cite 'about-alias' about-alias 'osx-specific aliases' # Desktop Programs alias fireworks="open -a '/Applications/Adobe Fireworks CS3/Adobe Fireworks'" alias photoshop="open -a '/Applications/Adobe Photoshop CS3/Adobe'" alias preview="open -a '$PREVIEW'" alias xcode="open -a '/Applications/'" alias filemerge="open -a '/Developer/Applications/Utilities/'" alias safari="open -a safari" alias firefox="open -a firefox" alias chrome="open -a google\ chrome" alias chromium="open -a chromium" alias dashcode="open -a dashcode" alias f='open -a Finder ' alias fh='open -a Finder .' alias textedit='open -a TextEdit' alias hex='open -a "Hex Fiend"' alias skype='open -a Skype' alias mou='open -a Mou' alias subl='open -a Sublime\ Text' if [ -s /usr/bin/firefox ] ; then unalias firefox fi # Requires growlnotify, which can be found in the Growl DMG under "Extras" alias grnot='growlnotify -s -t Terminal -m "Done"' # Get rid of those pesky .DS_Store files recursively alias dsclean='find . -type f -name .DS_Store -delete' # Track who is listening to your iTunes music alias whotunes='lsof -r 2 -n -P -F n -c iTunes -a -i TCP@`hostname`:3689' # Flush your dns cache alias flush='dscacheutil -flushcache' # Show/hide hidden files (for Mac OS X Mavericks) alias showhidden="defaults write AppleShowAllFiles TRUE" alias hidehidden="defaults write AppleShowAllFiles FALSE" # From alias copyLastCmd='fc -ln -1 | awk '\''{$1=$1}1'\'' ORS='\'''\'' | pbcopy' # Use Finder's Quick Look on a file (^C or space to close) alias ql='qlmanage -p 2>/dev/null' # Mute/Unmute the system volume. Plays nice with all other volume settings. alias mute="osascript -e 'set volume output muted true'" alias unmute="osascript -e 'set volume output muted false'" # Pin to the tail of long commands for an audible alert after long processes ## curl; lmk alias lmk="say 'Process complete.'"