# shellcheck shell=bash # Axin Bash Prompt, inspired by theme "Sexy" and "Bobby" # thanks to them if tput setaf 1 &> /dev/null; then if [[ $(tput colors) -ge 256 ]] 2> /dev/null; then MAGENTA=$(tput setaf 9) ORANGE=$(tput setaf 172) GREEN=$(tput setaf 190) PURPLE=$(tput setaf 141) WHITE=$(tput setaf 0) else MAGENTA=$(tput setaf 5) ORANGE=$(tput setaf 4) GREEN=$(tput setaf 2) PURPLE=$(tput setaf 1) WHITE=$(tput setaf 7) fi BOLD=$(tput bold) RESET=$(tput sgr0) else MAGENTA="\033[1;31m" ORANGE="\033[1;33m" GREEN="\033[1;32m" PURPLE="\033[1;35m" WHITE="\033[1;37m" BOLD="" RESET="\033[m" fi function prompt_command() { PS1="\[${BOLD}${MAGENTA}\]\u \[$WHITE\]@ \[$ORANGE\]\h \[$WHITE\]in \[$GREEN\]\w\[$WHITE\]\[$SCM_THEME_PROMPT_PREFIX\]$(clock_prompt) \[$PURPLE\]$(scm_prompt_info) \n\$ \[$RESET\]" } THEME_CLOCK_COLOR=${THEME_CLOCK_COLOR:-"${white}"} safe_append_prompt_command prompt_command