cite about-plugin about-plugin 'Toggle sudo at the beginning of the current or the previous command by hitting the ESC key twice' function sudo-command-line() { about "toggle sudo at the beginning of the current or the previous command by hitting the ESC key twice" group "sudo" [[ ${#READLINE_LINE} -eq 0 ]] && READLINE_LINE=$(fc -l -n -1 | xargs) if [[ $READLINE_LINE == sudo\ * ]]; then READLINE_LINE="${READLINE_LINE#sudo }" else READLINE_LINE="sudo $READLINE_LINE" fi READLINE_POINT=${#READLINE_LINE} } # Define shortcut keys: [Esc] [Esc] # Readline library requires bash version 4 or later if [ "${BASH_VERSINFO}" -ge 4 ]; then bind -x '"\e\e": sudo-command-line' fi