cite about-plugin about-plugin 'miscellaneous tools' function ips () { about 'display all ip addresses for this host' group 'base' if command -v ifconfig &>/dev/null then ifconfig | awk '/inet /{ gsub(/addr:/, ""); print $2 }' elif command -v ip &>/dev/null then ip addr | grep -oP 'inet \K[\d.]+' else echo "You don't have ifconfig or ip command installed!" fi } function down4me () { about 'checks whether a website is down for you, or everybody' param '1: website url' example '$ down4me' group 'base' curl -Ls "$1" | sed '/just you/!d;s/<[^>]*>//g' } function myip () { about 'displays your ip address, as seen by the Internet' group 'base' list=("" "" "") for url in ${list[*]} do res=$(curl -fs "${url}") if [ $? -eq 0 ];then break; fi done res=$(echo "$res" | grep -Eo '[0-9\.]+') echo -e "Your public IP is: ${echo_bold_green} $res ${echo_normal}" } function pickfrom () { about 'picks random line from file' param '1: filename' example '$ pickfrom /usr/share/dict/words' group 'base' local file=$1 [ -z "$file" ] && reference $FUNCNAME && return length=$(cat $file | wc -l) n=$(expr $RANDOM \* $length \/ 32768 + 1) head -n $n $file | tail -1 } function passgen () { about 'generates random password from dictionary words' param 'optional integer length' param 'if unset, defaults to 4' example '$ passgen' example '$ passgen 6' group 'base' local i pass length=${1:-4} pass=$(echo $(for i in $(eval echo "{1..$length}"); do pickfrom /usr/share/dict/words; done)) echo "With spaces (easier to memorize): $pass" echo "Without (use this as the password): $(echo $pass | tr -d ' ')" } # Create alias pass to passgen when pass isn't installed or # BASH_IT_LEGACY_PASS is true. if ! command -v pass &>/dev/null || [ "$BASH_IT_LEGACY_PASS" = true ] then alias pass=passgen fi function pmdown () { about 'preview markdown file in a browser' param '1: markdown file' example '$ pmdown' group 'base' if command -v markdown &>/dev/null then markdown $1 | browser else echo "You don't have a markdown command installed!" fi } function mkcd () { about 'make one or more directories and cd into the last one' param 'one or more directories to create' example '$ mkcd foo' example '$ mkcd /tmp/img/photos/large' example '$ mkcd foo foo1 foo2 fooN' example '$ mkcd /tmp/img/photos/large /tmp/img/photos/self /tmp/img/photos/Beijing' group 'base' mkdir -p -- "$@" && eval cd -- "\"\$$#\"" } function lsgrep () { about 'search through directory contents with grep' group 'base' ls | grep "$*" } function quiet () { about 'what *does* this do?' group 'base' $* &> /dev/null & } function banish-cookies () { about 'redirect .adobe and .macromedia files to /dev/null' group 'base' rm -r ~/.macromedia ~/.adobe ln -s /dev/null ~/.adobe ln -s /dev/null ~/.macromedia } function usage () { about 'disk usage per directory, in Mac OS X and Linux' param '1: directory name' group 'base' if [ $(uname) = "Darwin" ]; then if [ -n "$1" ]; then du -hd 1 "$1" else du -hd 1 fi elif [ $(uname) = "Linux" ]; then if [ -n "$1" ]; then du -h --max-depth=1 "$1" else du -h --max-depth=1 fi fi } if [ ! -e "${BASH_IT}/plugins/enabled/todo.plugin.bash" ] && [ ! -e "${BASH_IT}/plugins/enabled/*${BASH_IT_LOAD_PRIORITY_SEPARATOR}todo.plugin.bash" ]; then # if user has installed todo plugin, skip this... function t () { about 'one thing todo' param 'if not set, display todo item' param '1: todo text' if [[ "$*" == "" ]] ; then cat ~/.t else echo "$*" > ~/.t fi } fi function command_exists () { about 'checks for existence of a command' param '1: command to check' example '$ command_exists ls && echo exists' group 'base' type "$1" &> /dev/null ; } mkiso () { about 'creates iso from current dir in the parent dir (unless defined)' param '1: ISO name' param '2: dest/path' param '3: src/path' example 'mkiso' example 'mkiso ISO-Name dest/path src/path' group 'base' if type "mkisofs" > /dev/null; then [ -z ${1+x} ] && local isoname=${PWD##*/} || local isoname=$1 [ -z ${2+x} ] && local destpath=../ || local destpath=$2 [ -z ${3+x} ] && local srcpath=${PWD} || local srcpath=$3 if [ ! -f "${destpath}${isoname}.iso" ]; then echo "writing ${isoname}.iso to ${destpath} from ${srcpath}" mkisofs -V ${isoname} -iso-level 3 -r -o "${destpath}${isoname}.iso" "${srcpath}" else echo "${destpath}${isoname}.iso already exists" fi else echo "mkisofs cmd does not exist, please install cdrtools" fi } # useful for administrators and configs function buf () { about 'back up file with timestamp' param 'filename' group 'base' local filename=$1 local filetime=$(date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S) cp -a "${filename}" "${filename}_${filetime}" } function del() { about 'move files to hidden folder in tmp, that gets cleared on each reboot' param 'file or folder to be deleted' example 'del ./file.txt' group 'base' mkdir -p /tmp/.trash && mv "$@" /tmp/.trash; }