goenv version-name)" } _bash-it-goenv-precmd() { if [[ -n $GOENV_OLD_VERSION ]] && [[ "$GOENV_OLD_VERSION" != "$(goenv version-name)" ]]; then exec env -u PATH -u GOROOT -u GOPATH -u GOENV_OLD_VERSION "${0/-/}" --login fi unset GOENV_OLD_VERSION } preexec_functions+=(_bash-it-goenv-preexec) precmd_functions+=(_bash-it-goenv-precmd)