cite 'about-alias' about-alias 'pyrocms abbreviations' ### ## PyroCMS 3.4 bash aliases ## @author Denis Efremov ### # general alias a:cl="php artisan clear-compiled" # Remove the compiled class file alias a:d="php artisan down" # Put the application into maintenance mode alias a:e="php artisan env" # Display the current framework environment alias a:h="php artisan help" # Displays help for a command alias a:i="php artisan install" # Install the Streams Platform. alias a:ls="php artisan list" # Lists commands alias a:mg="php artisan migrate" # Run the database migrations alias a:op="php artisan optimize" # Optimize the framework for better performance (deprecated) alias a:pr="php artisan preset" # Swap the front-end scaffolding for the application alias a:s="php artisan serve" # Serve the application on the PHP development server alias a:u="php artisan up" # Bring the application out of maintenance mode # addon alias a:ad:i="php artisan addon:install" # Install an addon. alias a:ad:p="php artisan addon:publish" # Publish an the configuration and translations for an addon. alias a:ad:r="php artisan addon:reinstall" # Reinstall an addon. alias a:ad:u="php artisan addon:uninstall" # Uninstall an addon. # app alias a:ap:n="php artisan app:name" # Set the application namespace alias a:ap:p="php artisan app:publish" # Publish general application override files. # assets alias a:as:cl="php artisan assets:clear" # Clear compiled public assets. # auth alias a:au:clrs="php artisan auth:clear-resets" # Flush expired password reset tokens # cache alias a:ca:cl="php artisan cache:clear" # Flush the application cache alias a:ca:f="php artisan cache:forget" # Remove an item from the cache alias a:ca:t="php artisan cache:table" # Create a migration for the cache database table # config alias a:co:ca="php artisan config:cache" # Create a cache file for faster configuration loading alias a:co:cl="php artisan config:clear" # Remove the configuration cache file # db alias a:db:s="php artisan db:seed" # Seed the database with records # env alias a:en:s="php artisan env:set" # Set an environmental value. # event alias a:ev:g="php artisan event:generate" # Generate the missing events and listeners based on registration # extension alias a:ex:i="php artisan extension:install" # Install a extension. alias a:ex:r="php artisan extension:reinstall" # Reinstall a extension. alias a:ex:u="php artisan extension:uninstall" # Uninstall a extension. # files alias a:fi:cl="php artisan files:clean" # Clean missing files from the files table. # key alias a:ke:g="php artisan key:generate" # Set the application key # make alias a:mk:ad="php artisan make:addon" # Create a new addon. alias a:mk:au="php artisan make:auth" # Scaffold basic login and registration views and routes alias a:mk:cm="php artisan make:command" # Create a new Artisan command alias a:mk:ct="php artisan make:controller" # Create a new controller class alias a:mk:ev="php artisan make:event" # Create a new event class alias a:mk:fa="php artisan make:factory" # Create a new model factory alias a:mk:j="php artisan make:job" # Create a new job class alias a:mk:li="php artisan make:listener" # Create a new event listener class alias a:mk:ma="php artisan make:mail" # Create a new email class alias a:mk:mw="php artisan make:middleware" # Create a new middleware class alias a:mk:mg="php artisan make:migration" # Create a new migration file alias a:mk:md="php artisan make:model" # Create a new Eloquent model class alias a:mk:no="php artisan make:notification" # Create a new notification class alias a:mk:po="php artisan make:policy" # Create a new policy class alias a:mk:pr="php artisan make:provider" # Create a new service provider class alias a:mk:rq="php artisan make:request" # Create a new form request class alias a:mk:rs="php artisan make:resource" # Create a new resource alias a:mk:rl="php artisan make:rule" # Create a new validation rule alias a:mk:sd="php artisan make:seeder" # Create a new seeder class alias a:mk:st="php artisan make:stream" # Make a streams entity namespace. alias a:mk:ts="php artisan make:test" # Create a new test class # migrate alias a:mg:fr="php artisan migrate:fresh" # Drop all tables and re-run all migrations alias a:mg:i="php artisan migrate:install" # Create the migration repository alias a:mg:rf="php artisan migrate:refresh" # Reset and re-run all migrations alias a:mg:rs="php artisan migrate:reset" # Rollback all database migrations alias a:mg:rl="php artisan migrate:rollback" # Rollback the last database migration alias a:mg:st="php artisan migrate:status" # Show the status of each migration # module alias a:mo:i="php artisan module:install" # Install a module. alias a:mo:r="php artisan module:reinstall" # Reinstall a module. alias a:mo:u="php artisan module:uninstall" # Uninstall a module. # notifications alias a:no:tb="php artisan notifications:table" # Create a migration for the notifications table # package alias a:pk:d="php artisan package:discover" # Rebuild the cached package manifest # queue alias a:qu:fa="php artisan queue:failed" # List all of the failed queue jobs alias a:qu:ft="php artisan queue:failed-table" # Create a migration for the failed queue jobs database table alias a:qu:fl="php artisan queue:flush" # Flush all of the failed queue jobs alias a:qu:fg="php artisan queue:forget" # Delete a failed queue job alias a:qu:li="php artisan queue:listen" # Listen to a given queue alias a:qu:rs="php artisan queue:restart" # Restart queue worker daemons after their current job alias a:qu:rt="php artisan queue:retry" # Retry a failed queue job alias a:qu:tb="php artisan queue:table" # Create a migration for the queue jobs database table alias a:qu:w="php artisan queue:work" # Start processing jobs on the queue as a daemon # route alias a:ro:ca="php artisan route:cache" # Create a route cache file for faster route registration alias a:ro:cl="php artisan route:clear" # Remove the route cache file alias a:ro:ls="php artisan route:list" # List all registered routes # schedule alias a:sc:r="php artisan schedule:run" # Run the scheduled commands # scout alias a:su:fl="php artisan scout:flush" # Flush all of the model's records from the index alias a:su:im="php artisan scout:import" # Import the given model into the search index # session alias a:se:tb="php artisan session:table" # Create a migration for the session database table # storage alias a:sg:l="php artisan storage:link" # Create a symbolic link from "public/storage" to "storage/app/public" # streams alias a:st:cl="php artisan streams:cleanup" # Cleanup streams entry models. alias a:st:co="php artisan streams:compile" # Compile streams entry models. alias a:st:d="php artisan streams:destroy" # Destroy a namespace. alias a:st:p="php artisan streams:publish" # Publish configuration and translations for streams. alias a:st:r="php artisan streams:refresh" # Refresh streams generated components. # tntsearch alias a:tn:im="php artisan tntsearch:import" # Import the given model into the search index # vendor alias a:ve:p="php artisan vendor:publish" # Publish any publishable assets from vendor packages # view alias a:vi:cl="php artisan view:clear" # Clear all compiled view files