#!/usr/bin/env bash # # This theme was obviously inspired a lot by # # - Demula theme # # which in itself was inspired by : # # - Ronacher's dotfiles (mitsuhikos) - http://github.com/mitsuhiko/dotfiles/tree/master/bash/ # - Glenbot - http://theglenbot.com/custom-bash-shell-for-development/ # - My extravagant zsh - http://stevelosh.com/blog/2010/02/my-extravagant-zsh-prompt/ # - Monokai colors - http://monokai.nl/blog/2006/07/15/textmate-color-theme/ # - Bash_it modern theme # # Hawaii50 theme supports : # # - configurable directory length # - hg, svn, git detection (I work in all of them) # - virtualenv, rvm + gemsets # # Screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/4IAMJ.png # # by Ryan Kanno # # And yes, we code out in Hawaii. :D # # Note: I also am really new to this bash scripting game, so if you see things # that are flat out wrong, or if you think of something neat, just send a pull # request. This probably only works on a Mac - as some functions are OS # specific like getting ip, etc. # # IMPORTANT THINGS TO CHANGE ================================================== # Show IP in prompt # One thing to be weary about if you have slow Internets IP_ENABLED=1 # virtual prompts VIRTUAL_PROMPT_ENABLED=1 # COLORS ====================================================================== ORANGE='\[\e[0;33m\]' DEFAULT_COLOR="${white}" USER_COLOR="${purple}" SUPERUSER_COLOR="${red}" MACHINE_COLOR=$ORANGE IP_COLOR=$ORANGE DIRECTORY_COLOR="${green}" VE_COLOR="${cyan}" RVM_COLOR="${cyan}" REF_COLOR="${purple}" # SCM prompts SCM_THEME_PROMPT_DIRTY=" ${bold_red}✗${normal}" SCM_THEME_PROMPT_CLEAN=" ${bold_green}✓${normal}" SCM_THEME_PROMPT_PREFIX=' on ' SCM_THEME_PROMPT_SUFFIX='' # rvm prompts RVM_THEME_PROMPT_PREFIX='' RVM_THEME_PROMPT_SUFFIX='' # virtualenv prompts VIRTUALENV_THEME_PROMPT_PREFIX='' VIRTUALENV_THEME_PROMPT_SUFFIX='' VIRTUAL_THEME_PROMPT_PREFIX=' using ' VIRTUAL_THEME_PROMPT_SUFFIX='' # Max length of PWD to display MAX_PWD_LENGTH=20 # Max length of Git Hex to display MAX_GIT_HEX_LENGTH=5 # IP address IP_SEPARATOR=', ' # FUNCS ======================================================================= function get_ip_info { myip=$(curl -s checkip.dyndns.org | grep -Eo '[0-9\.]+') echo -e "$(ips | sed -e :a -e '$!N;s/\n/${IP_SEPARATOR}/;ta' | sed -e 's/127\.0\.0\.1\${IP_SEPARATOR}//g'), ${myip}" } # Displays ip prompt function ip_prompt_info() { if [[ $IP_ENABLED == 1 ]]; then echo -e " ${DEFAULT_COLOR}(${IP_COLOR}$(get_ip_info)${DEFAULT_COLOR})" fi } # Displays virtual info prompt (virtualenv/rvm) function virtual_prompt_info() { local virtual_env_info=$(virtualenv_prompt) local rvm_info=$(ruby_version_prompt) local virtual_prompt="" local prefix=${VIRTUAL_THEME_PROMPT_PREFIX} local suffix=${VIRTUAL_THEME_PROMPT_SUFFIX} # If no virtual info, just return [[ -z "$virtual_env_info" && -z "$rvm_info" ]] && return # If virtual_env info present, append to prompt [[ -n "$virtual_env_info" ]] && virtual_prompt="virtualenv: ${VE_COLOR}$virtual_env_info${DEFAULT_COLOR}" if [[ -n "$rvm_info" ]] then [[ -n "$virtual_env_info" ]] && virtual_prompt="$virtual_prompt, " virtual_prompt="${virtual_prompt}rvm: ${RVM_COLOR}$rvm_info${DEFAULT_COLOR}" fi echo -e "$prefix$virtual_prompt$suffix" } # Parse git info function git_prompt_info() { if [[ -n $(git status -s 2> /dev/null |grep -v ^# |grep -v "working directory clean") ]]; then state=${GIT_THEME_PROMPT_DIRTY:-$SCM_THEME_PROMPT_DIRTY} else state=${GIT_THEME_PROMPT_CLEAN:-$SCM_THEME_PROMPT_CLEAN} fi prefix=${GIT_THEME_PROMPT_PREFIX:-$SCM_THEME_PROMPT_PREFIX} suffix=${GIT_THEME_PROMPT_SUFFIX:-$SCM_THEME_PROMPT_SUFFIX} ref=$(git symbolic-ref HEAD 2> /dev/null) || return commit_id=$(git rev-parse HEAD 2>/dev/null) || return echo -e "$prefix${REF_COLOR}${ref#refs/heads/}${DEFAULT_COLOR}:${commit_id:0:$MAX_GIT_HEX_LENGTH}$state$suffix" } # Parse hg info function hg_prompt_info() { if [[ -n $(hg status 2> /dev/null) ]]; then state=${HG_THEME_PROMPT_DIRTY:-$SCM_THEME_PROMPT_DIRTY} else state=${HG_THEME_PROMPT_CLEAN:-$SCM_THEME_PROMPT_CLEAN} fi prefix=${HG_THEME_PROMPT_PREFIX:-$SCM_THEME_PROMPT_PREFIX} suffix=${HG_THEME_PROMPT_SUFFIX:-$SCM_THEME_PROMPT_SUFFIX} branch=$(hg summary 2> /dev/null | grep branch | awk '{print $2}') changeset=$(hg summary 2> /dev/null | grep parent | awk '{print $2}') echo -e "$prefix${REF_COLOR}${branch}${DEFAULT_COLOR}:${changeset#*:}$state$suffix" } # Parse svn info function svn_prompt_info() { if [[ -n $(svn status --ignore-externals -q 2> /dev/null) ]]; then state=${SVN_THEME_PROMPT_DIRTY:-$SCM_THEME_PROMPT_DIRTY} else state=${SVN_THEME_PROMPT_CLEAN:-$SCM_THEME_PROMPT_CLEAN} fi prefix=${SVN_THEME_PROMPT_PREFIX:-$SCM_THEME_PROMPT_PREFIX} suffix=${SVN_THEME_PROMPT_SUFFIX:-$SCM_THEME_PROMPT_SUFFIX} ref=$(svn info 2> /dev/null | awk -F/ '/^URL:/ { for (i=0; i<=NF; i++) { if ($i == "branches" || $i == "tags" ) { print $(i+1); break }; if ($i == "trunk") { print $i; break } } }') || return [[ -z $ref ]] && return revision=$(svn info 2> /dev/null | sed -ne 's#^Revision: ##p' ) echo -e "$prefix${REF_COLOR}$ref${DEFAULT_COLOR}:$revision$state$suffix" } # Displays last X characters of pwd function limited_pwd() { # Replace $HOME with ~ if possible RELATIVE_PWD=${PWD/#$HOME/\~} local offset=$((${#RELATIVE_PWD}-$MAX_PWD_LENGTH)) if [ $offset -gt "0" ] then local truncated_symbol="..." TRUNCATED_PWD=${RELATIVE_PWD:$offset:$MAX_PWD_LENGTH} echo -e "${truncated_symbol}/${TRUNCATED_PWD#*/}" else echo -e "${RELATIVE_PWD}" fi } # Displays the current prompt function prompt() { local UC=$USER_COLOR [ $UID -eq "0" ] && UC=$SUPERUSER_COLOR if [[ $VIRTUAL_PROMPT_ENABLED == 1 ]]; then PS1="$(scm_char) ${UC}\u ${DEFAULT_COLOR}at ${MACHINE_COLOR}\h$(ip_prompt_info) ${DEFAULT_COLOR}in ${DIRECTORY_COLOR}$(limited_pwd)${DEFAULT_COLOR}$(virtual_prompt_info)$(scm_prompt_info)${reset_color} \$ " else PS1="$(scm_char) ${UC}\u ${DEFAULT_COLOR}at ${MACHINE_COLOR}\h$(ip_prompt_info) ${DEFAULT_COLOR}in ${DIRECTORY_COLOR}$(limited_pwd)${DEFAULT_COLOR}$(scm_prompt_info)${reset_color} \$ " fi PS2='> ' PS4='+ ' } safe_append_prompt_command prompt