cite about-plugin about-plugin 'Search&Select history with percol' # Notice ## You have to upgrade bash to bash 4.x on Mac OS X. ## # Install ## (sudo) pip install percol ## bash-it enable percol # Usage ## C-r to search&select from history _replace_by_history() { if command -v tac>/dev/null; then alias _tac=tac else alias _tac="tail -r" fi local l=$(HISTTIMEFORMAT= history | _tac | sed -e 's/^\ *[0-9]*\ *//' | percol --query "$READLINE_LINE") READLINE_LINE="$l" READLINE_POINT=${#l} } if command -v percol>/dev/null; then current_version=${BASH_VERSION%%[^0-9]*} if [ $current_version -lt 4 ]; then echo -e "\033[91mWarning: You have to upgrade Bash to Bash v4.x to use the 'percol' plugin.\033[m" echo -e "\033[91m Your current Bash version is $BASH_VERSION.\033[m" else bind -x '"\C-r": _replace_by_history' fi fi