#!/bin/bash # Configuration variable python_bin="/usr/bin/python3" memfile="/proc/meminfo" size="G" # Change to M for MiB # Variables memTotal=$(cat ${memfile} | grep -i "memtotal:" | head -1 | tr -s " " | cut -d " " -f 2) memActive=$(cat ${memfile} | grep -i "memavailable:" | head -1 | tr -s " " | cut -d " " -f 2) memActive=$(expr ${memTotal} - ${memActive}) # Variables to calculate memTotalM=$(expr ${memTotal} / 1024 ) memActiveM=$(expr ${memActive} / 1024) if [ -f ${python_bin} ] ; then memPercentage=$(echo "n=${memActive}/${memTotal}*100 ; print(n)" | ${python_bin}) memTotalG=$(echo "n=${memTotalM}/1024 ; print(n)" | ${python_bin} | tr -s " " | cut -c1-4) memActiveG=$(echo "n=${memActiveM}/1024 ; print(n)" | ${python_bin} | tr -s " " | cut -c1-4) elif [ -f /usr/bin/calc ] ; then memPercentage=$(calc ${memActive} / ${memTotal} \* 100) memTotalG=$(calc ${memTotalM} / 1024 | tr -s " " | cut -c1-5) memActiveG=$(calc ${memActiveM} / 1024 | tr -s " " | cut -c1-5) else memPercentage=$(expr ${memActive} / ${memTotal} \* 100) memTotalG=$(expr ${memTotalM} / 1024 | tr -s " " | cut -c1-5) memActiveG=$(expr ${memActiveM} / 1024 | tr -s " " | cut -c1-5) fi # Variables to show showMemPercentage=$(echo ${memPercentage} | cut -d "~" -f 2 | cut -d "." -f 1) if [ "${size}" == "G" ] ; then showMemTotal="${memTotalG}Gi" showMemActive="${memActiveG}Gi" elif [ "${size}" == "M" ] ; then showMemTotal="${memTotalM}Mi" showMemActive="${memActiveM}Mi" else showMemTotal="${memTotalG}Gi" showMemActive="${memActiveG}Gi" fi echo -n " " memshowactive=$(echo ${showMemActive}) memshowtotal=$(echo ${showMemTotal}) echo -n ${memshowactive}/${memshowtotal} echo " "