#!/bin/sh # If ACPI was not installed, this probably is a battery-less computer. ACPI_RES=$(acpi -b) ACPI_CODE=$? if [ $ACPI_CODE -eq 0 ] then # Get essential information. Due to som bug with some versions of acpi it is # worth filtering the ACPI result from all lines containing "unavailable". BAT_LEVEL_ALL=$(echo "$ACPI_RES" | grep -v "unavailable" | grep -E -o "[0-9][0-9]?[0-9]?%") BAT_LEVEL=$(echo "$BAT_LEVEL_ALL" | awk -F"%" 'BEGIN{tot=0;i=0} {i++; tot+=$1} END{printf("%d%%\n", tot/i)}') TIME_LEFT=$(echo "$ACPI_RES" | grep -v "unavailable" | grep -E -o "[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}") IS_CHARGING=$(echo "$ACPI_RES" | grep -v "unavailable" | awk '{ printf("%s\n", substr($3, 0, length($3)-1) ) }') # If there is no 'time left' information (when almost fully charged) we # provide information ourselvs. if [ -z "$TIME_LEFT" ] then TIME_LEFT="00:00:00" fi # Print full text. The charging data. TIME_LEFT=$(echo $TIME_LEFT | awk '{ printf("%s\n", substr($1, 0, 5)) }') echo "🔋$BAT_LEVEL ⏳$TIME_LEFT " # Print the short text. echo "BAT: $BAT_LEVEL" # Change the font color, depending on the situation. if [ "$IS_CHARGING" = "Charging" ] then # Charging yellow color. echo "#D0D000" else if [ "${BAT_LEVEL%?}" -le 15 ] then # Battery very low. Red color. echo "#FA1E44" else # Battery not charging but at decent level. Green color. echo "#007872" fi fi fi